Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #16

October 10, 2018

American Music Awards

Asking anyone to keep them straight is hard. One half of this duo had a date with him. Next to him. Apparently this ex of the foreign born former A+ list tweener started hitting on our a-hole singer right in front of the date. When the date started to complain, our singer said something along the line of, "Do you see who is standing in front of us. If I have the chance to f**k her tonight, I will take my chances with our relationship." So, yeah.

Alex Pall/The Chainsmokers/Chantel Jeffries/Justin Bieber


  1. I had to google who chantel jeffries was. she looks like the prototype insta thot

    1. I would be happy if all the insta thots would go back to street corners or the clubs like 20 years ago

  2. @notthisagain she is. Plus she's an escort with plenty of miles on her

  3. These asshats are already in residencyville to keep their careers going.

  4. @notthisagain.

    Ditto. Uncanny Valley shenanigans going on with that face.

  5. Chantel is smarter than most of the ho's Beiber hooked up with. She's still around and considered a DJ, so gets invited to music events where she can meet other "Jons".

    1. Nope. That Demi Rose chick is the one who gets the most media. She's constantly on celebrity blogs and the Daily Fail has a regular spot they seem to keep open just for her.

  6. It sounds like she's got a bit of musical talent, so maybe he wanted to fuck her in hopes that he could absorb some of it?

  7. I missed the time before IG and all SM, when all these hos & 1 hit wonders would just dissappear after a few months. Now we can't get ride of them.

  8. Who did she kneepad to get dj gigs? She started as an escort/arm candy. She really fell off from a truck somewhere... Wow...is my Master's degree really wasted ?

  9. Jeffries still looks like she used to be a dude.

  10. @Aaaah88L pretty sure it was Diplo

  11. I firmly believe Chantel Jefferies is in PMK's stable of hos.

    She manages a lot more than just her daughters' careers.

    1. Could be. I am convinced she's pimping that Tammy Hebrow chick. She gets tons of Daily Fail/Celeb blog coverage just for being an Insta thot.
