Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 16, 2018

Apparently this former A+ list singer who likes underage sex and molesting young girls has gone from just renting his projects for an hour or a day to outright selling them which is what he recently did for a rapper. The price was $250K with a promise she would never leave him no matter what the rapper did to her. Why is no one stopping this? It isn't like it hasn't been reported to authorities. It is crazy this is being allowed to continue.

R. Kelly (obviously this was written long before the docuseries and at least some things are beginning to change)


  1. One of the most disturbing and DISGUSTING stories I have ever seen. I know some men who would have literally killed the sonofabitch

  2. Enty, you don’t need to put an excuse on the reveal. We’ve known R. Kelly was a monster since the mid 90’s and no one cared until a week ago

  3. Who's the rapper?

  4. Well Akhaldon maybe if you didn't sound out of your mind half the time you would have some credibility but nope.

    Also, sorry to point it out but R. Kelly deals in black girls and Geffen's straight customers and the PussyCat Dolls are targeted for whites.

    Soooo you lose this one bucko.

  5. Akhaldon Not sure why you needed to point out the Yacht being previously owned by Trump. If Trump sales it then Trump has no parts of it any longer. Why do you feel it is so important to include? Unless you are implying that Trump is involved with it as well, but with no evidence.

  6. Trump never owned the Rising Sun. It was built for Larry Ellison who sold it to Geffen.



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