Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

January 18, 2019

The disgraced producer thinks he can get things done more cheaply and thinks the bad stuff is behind him so got rid of the person who made the bad things disappear. The producer will regret his decision.

Harvey Weinstein


  1. I dont understand how the judge can allow one of McGowan's ex-attorneys to be on Weinstein's defense, thats such a glaring conflict of interest that risks any attempt at impartiality. He talks about a jury pool being tainted??? Bitch, look at your legal team.

  2. Except he hired Jose Baez who got Casey Anthony freed so Brafman wasn't needed. And maybe Brafman decided he couldn't work with this.

    1. Where did all of these new insane Brangelina loonies and various other nutty commenters come from all of a sudden?
      They make Derek look good.


  3. the POS representing weinstein is the same guy who defended Dominique Strauss Kahn

  4. Lol, maybe he should watch Ray Donovan... this didn’t work our well for Susan Sarandon’s character

  5. Brafman was doing an amazing job under the circumstances. This is Harvey's first big mistake, smh.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  8. There's more to this story. One doesn't dump the best for trash. IMO, either Brafman was demanding even more monies, and stupid Weinstein booted him. OR, Wenstien and missy are now coordinating with him paying her money to shut her up/her story down.
    I'm going with the latter. They are now in cohoots. Mossad can scare anyone into submission.

  9. If Singer can still direct Red Sonja there is no reason HW cannot produce movies again and I bet he will.

  10. ummm....all the raping. That is why.

  11. Google joe rogan joey diaz Weinstein to get a breakdown of what Harvey will likely do with representation and why.
