Friday, January 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 28, 2018

Another canceled show due to drugs for this A list singer who had a noteworthy 2018. It makes you wonder how many shows on the upcoming tour will be canceled.

Ariana Grande


  1. Not enough Vitamin D.

  2. She's also busy "not dating"

  3. I think, with respect to drug use, she's become Ariana Venti.

  4. She will no show Coachella for sure.

  5. I wonder if the cancellation had to do with radius clause that Coachella has. Although her team would have to be dumb to agree to a Vegas show AND Coachella unless she was the last minute replacement for Ye

  6. @keepin it very real
    What the hell does that mean?

  7. Somebody help all the young adults from Disney or Nick from the hell they are living in....
    It’s hard to realize what has really happened to all of them when they were very young.
    They have been through the very gates of hell and they are surviving anyway they can...
    It’s really a shame what they go through to be famous/rich

    1. Somebody close down Disney and Nickelodeon for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of minors. For good. Bury the damn mouse!

  8. pretty sure she was the last minute replacement for ye. he dropped out 24 hrs before the line up drop. Justin Timberlake dropped out a few weeks ago and Tame Impala were promoted.

  9. You would think Ariana would try harder for her fans. Then again maybe there have been security reasons why she cancelled.

  10. She'll be found dead in a hotel room soon enough.

  11. What drugs is she on? Ze cocaina?

  12. It was reported that she turned down a Gong from the Queen, in thanks for her concert and fund raising for the Manchester attack. She said it was too soon as families were still grieving, and victims recovering. And her fans there recognized that. It also shows that she too is likely still getting over the trauma. It was also a kind gesture. I wish all the best. Even if she is a train wreck to people in her life.

  13. I have spent a ridiculous amount of money on two tickets for my daughter for when AG is here in April. Bitch best not cancel if she knows what's good for her.

    @Hush No such offer was ever made to AG. Her people made it all up for publicity.

  14. +1 CeeKay: it was a made-up story. Does anyone actually think this fame-whore would turn down anything?

  15. Cee Kay - She is AMAZING in concert. Hope she doesn’t cancel & you get to see her! :)

  16. It so predictable. Almost everyone who was a child or tween/teen star ends up on drugs. Very sad.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Celebrity Death Pool 2019

  19. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Oh Ariana. Get to a hospital. Cancel tour. Fire the flunkies around you.



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