Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 31, 2018

Her choice of place of worship should probably change for this former tweener turned adult A- list singer/bad actress or she will run into her personal buzz saw.

Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber


  1. Bieber is her real addiction.

  2. It's like saying "it's not crack I'm addicted to, it's asshole itself."

  3. Her personal buzzsaw is Justin Bieber holding a crack pipe outside a restroom in the Hillsong church building? Got it.

  4. I think her and Demi would make a cute couple.

    1. This is kind of gay, but it would be cute lol they were friends, it's a cool love story

  5. Joe, she's empowered.

  6. I never heard the phrase "personal buzz saw" before.

    A quick Startpage search reveals that it is a brand new phrase invented by Enty himself.

  7. @Super, We encourage creativity here since grammar went out the window a long time ago.

  8. Nope. As I said before, she can worship
    ~~anywhere, anytime she wants to.~~ That's in the Constitution. A little document that runs this country.

    No punk /washed up singer has the ability to dictate who worships where.

  9. Pretty sure churches can kick out anyone they want. But I doubt Bieber would want her to leave. They're like Rose and Jack stuck out in the ocean with a wood panel and the rescuers aren't coming.

  10. Good news she did change her place of worship. She now goes to a church in Irvine with a new set of people. Funny thing is JB's wife is looking at houses that are only 10miles away from SG. His wife's PR team and her loves the love triangle media creates so she does this kind of things

  11. @LydiaJosepg: Nobody said that she couldn’t worship there or that anyone can ‘dictate’ where she worships.

    The blind says that SHE should probably change her place of worship to stay away from Bieber.

  12. Still don't get the buzz saw analogy... Is Bieber cutting her self esteem in half or...?

  13. Nothing cool about it if he was abusive and from all the blinds we read here, he did some really nasty stuff to her. That girl is an abuse-addict. Not much you can do about that. This will not end well.

  14. "Personal buzz saw" is the best descriptor, ever.
