Friday, January 04, 2019

Blind Item #9

She should have stayed off social media. The producers of this almost network show that is not a superhero show are ticked off at this A- list actress on the show who will drop to B- list once it ends or she gets booted off. You do not insult fans. Oh, you might think it was just insulting haters. Nope, they also got mad because she was bragging about her wealth which is a big no no. She already had a really bad Q score and this is going to make it worse.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Camila Mendes

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    +1 its lili

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "hey Twitter trolls, I'm in a tropical paradise drinking strawberry coladas and exploring an island, lol what u doin."

  4. Bennett probably has it, she only flies business class to avoid fans.


  6. N/m it is Lili--they both suck the set must be a fun place to spend entire days.

  7. Wow she went on a long rant.

  8. "I give too much of myself to these people. The last people on earth who deserve it," the message begins. "And I feel regret. For letting them spark a reaction out of me. When I know all too well that the moment will pass. I'm still me. They're still them. Judging my pictures and words, without actually seeing anything or knowing any part of me. The sticky spider web that they create seems to trap me every time. But I seem to be the one biting myself in the end."

  9. Not to mention the show sucks snow.

  10. She must be on drugs if she gave a sh!t what haters thought lol

  11. Hey spelchek where did snow come from?

  12. She’s so unlikable sometimes!!!! I remember her saying she had soooooo many film opportunities during hiatus but she decided to not work because she wanted to be picky... As though Riverdale is going to last forever. She’s disrespectful and not a good actress. People only want her because of Riverdale so when that’s over she’s gonna regret being a brat

  13. Whoever it is, she's not the first to bag on fans. Won't be the last either.

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    i love Riverdale lol

  15. Insulting fans is the new normal,

  16. If you don't want anyone to bag on your social media, don't post. How haard is that? And if you want to sound holier-than-thou, learn to write complete senntences.

  17. @kfitz, I love Riverdale too, f*ck the haters lol

  18. I never watched Riverdale but saw Lili Reinhart on Watch what happens live and thought she was incredibly snotty. She will get what she deserves.

    1. She’s BEYOND rude and acts like Riverdale is the greatest show and she’s the best actress in the world. It’s ridiculous what a year of “fame” and millions of Instagram followers can do to someone’s ego

  19. Is there a database, the average person can access, to check Q rating? I had a book, published about 15 years ago, that had Q scores.

  20. But Dark Betty is the best! :(
    "Full dark, No stars"

  21. In REAL Old Hollywood - they never insulted the audience. Now it is just par for the course which is why these modern day "A" listers are people I never heard of.

  22. IF it is Lilie, do you think they would really get rid or her? She's Cole's gf, that may cause some issues with one of the main stars of the show.

  23. Not to mention she's f*cking Betty! It would be like getting rid of one the four ninja turtles, that sh!t will not fly with viewers.

  24. I have no idea who this person is and glad I don’t if she’s such a bitch. Hope her career crashes & burns.

  25. She was not insulting "fans". She was lashing back at trolls who were saying really horrible things about her and her body. It probably wasn't the best decision but there's a big difference. Her fans actually supported her. And I'm not quite sure where the bad Q score is coming from because she has one of the highest Q scores from this cast.

  26. I'm not quite sure where this "information" is coming from. I actually know BTS info and she's one of the more laid back cast members who does not flaunt her wealth. Her post was about enjoying her life, not that she's rolling in the money. There are actually other cast members who have recently given interviews that have sounded much worse and are more arrogant and difficult. And yet they don't get name-dropped here and one even got a kindness item despite being one of the biggest attention whores on the cast. I'm not sure why the big hard on to talk so much shit about Lili and it certainly makes me question who is passing this along.

  27. Lili reminds me a lot of Demi Lovato with her twitter antics for some reason

  28. On a friggen cast full of vain divas & narcissistic fatshamers, why u continue to try to trash Lili Reinhart is weird. Im not saying the girl is perfect but shed be the first to admit shes flawed & has issues. At least she tries to connect with fans on a real level instead of the superficial level the other ones do. She puts herself out there regarding mental health including her own & also stands up for her castmates while everyone else hides behind her. For u to constantly single her out & pick on her is hypocritical & fucked up. Like another poster said, its suspect and almost feels like someone is guiding your hand with this shit because u blew this whole Twitter incident and IG clapback out of context & proportion.

  29. Thank you! On a cast filled with: narcissistic fatshamers, difficult divas, attention-whores in a fakey relationship, someone who buys IG followers, someone dating a racist, someone either dating a child or deep in the closet, the list goes on. Yet the 22yo woman who openly struggles with her depression and anxiety is the one who gets beat up in here the most because of how she responds to hate and trolls. Nevermind that two other male castmembers have done worse on social media. It comes across as extremely hypocritical and a bit sexist.

  30. Who is writing this ... She bragged about her wealth?? Where ? So uou didn't understand the one sentence she wrote? She just said that she is happy doing things while trolls have nothing better to do then spreading.... this girl is the last one who would flaunt her wealth ... get your fact straight... ans if her Q Score is so bad i teally don't wanna know what the others are ... you know there is a other one that flaunts her wealth but to kmow this yiu actually have to read more than one sentence

  31. These LR "blind items" that this site posts just proves what a joke this site it. You claim to know Riverdale tea, buy you're not talking about their lead actor's well known drug problem (just ask normal people at his gym!),his highschool age gf, or the talking-to he got for not being "adequately prepared/professional on set." And I haven't seen anything about MP and her comicon fit, which impacted other cast members, on this site. The fact that you have no MP tea lead me to believe you just have fans contacting you.

  32. Okay, I realize you have a hard-on for posting about the Riverdale cast in hopes that it'll boost hits on your site or something, but you have to chill. I actually follow all the cast closely and this is literally something that anybody could make up about Lili from following her social media. Since when is defending yourself against online hate grounds for getting fire? Sounds like that would be more trouble than it's worth for "production" if they ever did that and she rightfully sued their asses. Also, funny how you claim to be all about mental health but pick on the girl who documents her struggle with severe anxiety, even to the point of claiming her boyfriend cheats on her, which is a whole other fish to fry (he doesn't and wouldn't because that would be incredibly stupid and could potentially ruin or damage his career). Leave the girl alone, I know you are desperate for "tea" on this cast, but all of these blinds lately screams bullshit from the first sentence. Stick to what you know.

  33. Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Riverdale fans - it’s a fake blind. AKA “filler”.

  34. What’s a Q score?

  35. Q score is bs that producers etc. use to promote the most phony "actors" who couldn't act their way out of a paper bag but are compliant, and thus get foisted on audiences who deserve better.

  36. It's touted as an infallible "universal likeability" indicator, but in reality it appears to be a better indicator of fakeness and lack of basic acting ability.

  37. Thanks @getstracked. Is this something the general public can access or is it industry only?

  38. @Jakl... I had to laugh at your comment.. We have seen at least I have blinds about one certain male cast member of Riverdale who is allegedly in the closet and had a relationship with a professional hockey player from the same city in Canada he was filming in and there has been speculation on whom that professional hockey player was.. So unless you are spilling tea that this Riverdale cast member is either bisexual or has gone "straight" now then I have to laugh.. In Canada the legal age of consent is 16 across the entire country so if you are referring to a girl who is under the age of consent when you say "underage" then that would be illegal in Canada.. The legal age to drink in Canada varies from province to province with some provinces setting it at 18 and others at 19.. Is that what you are referring to as being "underage"? As for drug use well unless it is something other than weed of which recreational use of is legal across the entire country of Canada and the legal age to use or be in possession of weed varies from 18 to 19 then maybe you got some tea to spill.



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