Monday, January 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 13, 2018

This A+/A list mostly movie actor didn't do what he did in the past for publicity. He did what he did in the past because his wife at the time figured out how to make money off the suffering of others.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie


  1. Wait, what? If he did them for publicity wouldn't he still be doing it "to make money"?

  2. I call blinds like this "Spec blinds." To be a Spec Blind, it has to be vague, or flexible enough to be referred to later, if something interesting (or even uninteresting, so long as it fits) comes out.

  3. If actors can be experts on political, historical, social and economical issues, why cant they be experts on architecture and civil engineering too? Just bcoz i studied 4 years to get my engineering degree doesnt mean i know more than any actor!

  4. @yepthatsme FWIW I am sure I recall hearing a story that said the NOLA houses were ineptly designed and built. Maybe they looked really cool, though?

  5. He actually hired architects to design the houses but apparently they didn’t take into account the NOLA weather conditions; thus there has been a lot of rotting wood, etc., and MIR is being sued.

    I don’t really believe this blind because in the overall scheme of things, how much money could’ve been made to make it worthwhile?

  6. He’s the one who has always been interested in designing & building houses, not her. I call bullshit on this blind.

  7. Those houses in NOLA were only meant to be temporary, they weren't meant for people to be still living in several years later.

  8. Gosh, how does Enty imagine Brad and Ang have made money off the suffering of others? Wonder if he could go into perfect detail on that.

    Would bloggers who expose the victimized but very rarely the victimizers also be making money off the suffering of others?

  9. The houses were not meant to be temporary. They were shoddy and cheap materials were used that are probably toxic, to boot. There are ways to build in that area that are tried and true, and that particle board shit did not cut it. I lived down the road from those houses and they looked like crap 3 years ago.

    My understanding is the foundation raised money for this project. I haven't seen their books, but I bet that everything Pitt and Jolie did in New Orleans was charged to the foundation much like all the travel and bullshit that the NO Jazz and Heritage Foundation charges back to their so called non profit. These are slush funds and created to avoid taxes and get positive press. I worked with 501c3s for many years and they all do the same shit. Ridiculous overhead, salaries for everyone's brother in law, travel, EVENTS that pay all the brother in laws brother in laws.... Many parasites swooped down on New Orleans after Katrina with the same kind of bullshit. SMDH

  10. haha, those houses were meant for people to live in for a year until new homes were built...that is the diffention of temporary.

  11. You don't build houses to last a year. Trailers last Twenty plus years. Building a house to tear down makes no sense,financially or environmentally. Brad has good intentions,probably,but he is not that bright. But even I won't blame Angie.

  12. Road in Caerphilly Wales UK called Ty-Isaf built as temporary accommodation just after WW2 called "tin can alley" by the locals. Still there.

  13. I read an article about Pitt once where the theory was that he adapted his entire look and outlook to whatever woman he was dating at the time.

    1. Same. I think it was on the Betches site.

  14. I doubt he meant to be part of an effort to build housing that was not up to code but if you're going to be involved in a charity, you have to follow through and make sure that the people who are actually in charge of the work are doing an honest job. Same thing happened with the proceeds of a big celeb telethon or two - for Haiti? Katrina? Both? Anyway, a lot of the money that people donated to the stars went missing/somehow never made it to the people in need. It's probably unfair and is definitely (lacking any facts) hysterical overkill to say that Pitt "made money off the suffering of others" but he did have a responsibility to make sure loops were closed if he had his name and reputation on the line.

  15. Make It Right homes were never intended to be temporary. The original idea was to build the first low cost, environmentally sustainable community in the US. On that note, I had a professor at Tulane who was working with McDonough and Graft when MIR was trying to get off the ground. Apparently Pitt would call/text/email at all hours of the day and night with absolutely batshit crazy ideas- trying to change established plans, redesigning architecture with no thought of function, consistently throwing out ideas that do not work in South Louisiana and then getting furious when told so. My professor said he was a nightmare to work with and that an inordinate amount of everyone's time was spent trying to placate or distract Pitt.

  16. Watched "Interview with a Vampire" for the first time. Love Pitt's early 90s Eddie Vedder hair. Good movie.

  17. I got one! What a shame the homeless have to suffer for their greed and ego.

  18. No good deed goes unpunished

  19. His charity hired architects to deal with engineering problems.

  20. Brad thinks he's a brilliant architectural mind because he hung out with Frank Gehry once.

  21. Or Brad took architecture and design classes at Auburn, MIT, UCLA and tutorials overseas.

    Would you prefer he used his free time to experiment with meth?

  22. @ plot - That's a bit of a jump; design classes or meth?

    Besides, Brad likes the weed and booze.

  23. What?? Enty you were drunk while you wrote this. Or your source is completely full of shit

  24. I took this to mean MIR was a tax haven.

    Jolie’s a cunt, and he’s not the brightest crayon in the box. Sounds about right to me.

  25. If we criticize celebs for taking an interest in anything constructive, what do they have left that will meet with our keyboard standards?

  26. He has always been into architecture and design. No lie has always been a world class manipulator. I can see this happening. He wanted to make her happy. Stupid not to use people in the bayou area to make the designs work.

  27. They could have gotten $ from the government or insurance companies.

  28. @plot,if Brad is as accomplished in architecture as you claim,he is directly responsible for this building disaster. I believe he was in over his head.

  29. @TommyWantsHisMommy said, "Watched 'Interview with a Vampire' for the first time. Love Pitt's early 90s Eddie Vedder hair. Good movie."

    I recently rewatched "Interview with a Vampire" after first viewing it many years ago when the DVD was released, and found it utterly repellent. What is so good about soul-less vampires who prey on the living? Anne Rice glamorized and erotizedvampires because of her son. Her vampires are actually fictional metaphors for homosexual men. See Richard Primuth, "Vampires are us," The Gay & Lesbian Review, Feb. 11, 2014:

  30. @Guesser

    He's not accomplished but he's studied it a little bit more than people are suggesting. Brad very well might be in over his head, though.


    Agreed. Anne Rice can suck it. So can her books and that awful movie.
