Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #47

November 26, 2018

Many decades ago there was a famous UFO author/researcher/filmmaker who also remarkably enough also was the creator of a long lasting children's show that is still referenced today. He wrote it and wrote the music and was quite the polar opposite from his UFO passion. Apparently someone in the government was a fan of the show and when he realized what the creator's main passion was decided to help him out. He gave the creator access to all of the government UFO files and film footage in order to film a documentary. At some point, a higher up found out what was going on but decided it would cause more of a stink to stop everything, so they let it proceed - with one caveat. The film footage the government was going to allow him to use and which he had seen was not going to be allowed in the movie. It basically killed any chance the documentary would be a success because the whole premise of it was leading up to the footage which apparently was jaw dropping.

Fast forward a decade and the creator reconnects with a movie producer. This producer has done some things, but is mainly known for being the sibling of a permanent A++ list director who at the time was an A+ list director but still fairly new to the business. The UFO guy and the A+ list director had worked on a film together a few years earlier where our UFO guy told some tales, but the director really didn't believe it all. Anyway, the UFO guy and the producer reconnect and start working on a movie that was so cheap it shared a set with a movie that featured the exact same plot line with different actors filmed a few years earlier. The thing is though, the UFO guy told the producer the same stories he had told the director a few years earlier. This time though, he dropped a bombshell. He had made a copy of the film the government gave him to use. He had taken a film camera and secretly filmed the scene when it was showing on a screen from a projector manned by a military officer.

Our UFO guys shows the footage to the producer who then gets her sibling to view it. The director decides he is going to use the footage in a new movie he is set to make. The government finds out about the footage and cuts a deal with the director. They will give him access to things he can use in all his films whether it is money or technology or ideas the government is working on. He can see the prototypes and incorporate them into his movies. It is why he has always focused on science and the future and aliens and the paranormal in addition to family fare. Apparently as part of the deal, he does have a copy of that footage. A clear copy.

Robert Emenegger/Anne Spielberg/Steven Spielberg


  1. Replies
    1. Can I just say how much I love your username? I am OBSESSED in the Marianna Trench (terrified but obsessed).

    2. I know. It us fascinating. The Marianna Trench, Olduvai Gorge & the ring of fire, I could read about/ research for hours...then I take a break, log in to CDAN & forget about the many wonders of nature for celebrity gossip. Rearrangement of priorities, perhaps?

  2. And Elvis is still alive. Tune into the podcast this week-We have The Loch ness Monster and Big Foot debating fame in this social media era....

  3. Why would they not simply have him bumped off? How exactly does he wield such power/influence over the govt?

    1. Maybe friends is high[-profile] places who were sure to make some noise if he died under questionable circumstances?

      Bump one off, you’d also have to bump off everyone else who witnessed the bumping.

  4. This is sure a fun departure from all the pedophilia blinds. :)

  5. I so rarely hope a blind here is true. But this is one of those occasions.

    1. Aw, why not? Hello, Earthling... We totes come in peace. We just want you to share teh weeds. 🥗☮️✌🏼

  6. What’s in the video Enty.

  7. So the footage is what inspired Close Encounters of the Third Kind

  8. So this means aliens are real?

  9. there was an 'exchange' - humans were sent with the EBE's , many died because the radiation on their planet was very intense

  10. What is the children's show that Robert Emenegger created?

  11. They are real .Have been visiting us for some time now. Please Google "president's meeting with the grays 1954'. Read anything from Richard Dolan, or view his lecture in Sydney at Exopolitics in 2016. Listen to the testimony by astronaut/ Air Force pilot Gordon Cooper. Watch lecture by former Canada defense minister Paul Hellyer... Open your eyes.

  12. @Tim Tam - NASA announced in 2018 that there were, in fact, UFOs and the military allowed the release of audio showing pilots being confused about objects in their flyspace.

    For reasons I cannot explain, the world didn't bat an eyelash.

    So yes, aliens. But if they wanted to bother us they already would have, clearly they are not interested in having extended contact.

  13. @hunter They have extended contact. It is clandestine.

  14. There are people really here who believe we are the only ones on this huge universe. Great to know who to avoid.

  15. Said footage is jaw dropping but maybe is not aliens per se, but something related. Like ruins in the moon, or anti-gravity.

    What I got from this article is that Spielberg got to make many movies but he was never allowed to show anything related to that footage. Maybe one day we will know what was it all about.

  16. @Scandi Sanskrit I am interested in the Marianna Trench, what do you recommend to read?

  17. In Wikipedia there is a description of the documentary. In the end it dramatizes an encounter, which may be whet the footage showed:


    Finally, a dramatized scenario of what may have occurred at Holloman Air Force Base is told by Serling. Three unidentified objects are detected approaching Holloman. Base Command contacts Edwards AFB, and try to attempt contact with the objects without success. A red alert is sounded, and fighters take off. A helicopter with a professional photographer aboard was in the air, and shot several feet of film. One of the crafts break away, and seems to attempt a landing. A crew on the ground runs off several hundred more feet of film. The vehicle hovers silently perhaps ten feet off the ground before landing on three extension pads. Several Air Force officials and scientists at the base await outside as the craft's panel opens:

    "Stepping forward, are one, then two, and a third of what appear to be men, dressed in tight-fitting jumpsuits. Perhaps short, by our standards. With an odd blue-grey complexion, eyes set far apart, a large pronounced nose, they wear a headpiece that resembles a rope-like design. The commander and two scientists step forward to greet the visitors. Arrangements are made by some sort of communication, and the group quickly retires to an inner office in the 'King 1' area. Left behind stand a stunned group of military personnel. Who the visitors are, and where they're from, and what they want, is unknown."

  18. Bob Emenegger did the music for Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp.
    He worked on The Killings at Outpost Zeta with Anne Spielberg, an Alien ripoff.
    Technology is at the point now where if Steven Spielberg released the film everyone would assume it's CG effects and a publicity stunt for an upcoming movie. The only proof of real aliens most would accept would be a live landing on the White House lawn carried by all networks.

  19. no, that footage would be #fakenews

  20. Enty getting on the Bluebeam train. No thanks

  21. Obviously they come here for the t-shirts and pizzas.

  22. Dis-information at its best..

  23. It's never aliens. Say it together: It's never aliens. It's govt disinformation and the old bait and switch. Sorry - wish it was aliens.

  24. Wait....so those alien ufo freaks were right???



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