Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blind Item #8

No one knows the exact number, but the permanent A+ list director now has the contact information for about 3,000 tweens and teens, many of whom had no chance for a recent role just so he could have them in his database. He also knows who are the most vulnerable to his pitches. 


  1. omg!! sick a**hole!!

    i didn't think HE was like that??? oy vey!

    i've lost all hope in humanity.

  2. Viagra ruined the world. Instead there should be an ANTI-dick pill

    1. As there should be anti-cunt pills as well.

      It would be so quiet in this room lol

  3. I remember all the puff pieces about how good he is at spotting new child talent.

  4. Hoping against hope it's not SS...that man is Geffen-esque in terms of being too powerful to bring down.

    Woody Allen?

  5. I saw a story about the casting of WSS and wanted to vomit. Will this ever come to light???

  6. Are we STILL on this stupid made up story?

  7. As their brains deteriorate, pedos have greater trouble controlling their sick hungers.

  8. I am sorry, but I refuse to believe Steven Spielberg is a pedophile. I can't.

    1. Well keep your kids away from him just in case

  9. @MD
    Heat up those ovens in the name of the Messiah

  10. People coming out of nowhere to go after regulars who are well known for being balanced. Try again pecker head.

  11. Shame no one believed crispin glover when he revealed this all those years ago.

  12. If Spacey can't hide under the rainbow then Spielberg can't hide under the star.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Spielgerg isn't a pedo. Pedos have a specific type, not just young in general. The rumors are all over the map for Spielberg's supposed age range, which tells you a lot about their veracity. I worked in Hollywood for almost two decades, and worked directly with some top members of the velvet mafia on a day-to-day basis, so I've heard all sorts or rumors, and none of them were ever about Spielberg. There is no way he could've been leading a secret life for that long without that crowd knowing about it.

  15. Didn't the original Enty star in the Goonies, written by SS?

  16. Well if a member of the velvet mafia says it isn't so ;)

  17. Enty's been riding the Speilberg pedo train for a while now. Without any evidence whatsoever, but of course the same people who are disgusted at his making up blinds believe this one.

    If it's true, Enty, spill the evidence. And of course there aren't any damn tweens in West Side Story.

  18. @Unknown, Did Spacey have a type? Seemed like he was all over the map. Sometimes vulnerable is all that is required.

  19. @Unknown
    He raped Heather O'Rourke to death. Muh pedo type meme. Bruh ...
    I chuckled. Fuck those Pharisees.

  20. Why are these people coming at MD and SD? I saw someone being rotten to SD in a thread yesterday and now today MD. Neither of these folks warrant that nonsense.

    1. Thank you Mountain Mama. Hugs ..

  21. @Mountain, It's a strategy, try to paint the commenter or at least the thread as anti-Semitic or racist, and therefore should be completely disregarded by the mainstream. Usually not a fanboy tactic, more of a paid shill deal, must have gotten someone's attention. Also tossing in a different commenter spouting something about pedo logic was a nice touch.

  22. @brayson and Mountain every once in awhile this stuff happens. Last year this tactic was used all the time and I thought it had died down but it’s making a comeback. Thanks for the kind words.

  23. There are too many A+ directors to guess. This very nonspecific blind has more to do with triggering the regulars.

  24. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I wish people would stop smearing SS without any evidence! I haven't checked in for awhile and decided to take a look, but obviously it is the same nameless pedo bs. If you have evidence publish it. Just like those girls brought down the scumbag skeezy ass R Kelly.

  25. Sexual abuse, molestation and harassment can be just as much about power as a specific age or gender.

  26. This one is weird, and if true, it seems more the work of someone OCD than a criminal genius. I mean... if we're talking 3000, how many would still be teens by the time you get to them?

  27. @Apple Unless maybe he sells some of that info to others. Say for example, if someone is looking for a specific type, this guy could charge $$ for passing on the details of say 100 children who fit that type. He may have the info and the pick of the victims but there could be dozens of pedo vultures benefiting from it :(

  28. I was just reading my emails and one of them is about West Side Story announcing they've found some of the kids to play main characters after doing a 30k search from around the world, so it fits. Some of the auditioners were around 11 from what I know.

    Deadline's coverage: https://deadline.com/2019/01/steven-spielberg-west-side-story-cast-ariana-debose-david-alvarez-josh-andres-rivera-rachel-zegler-1202535002/

  29. Is more than one person using the screen name Unknown? This blind is meant to be Spielberg,if he is innocent,someone is going to great lengths to smear him. In light of the Wetteland arrest,anyone can be a pedo,good guy image aside. I am wondering now,did anyone know, and maybe cover for him? His oddly timed firings and even not offered a contract with the Yankees after being World Seris MVP. Just a thought.

  30. No one is exempt from being anything, so I’ve never like Steven and I’ve never watched his movies.
    They all have a prerequisite for what they are looking for in anything..
    I’ve seen people I or no one that knew them though, that’s how they were earring money from the home business..
    The police and the FBI had taken over the neighborhood and luckily homeowners were allowed to go inside their homes..
    The police and everyone was shocked, but someone had to know for them to never get into any trouble...
    Looks can be very deceiving

  31. I have yet to buy the Spielberg thing. Always seems like a campaign against him to me. Now, he's taking time out from being the most successful director ever to manage a list of child actors that he somehow knows who is vulnerable and who isn't?

  32. This blind seems designed to appeal to hysterical readers. How on earth would a busy director have time to catalogue and investigate the background of that many kids?

    And for the other unknown - the velvet mafia? That means powerful GAY Hollywood elite. What does that have to do with SS?
