Thursday, January 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 10, 2019

The really sad part about last night was not even that a club was packed full of paying fans to see the singer/child molester/sexual predator, but that they also wanted to hook him up with either themselves or a younger friend or family member, some of whom were not even legal. That was the worst part.

R. Kelly


  1. just continues to be more f*ed up.

    i don't get it, i really don't. how is this allowed to go on? he is one sick f**k.

    1. US mentslitynever ceases to amaze me

  2. Mothers are the worst pimps.

  3. If they don't care, I don't care.

  4. Have you met some parents? some poor kids never had a chance.

  5. I think there are young girls that might be telling their parents one thing and then running toward someone like an R Kelley. They might be super young but they're still doing what they want.

  6. @CJ, I seriously doubt anyone of any age wants to be a victim of interstate sex trafficking.

  7. at his show in chicago women were screaming "take me hostage". sick ass people

  8. They wanna be rich, they wanna be famous...ignoring the fact that all his past vics are no where now...

  9. Americans are a sick twisted bunch.
    ANYTHING for the 15 minutes of 'fame', it's SICKENING.
    American's ain't sh*t but hoes n pimps.

  10. Interesting things happen when you adjust American statistics for certain populations. When you take out city schools, for instance, all of a sudden our educational system is pretty decent compared to other nations.

  11. I hear he's already sold out all of his 2019 Chuckie Cheese Tour....

  12. Uh, this isn’t an American thing. Every country on earth has sickos and filth like that. Thailand and the Philippines are known for their underage sex trades! At least we try and stop it here and aren’t a vacation destination for child rapists. There are lots of good people there that want to stop it, and lots of bad that sell their kids into it. And this is EVERYWHERE, unfortunately. All child predators and child predator enablers should be executed. Wherever they are.

  13. I don't know why we're all supposed to be so scandalized by this now. Everything in the documentary has been widely known for 15 years and the public largely didn't care, and the music industry and black media sure as hell didn't care. Now that it's trendy to do the right thing, suddenly everybody cares.

  14. Brian that's how it always goes

  15. If only Americans were as righteous and non pedophiley as Arabs for example..

  16. And this is why he's still popular even though all this information about him has been common knowledge. This is why SO many people didn't even bat an eye when MBB and Drake info came out that clearly showed him grooming her. This is why Chris Brown is still a thing.
    Trash supporting trash.

  17. Meanwhile, Gladys Knight has to defend singing the national anthem at the Superbowl. America's priorities are seriously fucked up.

    1. I don’t know why anyone bothers to “defend” anything to anyone. Just say it’s my life, if you don’t like it, GFY”. We need more of that as a society.
