Thursday, January 03, 2019

Blind Item #8

It is always such a complicated, almost hour long procedure every single time this closeted A+ list mostly movie actor goes out with his long time male lover. They ca dine together, but cannot be seen entering or exiting together and they only have dinner at places that discourage photography inside restaurants. It would be so much easier to just come out.


  1. This would really be the best time for Bradley to come out.

    "A Star is Born" is doing better than anyone expected (including Enty) and he's ageing out of romantic leads anyway.

  2. +1 Tricia. He has to get rid of the beard first.

  3. who are potential boytoys?

  4. Think he was hot and heavy with a male model named Lucky Blue(much younger as he likes)

    1. Does he like them younger? Victor Garber was much older than him. Perhaps his taste varies.

    2. That VG was strictly business

    3. I thought Lucky was with Stormi (they have a baby together).

    4. Lucky and Stormi got together after Bccop had his kid

  5. Bradley Cooper.

    I think it is so sad that people just can't be who they are. This, and the whole Nick Jonas farce of marrying Priyanka. Who really cares anymore?

  6. It amazes me the lengths people will go to to maintain an illusion. Even having a baby. It can’t feel good when kids find out they’re just another prop.

  7. @Tricia13,I thought Lucky was with Clooney,or did he get too old for him?

  8. @Paris

    I'm not sure that it "doesn't matter any more", particularly when you are in the age group when people still daydream about you.

    Is there a major under-50 star who has come out and still gets straight romantic roles? Neil Patrick Harris is the usual example, but I must admit I had trouble buying him as the straight rapist in "Gone Girl." (That said, I did not watch "How I Met Your Mother", where I hear he was a straight Casanova type.)

    Harry Styles is a guy who is soooooo obviously gay, and an open supporter of gay right, but a guy who still won't come out, probably because he's 25 and still hoping to play some romantic leads.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Why can't they be seen entering and exciting a restaurant together? Don't people have diner with platonic friends in America? Maybe not every week, but every once in a while?

  10. Come on out of the closet, most people already knows the secret you are so hell bent on portraying.
    It’s nothing like the FREEDOM to be with whoever you chose....It’s exhausting trying to hide feelings and the person you want to be with

  11. @Guesser they were definitely friendly for a while😉

  12. Depending on what Enty is calling "long time" I would hope this isn't Lucky Blue Smith w/B Coop...that kid is YOUNG. "Long time" would equal WAY young. Although, he did father a baby last year, so maybe it is him and he's on the B Coop baby beard train...

  13. I'm just shocked they're actually going on dates like they're romantic or something. Is he your f*ckboy or what Bradley? Just get take-out or delivery. If you actually cared about him you'd come out of the closet instead pretending sidepieces are your true loves.

  14. @nutty flavor. Cooper is aging out of romantic leads? HUH? At 43? I mean, for YEARS women have sadly been aging out because they stick an older male lead with a younger eye candy woman. I don't see this but he may not want to do that kind of vacuous fare and instead just do Oscar fodder and direct etc.

  15. Definitely Bradley Cooper, picture in daily mail online today entering Nobu mailbu by himself!

  16. Why is everyone so adamant that BC is closeted?

  17. No way BC will come out before Oscars - the Academy may be 'better', but that's relative ... still overwhelmingly "traditional". And def scandal-shy, especially this year.

    Isn't this supposedly why Gaga is marriage and babies in interviews, presenting herself as "normal" to make her more appealing to the Academy?

  18. Bcoops will never come out. If he were going to, he wouldn't have done the beard/baby thing.

  19. Wow, TIL BC was with VG. I honestly had no idea!

  20. come on y'all, longtime—this is OBVI Clooney and Waldo!

  21. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Michael b jordan

  22. The photo agency shows that Bradley was at dinner with Todd Phillips. And, someone who commented on the Daily Mail article mentioned that there were a few other people at this dinner as well. Bradley was not alone or with his "boyfriend". There is literally no proof that he is into guys at all.

    1. Thanks for clearing that up, Bradley's PR Person.

  23. Lucky Blue is married to Stormi and has a baby. Lucky also has siblings with...similar names. Like the Phoenix family.

  24. Lucky is a small fish dime a dozen model type and having a baby at 18 hurt his teen girl fan base. His nearly 30 baby momma already passed her 15 seconds of fame. So I could see him turning a few tricks for some cash/work.

  25. Lucky and Stormi never married,and aren't together now. Even when she was pregnant rumor was he wasn't the natural Father.

  26. @dani ... +1. This site says people are gay with no proof. So tacky and hillbilly-ish. Some of the names tossed around here i know as fact are not gay.

  27. My guess is Leo DiCaprio and Lukas Haas. They are BOTH gay and deeply in love. Leo even gets Lukas work look at Lukas Haas IMDB credits most of his roles due to Leo.

  28. What’s wrong with going to a restaurant where there are not a lot of photographers? I was just having this conversation with my hairdresser a few hours ago. I HATE having my photo taken without my permission. I have had friends of friends photograph me without my knowledge & then post it on FB. There’s nothing wrong with the photos, but I consider it a violation of privacy, and I don’t like when a person who I’ve met once or twice pretends that they’re my friend & takes the liberty of posting photos of me. It’s obnoxious.

    As for Bradley, his relationship with Irinka is sooo not believable. Just break up already. Wonder who gets custody of the baby, if it’s even his.



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