Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #29

September 25, 2018

I like the way this tipster told the story, so am leaving it as is.

Quite a few years ago. Fashion week. New York. Was party hopping with a buddy of mine who was a DJ. He was looking to network, I just wanted to enjoy the free drinks and the celebrities.

We hit this invite only party pretty late at night. The atmosphere was like something out of one of those old Hollywood movies. You could just tell everyone there was “someone”.  I was a chain smoker at the time and I immediately grabbed a drink, and ran off to the balcony to smoke.

The view from that balcony was indescribable. I just soaked in the wide panoramic view of the cities skyline while I enjoyed my cigarette and gin and tonic. Amazing view. Amazing moment.

I turned around to head back in to the party and I saw someone. “Where do I know them from?” I kept thinking to myself. “I KNOW that person from somewhere”. And then it hit me who they were. I was standing face to face with one of the biggest celebrities on the planet.

Feeling confident with all of the drinks I had been consuming throughout the night, I decided I would go talk to them. And I would mess with them.

“Hey, you’re from that big show on TV, right?” The typical “tell me something I don’t know, buddy” eye roll was the only response I received from the celebrity. “I personally think shows like yours are pointless and a waste of time but my friends are BIG fans!!” The celebrity smiled and appeared intrigued. “Big fans of mine, you say?”

“HUGE fans! They are excited for the new season. You guys are shooting in Italy, right?”. The celebrity then got a very confused look on their face. “Italy? Unless you know something I don’t, I think you are mistaken...”.  I was going to let it go at this point, but I could tell the celebrity was oddly intrigued so I continued.

“Yeah, they’re sending you to Italy.. you, the whole crew.. Pauly D, The Situation...”. The celebrity burst out in a roar of laughter for what felt like a few minutes and said “very clever... VERY clever..nobody has EVER used that approach to me before..” the celebrity was smiling from ear to ear.

I then acknowledged the celebrity by name and said I was just messing around. The celebrity told me I had a mischievous grin on my face and they sensed I was up to something when I came over. I told them that they looked bored so I figured I would go over and see if I can get a laugh.

“You did... and thank you for that” the celebrity replied. We spoke for another 15 minutes or so until my friend came back to get me to hit another party. The celebrity was incredibly nice, incredibly down to earth and to this day, and despite things written about them, I have nothing but good things to say about this person.

“Well, see you around, kiddo” I said to the celebrity. And off in the night my friend and I went to our next party and our next adventure...

Kim Kardashian


sandybrook said...

Welp so much for all of us thinking it was Trump. 😕

Andi said...

Trump wouldn't get the joke.

Thia said...

After the sports reveals, this one was a good one. I am kind of surprised that this is Kim.

cheesegrater15 said...

Bullshit she's down to earth. She must have thought she was speaking to somebody she could fuck for money.

sandybrook said...

I just went into the comments to see if anyone guessed her, and way down someone did and then DDonna did too. I guessed Seinfeld, and most everyone else thought it was Trump. Next time Enty decides to reveal it, it will be Trump😁👍

DQ said...

Former staff have said that of the 3 she was always the nicest by far so I could see this

Zilla3 said...

Lame. And honestly, WTF cares about Kardashian blinds? This is why everyone here looks forward to February.

Sd Auntie said...

Actually i have heard that she is super nice from BH hair salon. The one thats not is J lo.

AvignonVagabond said...

LMAO at original thread. Tricia is such an asshole. She even tried to start with MDAnderson, whom for some reason still kisses her pathetic ass.

Teaching in the trenches said...
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Unknown said...

cool story bro LOL

it's sure as hell never happened

J said...

So lame.

Rosie riveter said...

*bitch slap*

MDAnderson said...

Thank you Rosie!!
I’m guessing you didn’t party,drink or get laid last night. You are still on the same old tired shit. Now that’s pathetic. I notice that you and another commentator always start posting crap when things are collegial and all good on the site.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fan fiction to me.

HiThere said...

Cool! Love Kim!

Jennacheryl said...

Loved this! It's nice to read something pleasant about her. I have always heard she's the hardest working and most sincere but on the show Khloes my favorite.

Angela said...

My favorite reveal, especially as so many of the people here were praying for this to be about Trump.

Glue said...
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Himmmm said...

That was a fun party

Unknown said...

Boring. Sorry.

HDNYC said...

My hairdresser has worked with her...said she’s actually extremely nice and polite. She basically has to be nice to everyone because she has no talent...if she were rude and a diva, nobody would want to work with her. She’s not like an actress or singer who is famous for a reason.

OKay said...

I'm finding it really hard to believe Kim K. even got the joke.

Wen said...

Sounds like this submitted by PMK.


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