Friday, January 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 17, 2019

The biggest tell that this "relationship" is not what it seems is that within days of meeting this A- list disgraced mostly movie actor from an acting family, his girlfriend quit her job to focus entirely on the actor and her visibility. There are a number of fake projects she has listed to bolster her credits which has in turn, got her small roles on other projects set up by the actor and his friends. They have also added her to short films which in this case, take it to a whole other meaning because the films are a minute or two long but there is a credit for her on IMDb. Seemingly all she really does is cash the checks he gives her while following him around the world making it seem like he is not the horrible creeper he really is.

James Franco/Isabel Pakzad


  1. Yeah I KonMari'ed all his movies away, no joy in them.

  2. We need to stop looking at "actressses" like these as victims but enablers and helpers in the activities of deviant men. Only then can you find a proper solution to this problem.

  3. Well, good luck to her. Maybe she'll land a rich husband and never have to "work" again.

  4. Wait! Acccording to posters Weekkitylass and Brayson, both post-menopausal Boomer teenagers, this girl, Isabel Pazkad is merely a 25 years old child, mayor, barely an infant! Somebody call Children Protective Services!

  5. @Paul, Ugh, do I have to dig up the blind where you argued that a 15 yr old girl was medically a woman?

    You also seem threatened by older women, maybe you should try talking to one someday, they're not scary.

  6. See how easily he slides a 15 yr old girl is like a 16 yr old girl is like not a child. Pedo logic.

    "Paul Saint John said...
    According to medical science, a girl nearly 16 years old is no longer a child. Next,you'll be telling me 60 is the new 50. Right, Boomer girl?"

    "Brayson87 said...
    @Paul, puberty is not the line we use in modern society.

    "Paul Saint John said...
    What line do you suggest we use? God knows how many of your great-great grandmothers, reaching back thousands of years, were less than 18 years old and even younger. As a society, we're fooling women into believing they're still too young to reproduce at 30, and telling top fertile 18 year old women that they're children. It's sheer madness, if you ask me.

  7. Paedos often try and justify their abuse.

  8. It used to be acceptable to marry and bang 14 year old girls a thousand years ago because you usually died somewhere between 20 and 30.

    As the life expectancy in the civilized western world has crept up to 80, we've gotten a lot of breathing room to stretch things out so you don't have to marry chicks when they're still interested in putting ribbons in their hair.

    As for me, I hated young chicks even when I was young. When I was 18 even I knew how vapid 18 year old chicks were. I always dated chicks that were about 20 years older.

  9. Paul St. John or the John, all I said was that I wanted to see the studies that you based your comment on. There really is no reason for the ad hominem attacks on Brayson and I. Remember, insults are the refuge of the intellectually weak.

  10. Okay, last time: INTEREST IN TEENAGE GIRLS IS NOT PEDOPHILIA. Google, it FFS. You may not like it and it may be creepy AF, but that is NOT what it is so everybody just stop mislabeling it.

  11. @Cee Kay
    Exactly my point. Only lunatics think 15 or 16 year old girls are children. They're not. Older women like to think of young women as children because it makes them feel younger. Sorry, past 35 years old, a woman's fertility declines precipitously. At 45 , virtually all women are barren. If you wanna have kids, start between 18 and 28 years old. After that, you're better off rescuing stray cats. Life might be a bitch, but you don't have to be a bitch to people who point it out to you.

    1. @Paul Saint John: Ha, Ha, Ha! Tell that to my mother who got pregnant at 39, and her friend who got pregnant at 43. No help needed. Just a loving man with some good sperm.

      BTW, 18 is when you should be in college, not contemplating pregnancy.

      And please, leave out the cat jokes.

  12. Oooo I like Brayson showing up with receipts.

  13. A grown ass man attracted to a fully developed 16 year old might not be a pedo per se, but he's surely creepy as fuck and mentally disturbed.

  14. A grown man not attracted sexually to a fully developed 16 year old girl is either lying or gay. That doesn't mean that a relationship between a 16 year old girl and a grown man is fine, except in certain circumstances, if the difference in years is less than 10 years. All I'm saying is that feminists keep pushing for early sexualizing of girls and empowerin' 'em real good to become fierce and independent wymyn, which leads to unintented consequences.

  15. Unsurprisingly you seem to be a confused individual and here’s why

    1. I am a woman who thinks this new wave of Neo ‘feminism’ is absolute bullshite. It’s detrimental to society the way western leftist feminists malign every breathing man. It forces men to become wimps, weaklings, betas, unable to follow their own natural instincts, because of fear of this society. The same women who believe that every man is a rapist, an abuser or some sort of example of ‘toxic masculinity’ later on cry because they are still single at 40. Ironically they like screaming about the great injustice of male domination in the most equal countries on earth, the freest countries on earth, the safest countries on earth, the countries where women can be Prime Ministers, judges or NASA scientists. I’d love for all of them to collectively take up their grievances to Africa or the Middle East, where women really and truly suffer. Where women really need help, and where nobody gives a flying fuck about them.

    2. There are many many MANY examples of societies that absolutely do not sexualise kids or teens (in the western way), they in fact, hide them away, cover them up, and yet in exactly those societies, pedophilia, forced child marriage, and sex slavery of teenagers, and even bodily mutilation of young girls, is rampant. Girls in those societies do not run around half naked, and yet are sexual objects for men to use as they please, the moment they are born. They are groomed to marry at 16, 12 and even as young as 8 years old, and spend their lives being slaves and sex slaves to their much older husbands.

    3. Every person, male or female, has an internal moral code, which is removed from societies preconceptions, religious upbringing or whatnot. A grown man can look at a 16 year old and think ‘what a beautiful girl’, there is nothing wrong with that. But if he chooses to pursue a sexual relationship with a teenager, who lacks life experience, while he doesn’t, then there’s something wrong with him, and it says much much more about him, than it does say about the girl or the society they live in. A grown man with a functioning moral code SHOULD NOT BE TOLD BY SOCIETY that this is inappropriate, he should know himself that it isn’t. If he doesn’t, then he’s disturbed. Mentally sane adults - especially parents - are programmed to protect much younger generations, and look out for them. Mentally ill adults, especially sociopaths, do not posses this natural instinct.

    1. @Depeche 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  16. Omg. A 16 year old may have sex, and a body to rock it, but that in no way constitutes adulthood. Mentally, the brain is not fully developed, and sexual prowess can halt essential mental aging, just like the introduction of heavy drug and alcohol use. It happens, no doubt, but only because society sexualized this age. My goal was to educate and hope my children make the right decision. One did, one didn't, and believe me, the difference in their lives is quite evident.

  17. Correct, it’s not paedophilia, it’s Ephebophilia.

    Anyhow, Franco is a creep and his “GF” is fame-thirsty. Gross.

  18. +1 Depeche Model

  19. @Depeche Model
    I have bad news for you. There are still many more grown-up men with morals and principles than innocent young women. A majority of girls might be dumb and unworldly, but they are also conniving, lustful and rotten to the core. I blame feminism, divorce and atheism. Is it morally wrong for a man to pick up and enjoy a semi-rotten young fruit?
    I have no easy answers because society is fast coming apart.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. So you actually believe that it is the young women who are the problem and the grown men are innocent lambs? You sound extremely muslim to me. For a large portion Islam, a girl showing her hair, is fair game and 'lustful and rotten to the core'. Backwards societies, an ideology that adds nothing of value to the world, and that relieves men of all morals and blame for anything they might do. Those countries are the lowest on the world scale, in terms of education, collective IQ points, infrastructure, development, safety and health. And for a reason. They are lead and populated by absolute inbreds.

    So you sound like them, just maybe not exactly as strict, but nonetheless, your line seems to be somewhat close to their line: the fault of the 16 year old, not mine. They show their hair/legs/midriff - so who can blame me if I want to fuck that? Primitive impulses of primitive men who lack control and a moral compass, and always blame the victim.
    Congratulations, you have managed to make yourself not only look morally reprehensible, and severely mentally ill, but also like a low-IQ inbred peasant from places where people are barely human.

  22. @Depeche Model
    You need better reading skills. I'm neither retarded, inbred or Muslim ( not that there's anything wrong with such an unfortunate trifecta!). But whatever floats your boat. Your emotional reply reflects that you've run out of arguments.
    Listen, there's no way to enforce statutary rape if we don't agree on what a child is. My argument is, in this day and age, 15 years old girls are not chiñdren mentally, are capable of consent and of comitting the same mistakes they'd do 10 years later. I'm not sure about boys because boys mature later.

  23. Ew, you're 25 years old, why are you with a 40 year old man who is a creep? Desperate! Honestly what do they talk about? What could they possibly have in common except wanting to use each other ?


  24. @Gina Bina
    While I can only guess at the answers to your other questions, I can say with confidence that they have two main topics of conversation: James Franco & James Franco's finances

  25. I'm sure they also have many conversations about science, & more specifically, medical science, & even more specifically, it's advances in the field of sex disease treatments
