Saturday, January 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 11, 2019

This alliterate former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort is leaving the door wide open for her ex girlfriend to come bring receipts about the relationship. Our actress thinks that relationship is one of the reasons she has not been able to land a husband in the very strict religious countries she is trying to land a husband.

Lindsay Lohan/Samantha Ronson


  1. If you cant land a husband then try taking off with a Husband! Maybe that will work!

  2. Receipts for what? Valtrex?

  3. Wow, that's a blast from the past. Wonder what Samantha Ronson is up to these days.

  4. Dear LiLo, if anyone knows not to wife up a whore, it would be your client base. You’re welcome. Kind regards.

  5. Yay I got it 😀

  6. Poor child, men like women who have sex with other women..
    Never ever

  7. Girl is pathological. I've literally heard her having sex.

  8. Why buy the goat if you can get the sex for free?

    Or... Was that supposed to be about buying a a cow and milk... Idk. pOtato/potAto

  9. Even Arabs know better than to marry sluts.

  10. Samantha is like Linda Perry, she turns out other women.

    She's now with the very wealthy window of a studio head/producer who has the Violet Grey blog.

  11. LiLo is trying to claim that her & Sam where only friends, when there are pics of them making out & videos of them arguing with Lilo calling herself Sam's GF.

  12. Sam probably doesn't give AF about Lindsay and can't be bothered to chime in on this.

    Recently a FB ad for a hair care product advertised that Samantha Ronson loved it and I was like - UH nobody wants Samantha Ronson's hair, no offense but there is nothing remarkable about it maybe pick another spokesperson. They got a little butthurt.

  13. Aris why were you staying in Motel6? 😂

  14. I thought we revealed this one already

  15. Ha Sandybrook! No Samantha's house was across the street from a good friend and everyone could hear them at 3 & 4 am. If they weren't fighting they were fucking.

  16. That's not why she needs Sam's reference. It has to do with LiLo studying the Qu'ran and trying to hook a Dubai or Kazakh Muslim. They're weird about what you've had in your purse. She's gone past Anna Nicole Smith-crazy, now
