Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 15, 2019

This alliterate former almost A- list mostly movie actress has been making the rounds doing press and has been pressuring her team to get her new projects which she assumes must be in the works because of her recent presence. Nope. No one wants her for anything other than slapstick kind of things ala Sharknado and the ilk.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. Hey, Sharknado is a CULT CLASSIC!

  2. LiLo is what you'd imagine someone who sold their soul would be like.

  3. Daily Slohan blind. ✔️
    Moving on...

  4. @Brayon, arent people who sell their souls supposed to be super successful and at the top of their fields? Thats what SUPERNATURAL told me, anyways! Also its the crossroads demon who do this deal, not some everyday demon!

  5. She can play herself just as funny no lines to memorize, no acting ability needed.

  6. @yep, "We're not supposed to talk about it."
    It's usually a trick on the human to make them miserable. Like making a deal to see the world in luxury and being turned into a yachter.

  7. Yawn. Enty must be secretly obsessed with this woman

  8. Damn, just when you though crossroads demons could be trusted! If you cant even trust the spawn of Lucifer himself, who can you trust?

  9. trufflepig said...
    Yawn. Enty must be secretly obsessed with this woman

    Like that wasn't a bot or paid troll lol. Noone like that bitch, she's going down, deal with it.

    I couldn't even get through the first minute of the new episode of Beach House because she must have insisted MTV blow SO MUCH (CRACK) SMOKE UP HER ASS she is numb from the waist down. What a narcissistic cunt to expect anyone to sit through that shit.

    I wonder if Frank Guistra of PIZZAGATE fame, massive donor to the Clinton Global Initiative, friend of Bill and frequent visitor to Haiti (there it is assholes some pizzagate for your pathetic asses) and the Greek Charity he runs called Elpida with the pedophile Boy Love (bLover) Logo stopped by for that free drink yet?

  10. Is it too soon to say, Lindsay has "Jumped the Shark?"

  11. Lindsay would just f*ck the shark, give it shark aids and steal all the shark's stuff before it woke up, like an Aquaman yachter.

  12. I love Lindsay she still thinks she gets unlimited passes back to the Hollywood A list machine. Honestly she really almost had a shot at it when the Judge sent her to the Hospital and they announced she was misdiagnosed with ADD and over medicated. People actually had sympathy for her until a few weeks later she tested dirty for coke.


  13. @Brayson I think i'm in love with you now.

    1. Yes timebob, many of these CDANers are irresistible. =)

  14. Damn, its about to start- CDAN A Love Story How I Met My Partner edition!

  15. Sharknado is a work of art. Centuries from now, our time will be known as the Sharknado period, when wonders never ceased.

  16. Brayson + Timebob = Cdan Showmance

  17. Sorry, already taken lol

  18. timebob has no gender but an avatar can dream

  19. I love Lindsay Lohan items of any kind. I enjoy watching her and wish I could get the real scoop about all of her ridiculous dealings in Dubai and Turkey and Russia and I am convinced she's been fucked by at least one dog.

    I've thought she was shitty ever since the Oprah series. She just pissed me off so much...

    She's really skinny now, it doesn't look good.

    I do feel sorry for her sister, The Curious Case of Aliana. She prob doesn't deserve the life she's leading, poor thing is a hooker too.

  20. maybe they can make a sequel to Annie where the little ginger grows up to be a high priced escort and crack head lol she could give that role some realness

  21. @yepthatsme I thought the crossroads deals generally lasted 10 years... LiLo must currently be possessed by a demon if that's the case. Demons seem to have personalities though...hmmm

    I saw her on some entertainment show...something doesn't look right with her face. Nothing in particular, though she is on the pasty side...

  22. Tara Reid and Lindsay Lohan in Sharknado XX ??? What a shit-show that would be !!!
