Thursday, January 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 9, 2019

Look who has decided to start meeting with her former "clients," again. This foreign born former A+ list model who supposedly quit the game when she got married. The finances for the husband and his company must really be bad.

Miranda Kerr/Evan Spiegel/Snap


  1. He must be poor enough that Enty isn't worried about getting crushed by him.

  2. Like they have the book Bani gives out to the rich guys describing the yacht girls and their price, a book should be compiled for the yacht girls on all the eligible billionaires looking for them. Make each sides work easier.

  3. Are there men who sell themselves yachting too?

  4. She’s looking for husband #3.

  5. Speaking of yacht girls, Demi Rose is investing all of her yacht money into advertising in the DM, it would seem. Every day, a new set of photos of her in a bikini.

  6. The price of a$$ has never risen to the level of the price of poon, but there is always a market. However, a lot of those customers have to be discrete so they don't get thrown off buildings in their home countries. They're really not trying to advertise that preference with celebrities on yachts. So yes, but much less public.

  7. At least Demi Rose looks like she really earns that money, no pillow princess there.

  8. BS!....He aint that broke. Does Enty calls pretty much every woman a prozzie or what!?...

    1. You new here? JK. The answer is yes. And all men in Hollywood are gay or pedos. Every last one. According to Enty.

  9. @Sacha, He usually doesn't do name reveals of billionaires' wives being currently active yachters. He must have some real evidence or is feeling self-destructive or both.

  10. She's gorgeous with a cute girl face. Don't doubt she's trying to get a few more dollars before she ages out

  11. She's husband shopping this time around though.
    This is the age where wh*res actually look to marry one of their clients if possible.
    She will be divorced and remarried to a client all in a 2 year span.

  12. His family, however, is not broke. Miranda should stick with it. The Spiegels aren't going to let their grandchild founder.

  13. I bet Bezos are gonna leave his new girlfriend for Mirandra within a year

  14. yeah plot but it's one thing to be "not broke" and it's another thing to be fabulously wealthy.

    Miranda wants to be fabulously wealthy.

  15. Mr Bezos' next GF will be named Alexa...and will do whatever he asks.

  16. Are there beautiful women who aren't gold diggers? Asking for a friend.

    1. Probably not that beautiful. It takes a lot of money and time and effort to look like that. They have to get that money somehow, for their upkeep so I guess they are whores. I guess there are decent looking women that aren’t. Maybe go for one of them...I mean tell your friend to!

  17. Miranda is one of the mist beautiful women and hope the 3rd one is the charm.

  18. 87m shares at $6, got a $700m bonus in 2017, I think he's still amazingly rich.
