Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #32

August 2, 2018

I'm not sure if she even knows it, but this former A- list mostly television actress from a hit cable show that is now defunct has some photos out there she probably does not want distributed the way they are. Our actress, who has had trouble getting any work other than a bit part or two since the show went off the air is making money doing promo photos. In case you are new to the party, these are photos which are supposedly "random" and "pap like" where your favorite star who needs some money is photographed in a store holding a product looking as if they are about to purchase the product. Sometimes they are done in hotel rooms or apartments. This is one of those cases. Our actress was convinced to almost get naked for the product and went through different sexy looks. Apparently while she was mixing and matching and showing more than she thought, photos were being snapped which are now being looked at by a lot of people. No one is sure how they got out and the photographer at the shoot is not being blamed for it, but someone was snapping some pictures at the same time and there is very little left to the imagination.

Ashley Benson


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