Thursday, January 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 18, 2018

Emmy Awards

This A- list dual threat actress was telling people last night that she was quitting her hit network show and wants the writers to get rid of her so she can never change her mind.

Taraji P Henson


  1. I guess they aren't listening to her... Unless the end of the season is a tremendous cliffhanger.

  2. Is that show any good? I never found the time.

    1. It was great seasons 1 and part of 2. Now it’s horrible.

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I gave up on Empire. It's unwatchable. I can't blame her for wanting to be killed off.

  4. Solo go back to your drugs you fucking incomprehensible dumb fucking jackass. It was fun reading you admit you're a drug addict here on NYE so now our friend the freak has company here. Maybe you can meltdown for our entertainment too huh junkie asshole?

  5. Get your ids right junkie. Fucking idiot. You said you took too many drugs Tuesday and weren't making sense anymore. Not that anything out of your burnt, conspiracy theorist brain ever makes any anyway. How much of a character assassination was that you fried idiot? Now disappear junkie.
    I have a life goatfucker you clearly don't.

  6. She's going to cut all her tides to work pretty soon...

  7. Anyhooo, back on topic...I tried watching Empire in Season 1 and I thought its fans must be deranged. Just awful in every way - writing, acting, all of it. TPH is nowhere good enough an actor to bail on a successful gig. She needs to hang in there until the very last episode.

  8. She really is barely qualified to work in Tyler Perry productions. She really should count her blessings and try not to piss him off.

  9. I'd beat the shit out of you but you have no guts, or maybe no money because you spent it on drugs eh goatfucker? Back yourself up or shut the fuck up, understand? Come with real ammo not pipe bombs you strap to your body because you want your 72 virgins. Fucking anti-semetic piece of shit, but keep posting and help make our Jewish owner of this site plenty, plenty, plenty of money you dumb fucking idiot.

  10. sandybrook, you are anything but , in the proper sense, a semite.

    Makes as much sense as judeo/ christian.

  11. She left Person of Interest the same way, asked for her character to be killed off the show.

  12. I don't have cable, but binge watch episodes which can be gotten free.
    It's a soap opera. The cliffhanger for Season 2 was Cookie and one of the sons were going to blow up Lucious because he was with that awful woman. He then tells Cookie he did it all for her. Everyone runs for the car bomb, but too late, Lucious gets a grave concussion.

    That's the beauty of dvds, fast forward through the boring stuff.

  13. Oh Mikey its so nice that geeljire/Solo/Itt/Amazing Quotes/'cool" poster who makes 7 or 8 insipid posts per thread had you make an appearance after it got its pathetic ass handed to it again.Your "tough guy" alt always makes me laugh until I nearly choke, fucking idiot. I want to congratulate you and the alts for almost surpassing the laughingstock formally known as "Derek Harvey" now known as Dickless for being the most pathetic creature on this board. Keep posting you stupid piece of shit and Ill keep handing you back your pathetic ass while we both make our Jewish owner lots of money. And mybe you can surpass that psycho as board laughing stock. Maybe you could try to get off the drugs, take a bath, lose the towel on your head and go out and try and find a fucking job instead of having my taxes support you this year, ok shithead?

  14. Yikes, all the addict shaming going on in this thread is fucking sickening. Wow.

  15. @sandybrook - In all your sperging glory, you have never handed any one their ass; quit sucking your own dick every time you manage to string together 2 cuss words to insult Muslims.


  16. so that's why her twitter is suspended @TherealTarajiAd



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