Sunday, January 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 20, 2019

Don't believe the hype. This A+ list mostly movie actor is not dating or hooking up with this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. He is into very young blonde reality stars right now.

Brad Pitt/Charlize Theron


  1. He’s letting this one fly to piss off Angie.

  2. who is the reality star?

  3. Methinks this blind was sent in by St Angie herself! Which means they are definitely doing it!

  4. I thought the consensus was that Charlize is hooking up with Adam Driver.

  5. He'd be better off with Charlize at least she has dignity and class and respect for herself.

  6. She can’t have much class if she’s hooking up with a married man.

  7. So why haven't we seen photos of some young blonde reality star sneaking in or out of his house?

  8. I swear if Brad is hooking up with brielle biermann I’m done. Although we all know Kim wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut

  9. Brad is married in name only until the papers are signed.

  10. Does marriage count if they've been mutually split up for years?
    So, you can't date anyone until the legal part is over?
    I find it interesting how people view this. But, I've never seen the point of marriage

    1. Adam Driver is the one who is married. Brad is just in divorce purgatory.

  11. @Rosie My ex dragged out our divorce proceedings. forevvvvvver, so I’d run out of money to pay my lawyer. After a year or so of this waiting game & fuckery, I started dating a guy. I was subsequently kicked out of a small church I was attending, for “cheating” on my “husband.” Not even kidding. Wish I was. So incredibly ridiculous. Whatthefuckever. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  12. According to BL, Charlize is hooking up with a married actor from the same project that her & Brad worked on together. BC the other actor is married & Brad isn't people just assumed it was Brad.

    BTW, Angie & Charlize hate each other. Charlize & Brad are probably letting it float around to piss her off.

  13. @Sandy-how long have you been here?! Have you read NONE of Enty's reveals about Charlize?!

    Brad would NOT be better off, he would be repeating history. He's probably better off with some young reality "star".

  14. Andi F.: You seem nice. Sandybrook has been here forever; can’t say I have ever noticed you before.

  15. "very young blonde reality stars" PLURAL? Like who? from what? is it a generic type?

  16. Andi only because I find reality stars completely empty and totally into themselves, not to mention stupid do I recommend Charlize over them. Charlize has her own problems like everyone does but she's not like those trashy idiots, who are just looking for a sugar daddy.

  17. Donna, she's been here awhile I recognize her name, she's just not a regular poster.

  18. Sandybrook, thanks. I didn’t like the cut of her jib.

  19. Charlize would walk Brad like a dog.

    He could never manage her, he is not bright enough or strong enough. Sean Penn was (he's smart and has a strong character), like him or not, and I think Adam Driver is quite intelligent - but Brad would bore her to tears whereas I think Angie just manipulated him a lot.

  20. Yeah Sean Penn is 'smart' LOL he's so famous for his wisdom and insight LMAO

    Whenever he opens his mouth, he absolutely never ever sounds like a mouth foaming deranged loon, ever.

  21. Can someone explain to me why the tabloids all say Brad and Jen are having a baby? Where does this come from?



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