Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 11, 2018

I told you why this A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show left her show. Now, because no one did what they told her what they would do, she is leaking to the press what happened.

Sophia Bush


  1. I think she did more than leak stuff Entern.

  2. Just in case anyone else is as clueless as I was, I asked Mr. Google & found this, about Sophia’s exit from Chicago P.D.

    On P.D., she claims to have experienced “a consistent onslaught barrage of abusive behavior,” adding: “When someone assaults you in a roomful of people, and every one literally looks away… and you’re the one woman in the room, and every man who’s twice your size doesn’t do something, you go, ‘Oh, that wasn’t worth defending? I’m not worth defending?'”
    Bush had taken her concerns to the P.D. producers at the end of Season 3, at which point she gave them “23 episodes of notice” that if conditions didn’t change by the end of Season 4, she would leave the show. But the actress said her complaints were initially dismissed by producers, who seemed perturbed that Bush was asking them to investigate negative conditions on set. She was eventually let go from her seven-season contract without having to take legal action against NBC, though she said she threatened to sue the network and write an op-ed in The New York Times explaining why she was unhappy on the show.

    1. But if you’re a strong independent woman, how do you need a man to defend and protect you? Why would you tolerate it? Why not go to the cops? I can’t imagine being assaulted and going back to the place I was assaulted, with those same people! Maybe those men felt like they had no right to interfere in the interaction between a strong empowered woman, and the person she was interacting with? And why would those men put themselves out there? Did she ever tell them she needed their protection or assistance? Were they supposed to read her mind?

      Obviously assault isn’t acceptable, but interactions between the sexes are so volatile and fraught with potential problems, that I can understand not wanting to insert themselves into a situation that could potentially end badly for them. CYA is the USA way.

    2. Strong independent women are still typically physically weaker than men. When a woman is being assaulted in front of men and they do nothing, it’s nothing to do with chivalry of feminism. They should act like decent human beings and step up.

  3. I love Sophia! She's the most kind hearted person out there. Such a great celebrity role model.

  4. She talked about this explicitly on Dax Shepards podcast if you want to hear it.

  5. The guy who plays Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) is the one who assaulted her and numerous other cast members. Sucks because it is my favorite show. Is it wrong that I will still watch it?

  6. >and you’re the one woman in the room, and every man who’s twice your size doesn’t do something, you go

    Seems quite a sexist comment to make.

    1. If you’re a professional victim who sees sexism in everything.

  7. I suspect Sarton is calling it sexist because the comment presumes larger men have the responsibility to protect smaller women which technically, could be considered sexism I think.

  8. 1/ Men should put themselves at risk
    2/ Only men should act

    1. You sound like a coward

    2. Eiony, why would any man put themselves out for most women nowadays? I’m a woman but I don’t blame the men at all. Either you’re a strong empowered woman that don’t need no man, or you aren’t. Which is it? It apparently fluctuates wildly depending on the situation, and I guess men are just supposed to know when they’re strong and empowered, vs helpless and needing rescue. I certainly wouldn’t put myself out for any woman if I was a man. Call whatever names you want, I doubt they really care as they aren’t responsible for the safety or happiness of women. Chivalry is dead and it sucks for the rest of us (well I guess it sucks for feminists, I'm doing great though).

    3. You sound like a “pick me” and it’s very pathetic. Stopping abuse shouldn’t be considered putting yourself out there. What a selfish attitude.

  9. I would have sued, they would have settled

  10. This all started when Sophia found out a male actor was making more than she was. She verbally attacked him on set and Jason tried to calm her down. No one on the cast or crew was sorry to see her go. It’s a much more pleasant set with her gone.

    BTW, Lady Gaga out with Taylor Kinney was much friendlier than Sophia Bush ever was out with Jesse Lee Sofer. That one has a real inflated sense of her status and intellect.

  11. I saw that show she was on one time. I didn’t know who she was (had heard her name on gossip sites) and all I could see was the mole! Why wouldn’t she get that nasty thing removed? Why? It’s so ugly!

    1. You’re a bitter hateful person and you don’t seem to like other women very much. Grow up.

  12. Reading an article inspired by her leaks, I was left with the impression she's a bit of an idiot.

  13. Doesn't she have problems on every show she is on? I think the problem is her attitude not the other actors

    1. No? The problem from her other show was a pervy producer, which was backed up by other cast members. I’ve never heard anything negative about her.
