Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #28

September 24, 2018

Guess The Athlete

This athlete is not at the pinnacle of their sport. This athlete is not well known. This athlete will never be the best in their sport. This athlete is about to become a major name and cross over star.

How can that be? This athlete is one of the most genetically gifted people walking the planet and is extremely marketable. The higher ups in their respective sport know this and higher ups at every major sports apparel companies know this. Hollywood people know this. At the end of the day, sports is a money game. And this athlete is going to make a lot of people a lot of money in the next few years. This athlete will seemingly come out of nowhere, and then be everywhere. And the higher ups will be laughing their way to the bank.

Fatima Diame


Mischief Girl said...

She is stunning! More power to her.

sandybrook said...

She is very good looking (Google is my BFF sometimes)

cheesegrater15 said...

Come on, Entward. Nobody cares about sports or social media "stars". Where are the old Hollywood blinds?

Mischief Girl said...

I wonder if people at Google are wondering why there are suddenly searches for Fatima Diame, Bryce Harper, and Phil Heath all of a sudden!

sandybrook said...

Bwahah I didn't have to Google Bryce but everyone should Google Heath just to look at his steroid freak body.

Andi said...

Track & field girl from Spain. Pretty, but you'd think that weave would create too much drag on her times. Probably why she's not the top of her sport.

Mischief Girl said...

Come on, Sandy, let's not jump to conclusions. I'm sure Phil's body is 100% a result of hard work and lots of lean protein.

And if you believe that....hahaha!!

sandybrook said...


Andi said...

Enty did this the last reveal day too. Started doing Sports reveals latter in the day, and no knew or cared about.

Aquagirl said...

+1 Tinydancer

Maybe Enty has a major hangover. He’s been phoning it in all day.

Aquagirl said...

@Andi: I’d rather fewer reveals than these bs fillers. That’s how the site has been for the past month or so too. The other day I counted and more than half the blinds were reality stars/teen moms/rappers. As someone else mentioned, maybe he’s spending too much time on the podcasts?

Minxxy said...

He was kissing Kim K azz earlier. I wonder why he's trying to act like a publicist? Super lame

missann said...

She's beautiful, looks like a model.

Chris said...

I love the sports reveals, even if this one is just a discount ESPN Next profile, it's my bag. I just need to find out if Shohei Ohtani was the guess the athlete who was cheating.

hhstarr said...

Googled her under pictures she sure does bend over a lot, and get a lot of wedgies...it is as if she knows the camera is watching her. Oh look, let me.pick up this without bending my legs...

Girl with a Hat said...

no, not attractive. weird thing with the mouth.

Ablamj said...

Really? I hadn't noticed. I need to go look at some more pictures...

Flashy Vic said...

Not that great looking. And who the fuck gives a shit about 'track and field' anyway.

hunter said...

She is beautiful. And hhstarr - that is because she has very developed gluteal muscles and they eat small shorts. They just do. That's how it works.

T. W. said...

@Lonely Bastard

I care about track and field. Being able to run is a necessary skill.

People are entitled to their personal likes and dislikes.

Sorry your 2019 has been crap so far.

T. W. said...


The photographers purposefully take pictures of her bending over. She's not getting any money from that because photographers own the rights to the photographs they take.


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