Sunday, January 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 12, 2019

If you can't start a fashion company to launder money, then another great way is to start a movie production company that spends a lot exploring deals but never actually produces anything. That is what this former almost A- list actress turned escort is doing.

Lindsay Lohan


J said...


sandybrook said...

Who's giving her the money to do this? Her tricks? She doesn't have any money of her own.

TwoDots said...

Jesus, how many businessmen is she sleeping with? How is she funding all this shit?

Watched her show, it’s as you’d expect. She looks atrocious. Don’t smoke, excessively drink or do drugs kids.

yoyodyne said...

If it's money laundering how are the investors getting their money back if she just spends it?

hunter said...

Definitely helping one of her clients launder money - it isn't her money and I bet she's only allowed to spend a little of it.

Captain Fantastic said...

That's some good thinking, less mileage on her vagoo that way.

Mr Hollywood said...

That's not how money laundering works...

UniversalEnergy said...

Why doesn't she get arrested for her illegal activities? I'm tired of these whores getting away with everything.

Kim said...

If she is everything Enty claims she's a criminal mastermind and a hot mess. Which if she's the hot mess he claims she wouldn't be able to get out of bed to run the vast criminal syndicate. The only person dumb enough to break the law with cameras following them around is Donald Trump.


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