Saturday, January 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 4, 2019

This A list dual threat actress swears to me that her A list ex never used to make them pray before they had sex. Apparently he makes his current partner though. You could just try Viagra???? Oh, a baby. That would be another guess. Stopping premature ejaculation so she can finish???? I will go with the baby thing. The others don't really seem prayer worthy.

Anna Faris/Chris Pratt/Katherine Schwarzenegger


  1. Ugh. Born agains are the worst!

  2. AMEN! Now we can start, oh wait I forgot the last line.

  3. Oh, I can think of a few types of people who are worse.

  4. The least 'Christian" people I have ever met, were 'Born Again!"

    I think that they think that since they were 'born again,' that all they're sins were forgiven; thus, they can commit 'new' sins and just go get 'born again' over and over.

    1. Exactly, and so judgmental of people who do the very same things they used to (or still) do. That combination of being sanctimonious and hypocritical really annoys me!

  5. Pratt is a suitable last name for him, though he misspelled it.

  6. So Arnold’s daughter is complaining

  7. This. Blind. Makes. No. Sense.

  8. If he or they are so religious, they shouldn't even be having sex out of wedlock!! LMFAO


  9. I have no use for any organized religion, but there are two things out of the entire Bible worth keeping in mind.

    - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


    - Judge not, that ye not be judged. <---which applies to both believers and nonbelievers, who can be just as intolerant.

    1. AMEN!"Christians" that use the Bible to alienate and discriminate are the worst!

    2. Yeah, definitely worse than that religion that throws gays off roofs, blows up innocent people and kills people trying to leave it. 🙄

  10. Amen @ Do Tell, Amen.

  11. Wait Enty can’t just be openly saying Anna Farris talks to him, right? Wouldn’t some reporter ask her about it? Seems like I’m missing something

  12. Pratt reminds me of Ted Kennedy. Must be the flabby body.

  13. Let’s not forget his “new diet” of onlyeating food mentioned in the Bible or whatever and praying his dad bod away.
    And I thought the Keto diet was weird...ok dude

  14. Now this is a crazy idea, but how about not cheating on your now ex wife and not having pre-marital sex?!

  15. Attacking Christians and Christianity has always been popular. Hillsong is not a church, its a cult. And believe it or not, a lot of Christians don't go to church because we don't believe in the manmade religions. There is a difference between being religious and being a believer. There is also a very simple reason why you shouldn't eat pork, shellfish or fish without scales, they all eat their own excrement.

  16. Is Anna Faris VIP Blonde..? 🤔🤔🤔

  17. I don't even get this blind?!

  18. No two dots at the time VIP posted here, many, many people thought she was Anna Lynne McCord. Finally, near the end of her stay here she admitted she wasn't. She's actually a trainer who manages a gym in Hell A.

  19. Being "born again" doesn't mean you get forgiven of your sins and get a do over. You are born of your mother. When you are a child, you are too young to be able to let Christ into your heart and understand he died on the cross to save us from our sins. Once you are of an age to understand that and accept Christ, you are then "born again'. For kids who grew up with religion, it could happen as young as 9 or 10, or in your teens. It happens when it happens. I was "born again" in my 40s. That's when I became a believer.

    Hope that helps!

  20. Thanks Sandybrook, I never realized VIP admitted who she was! Shame she left.

  21. I loved Anna since Scary Movie, and I did think Pratt and her were cute together, but all he's done is cheat and act like a complete self-conscious dickhead who needs his own wake up call.

    Anna needs to look after herself now.

  22. I'm sorry you do not like scallops!

    Yeah, I dated one of those "born again" types. Completely insufferable, and unstable.

  23. sex outside of marriage is forbidden to the actual born again Christian. SO...this tells me all I need to know about his 'religion.' Too many people call themselves by these terms when they are not even close.

  24. Pratt's gone off the deep end with this religious shit. It's gonna cost him jobs. Even if it's just because other actors don't want to be around all the nonsense.

  25. Can't wait until we start seeing Enty's blinds on the serial cheater cheating on KS.

  26. Chris Pratt just posted on his Instagram this morning that he proposed to Kate and she said yes...



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