Saturday, January 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 13, 2018

This very large married actor is probably A- list. Still waiting on the huge box office popcorn superhero movie to be released to take him completely away from the television character that made him famous, he continues to constantly cheat on his wife. Apparently he also has no problems with the person he is cheating on also being married or having a boyfriend which is causing issues.

Jason Momoa


  1. Jason Momoa can do anything he would like.

  2. Still think they have an open marriage!

  3. His father is of Native Hawaiian descent, while his mother is of German and Native American ancestry you can't expect this Hollywood beast who's playing an Annunaki Demi-god to NOT want a taste of what he KNOWS it's all about huh?

    This star is going to burn bright... and FAST.

    1. He'd better keep away from the firewater!

  4. @cheesegrater15 Probably not by her choice. "We have an open marriage" seems to be the cry of every celebrity spouse when their SO publicly disrespected them constantly. They seem to think it's the only way they can save face.

    1. She is the dominant one. Don't let her tiny size fool you!

    2. U must be their mom hiding under their bed. Yucks.

  5. Bs. Didn't blink an eye at him before and now all of a sudden he''s a cheat?! Call me when you have proof.

  6. Send him my way!! And I'll thank Lisa Later. Some people should be single.and slutty.

  7. They have an open marriage, but from my own experience with friends who made this choice, its usually a sliding scale to separation. An attempt to keep things together until they find themselves in another. Ive seen this, rather than longevity, over and over. I imagine she has her dred admirerers as well.

  8. It has long been said they have an open marriage and Lisa Bonet is a raging drunk. I think what they each are works for them at this time.

  9. He used to be hot, now he just looks gross. Lisa looked either really uncomfortable or just wasted at the film premiere.

  10. Both him & Lisa have talked about their open marriage...but, if these women have significant others and are still willing to screw him it ain't his fault.

  11. Lisa looks high the majority of the time, but she may need to light up before going to events. Her & Lenny used to give interviews where it was obvious they were both toasted.

  12. Every picture I see of Lisa she looks high AF.

  13. Enty's hate-on for Jason is painfully obvious

  14. I wonder if Lisa has told Jason about her ex Lennies side job hustling mk kids in and outta Eleuthera, Bahamas. Shit, she know, Jason know and I'll bet even Bill Cosby know since he also been up in that.

    Suck on that one poseidon.

  15. I'm not sure why Enty thinks JM should be concerned with the relationship status of whoever he's boinking. And no, there's no way Lisa cares what he does. She's doing her own thing too.

  16. This is who you admire?
    A narcissist Neanderthal who cannot keep his pants on?

  17. I haven't watched Aquaman yet, I can't stomach AH..

  18. I think it's funny how Lisa was made out to be this crazy uncontrollable person that Cosby couldn't save, but now with the truth out she seems to be the one with a strong character. I bet their marriage was never a conventional one. He is by far the sexiest Superhero, sorry Thor.

  19. It’s a sign of great success when the gossips turn on you and start publishing rumors about your bad habits. Maybe true, maybe not, but when the first time I hear about them is only when the person has really broken out (or when they are so many and so outlandish as to be absurd even for a celeb) I tend to doubt the validity.

  20. He's hot. She's hot. They fuck around. Who cares.

  21. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Lisa seems to be the type that approves of an open marriage.

  22. im pretty sure hes even stated hes in an open relationship. enough of these momoa blinds, seriously.

  23. Annunaki Aquaman Star Jason Mamoa Joins #TimesUp/#MeToo and Pizzagate - Caught in Bush David Cop-A-Feel

  24. @AlkhaldanSolo
    The video doesn't lie: Jason Momoa wws indeed groping that girl, who was 11 years old tops.

  25. @Paul Saint John.That's his daughter.

  26. @breadhead
    Does that make it ok, then?



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