Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #39

August 30, 2018

This is not super Old Hollywood. If it involves television, than maybe it just back back in the day rather than Old Hollywood. She was definitely popular through her tween and teen years but those were also the years that she blamed for ruing the rest of her life and every relationship she had. It also left her childless.

She got her big break when she was 11 or 12. Right in the tween sweet spot. She came in as a replacement on one of the biggest daytime shows in television. It was a television show which the studio used more for pleasing investors than any real money from advertisers on the show. For two years, our actress was passed around to older men as a way to get them to invest in the bigger company which was going through a financial squeeze because of a very very very big investment. At that time, it had yet to pay off like it has today.

She was just one of the dozen or so that were passed around. The main star was the only one who was not passed around because she was the personal play toy of the man everyone called by one name. He made sure through her good and bad years that she worked as much as she wanted and he provided her six figure checks twice a year to help her live her best life.

Anyway, back to the subject of her blind. One of the men brutally raped and beat her because he said she wasn't trying her best. Umm, she was 13 maybe at that time and he was probably 50. He beat her so badly that she was fired from the show and suffered damage to her body that wouldn't ever allow her to have kids.

Fast forward a few years. She was probably 15 at that time and was on another hit show. This time there were no men passing her around. She loved being on the show. It was also at that time she got introduced to a permanent A+++ lister. He always liked his girlfriends young. He must have been in his mid to late 20's and was at that point an A lister. He saw her on the show and the next thing you know they were together. They split though when he found out she had been raped. He considered her damaged goods. He also started talking about it to other industry friends and within a couple years when her run on the show ended, she couldn't get any more work and she never really acted again.

Cheryl Holdridge/Mickey Mouse Club/Leave It To Beaver/Elvis Presley/Annette Funicello


  1. Annette Funicello and Walt Disney... GAG

  2. Walt Disney being the one called by one name. I knew he had a soft spot for Annette so I’m not surprised by that.

  3. When Mickey Mouse club ended Annette was the only one Disney kept of the kids,pretty much confriming what everyone already suspected about Walt's relationship with her.

  4. Poor Cheryl. I used to watch the MMC reruns in the 60's and thought she was a doll. Sad story. Elvis was just a weak country bumpkin looking for preteens

  5. Enty needs to take a closer look at Elvis Presley, how come all his girls were so young.

  6. Look at Enty's reveals, he already has revealed plenty about Elvis and Priscilla and his love of under age girls.

  7. I remember her from Leave it to Beaver. She was beautiful. Anyone who allows their kids into the Hollywood world is nuts. This just continues to disgust me. Annette and Walt? Ugh, so sad

  8. my favorite mouseketeer when I was a baby...well, 3 & 4...did I see reruns> Nice to see she married well (woothworth heir & Barbara Hutton's son who died in plane crash) so at least she didn't live in poverty. Annette was Walt's girl?? OMG...blutg

  9. She died in 2009, too bad she didn't live to tell her story in this new climate. Seems she married rich through her life so I hope she had peace in the end.

  10. She married into the Woolworth fortune and her hubs was also European royalty.

  11. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Elvis...the 'King' ...uh huh.
    But people also thought Sinatra was 'a nice guy'.
    I never liked either of them.

  12. Elvis was so disgusting. Didn't he start dating Priscilla when she was 14?

  13. Yep, Enty revealed about Elvis & Priscilla and her parents and Ann Margaret.

    Priscilla was not the first young thing he was involved with or the last.

  14. Elvis was a hebephile. Just like what's his name who married Courtney Stodden.

    1. Or Hillbilly. It was common in the 50s to marry at 15 especially in the South. Jerry lee lewis too and his cousin Myra. Now that was sick

  15. It was public gossip fodder for years that Elvis liked very young girls. It was in the tabloids not long after his death. Young girls in white underpants. Of course, the Albert Goldman book probably was the main source for that.

  16. I've watched some of those 1950s MMCs in reruns and on youtube, they are beyond creepy. Those weird looking older men dressed up like the kids.

  17. I never understood why Elvis hasn't been called out more for this... Do the legions of women who worship him (some literally) not comprehend their daughters had more of a chance with him than they ever did?

    It kills me that Americans read stories of child brides in Pakistan or Afghanistan and call it barbaric, but blithely write off the Roy Moore/Elvis Presley/Jerry Lee Lewis/Doug Hutchinson type situations when they happen here, because the guys are famous.

  18. Strange that Annette Funicello grew up to be a happy adult and housewife! Though her last years must have been painful because of multiple sclerosis.

  19. If anyone is interested in Elvis there’s an interesting episode on the Revisionist History podcast by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s episode 10, season 3. Interviews with Priscilla.. weird stuff. Also another one I’ve heard is good but haven’t listened to is called Disgraceland which covers unsolved crimes in the music business.

    1. Looove Disgraceland! I don't recall an Elvis episode, but he does cover JLLewis, Neil Diamond, Don Henley.. Absolutely vile all of them.. And more in his first season. Unfortunately, though, like TOO MANY of these podcasts, he took a break in Oct, and never came back. I really hate when these Pods come out, do well and get really popular, then just never come back. Not even to announce they are not going to return, and just leaves people hanging. It's really frustrating, and way too many do it. But, yes, it was an awesome podcast. Season 1 is still up on Google play

  20. My cousin was friends with Elvis. He was going to meet him when Elvis rode up on one of his motorcycles. Natalie Wood was riding on the back. She was 16.

  21. Thanks @em22 i will check out Disgraceland next! Just finished Up & Vanished... spooky.



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