Friday, January 25, 2019

Blind Item #8 - Reddit Blind

The link

I don't associate with him anymore, but I was involved with a musician who basically groomed me from the time I was 18. He was verbally, emotionally, and sexually abusive. Almost everyone he knew, he had something bad to say about them, and he would play at friendship to reap the rewards of whatever they could offer. He's purposefully pick fights with lesser talent just to watch the drama unfold, and would demonize people who disagreed with him or dared to call him less than perfect. His best friend was beaten down as much as I was, and he used said best friend for free everything. I remember once trying to stick up for him and that didn't end pretty.

However, his public persona is charming as fuck. He's outgoing, he's fun, he knows how to build people up, he's high energy. He's built up this reputation as being this hyper-inclusive voice of the underdog and I've read people's testimony crediting him with their own self improvement. I sometimes wish I could tell his fans that he literally does not give an iota of a shit about them. All he cares about is their money and loyalty because he needs the ego boost, and if a single one of them stepped out of line he'd drop them like a sack of shit.

Sometimes, I'll get one of his songs on a playlist or a remix or something and I seriously feel nauseous. I can't believe he's got away with everything he's done.


  1. God not Dave Grohl?

  2. Hmmm 18 is too old for R Kelly so don't think it's him

  3. Bono? Doesn't say foreign born though.

    1. Says musician though .... also the high energy ,charming description.
      Hope it ain’t Grohl I’ve only heard nice things... but never know.

  4. WTF we're doing Reddit now?

    1. Yes, and 4chan is tentatively scheduled for next week.....

  5. Can you really groom an 18 yr old? Like were they really immature for their age?

    1. @Brayson: not sure what you have against OP or 18 year olds but yes, yes, they can be groomed. As can older people who possess the necessary naïveté.

      No shame in being a late bloomer. Especially now that it’s recognized as neurological in nature in many cases.

  6. Remix sounds like someone in hip hop

    1. ... you don’t have to be in hip hop to remix a song

    2. You don’t have to be unknown and can get a screen name.

  7. I don't see anything to suggest Grohl.

  8. Groomed from age 18? Maybe we shouldn't consider people adults, responsible for their own choices, until they turn 50.

    As for not giving a shit and just wanting money, NO WAY! NOT A CELEBRITY!

    1. No, only certain people are always responsible for their actions, even when very young. Others are never responsible for anything they do, until the day they die. Always victims.

  9. This is from a reddit thread asking who knows horrible people and how do they act.

    This band could be literally anyone, it could a be a band that is popular in a local scene. There is nothing saying the artist is famous or known on a national level

  10. For the hell of it throw Jon Bon Jovi in too because we ain't getting a reveal on this one ever.

    1. I like him for this and all his charities. Breaks my NY/NJ heart though.

    2. Richie Sambora as the best friend

  11. You can be emotionally abused and worn down over time even as an adult.

    In fact most people who end up in abusive relationships come from well-adjusted backgrounds. They never learned the red flags of abuse and don't have the coping mechanisms to deal with abusers so they stay in trying to work things out using techniques that work with emotionally healty people but dont with abusers, they just take advanatage

    1. @gauloise: gonna +1 you here. The people painting op as a liar or slut are ignoring this entire enormous category of grooming/abuse victims. It’s not a dirty thing to have been victimized, particularly coming from a background where those behaviors just weren’t on the radar.

  12. I’m thinking DJ and maybe Zedd

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. So the musician was a phoney asshole, like 25% of the planet (being optimistic). The only thing over the line is the "sexually abusive" part, wish the poster could have been more specific about what they meant. Was he raping or torturing them, or just spanking too much and not reciprocating foreplay?

    Also note that we don't know the gender of the poster.


  16. bruce springsteen...........i always found Im on Fire to be a creepy creepy song.

  17. @tricia, Dave growl seems like such a genuinely down to earth nice guy. Hope not him. How easily we are all fooled.

    1. @marlin I know-agreed,but other musicians have been outspoken about never wanting to work with him again (like link above:( Also he has a bit of a substance abuse issue I think (booze)...
      @filmfan I loooo e that song”I’m on Fire”. He started writing lyrics many of which wound up on “Spanish Eyes”- a muse /romantic type thing I believe

  18. Unknown he fits the charming as fuck description

  19. Grohl of course. Spell check sucks.

  20. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Personality sounds like Jared Leto but this person is probably much more culturally relevant and/or famous.

    1. Oh, I hope he sees this comment. I hate that no talent fuckwad.

  21. Charming.A champion of the underdog.Could be any celebrity
    , singer or not.My guess is Bono

  22. @Tricia, That article mostly seems to be about professional issues. The drummer's biggest gripes are that Grohl chose to rerecord the drumming on the songs and then scheduled the band for longer tours than he had previously promised the drummer. Sounds more douchebaggie than anything.

  23. Random guess: Bruno Mars.

  24. You leave Andrew W.K. alone Brian! lol ;)

  25. For people saying Bruce Springsteen, I’ll just add this: I talked with an audio person recently who has worked w many stars. When asked his favorite people, it was Robin Williams & Bruce Springsteen. He gushed about Springsteen for a very long time. So, I don’t see this as being him.

    1. Yeah he’s the real deal. Same with Max Weinberg. Nice Jersey hubby taught their kids hockey back in the day.

  26. This sounds like a DJ from the description. It doesnt give enough detail, but could it be David Guetta?

  27. could literally be anyone... not a single usable hint

  28. Replies
    1. Noooooo Tricia. These guesses are breaking my heart.

    2. We must have similar taste lol. Love him too... but the Underdog thing fits him(and Grohl kinda)- song Loser was written with that intention. Very high energy etc. remix (as others pointed out)made me think of it too

    3. And scientologist. Yuck

  29. Beck, Moby, Lenny Kravitz. Who knows?

    1. Moby is a great guess

    2. Not sure about the charm part though....

  30. Mick Jagger, just to be different

  31. Brayson - don't be a reddit hater. We want fresh shit we need fresh sources.


    >>>> The poster of this blind is an AMERICAN FEMALE.

    Do not dox her account, based on her comment history that is what I know for sure.

  32. I thought of Moby because he's big into yoga. He likes going to Wanderlust festivals (yoga retreats). Yoga people are very self help interested. I've never heard a bad word about the man.

    1. Love that guess. Think I heard he got feely with Natalie Portman as well-he likes them younger.
      You got it I think

  33. I think the whole thing is made up based on the reditor's handle. Who chooses a name like that? A teenage troll.

  34. I think that the key to this might be the best who fits the description but also has a best friend who has access to free stuff???

  35. TBH Macklemore is who came to mind first. A quick Google funds him calling his producer his best friend along with a feel good story on how Macklemore would still be a success without Lewis, just a different success.

    And folks do love to hate on Macklemore. 🤷‍♀️ Other mentions seem too well established to care about getting free stuff.

    Disclaimer: I actually kinda like Macklemore and would hope it’s not him. But we all know the nature of gossip.

  36. So after a little research: the poster is an american woman, who is now 29. That means when he was 18 the year was 2007. I guess the singer was a "thing" back then.

  37. I did a little bit more digging and found this:
    I was with a somewhat popular, likable artist. He was also horribly emotionally, sexually, and mentally abusive. However, he essentially groomed me as a young 18 year old to think that how he treated me was what I deserved, so it was easy for him to carry on with the narrative that he was the best fiance ever and we lived some perfect, happy life. Hell, I went along with it because (between the crying and the paralyzing anxiety) I believed it.

    Or, more specifically, I believed I was the problem and deserved whatever he gave me. If he rapes me, it's because I wasn't meeting his needs. If he ignores me, it's because I'm a terrible person who doesn't deserve his attention. If he cheats on me, it's because I'm awful and boring and unstimulating and I deserve it. Et cetera.

    Well, one day he got sick of me and left. He seriously abandoned me for a much more talented and prettier girl who he had been cheating on me with who was, coincidentally, the same age I was when I met him. Once he was gone and I had some real heart-to-hearts with friends of mine (and realized how freeing it was without him), I came to the gradual realization that I wasn't the one in the wrong. Not that I was perfect or without sin, but that I didn't deserve to be mistreated.

    The more outspoken I became, I guess the more threatened he was. He went on a smear campaign talking about how I was a crazy, lying ex girlfriend who was trying to ruin his life and, lo and behold, his girlfriend joined in and began attacking me. I lost a ton of mutual friends and my ability to make a living with my art was destroyed because his fans and my clients overlapped so much. I got harassing messages, I got threats, and he thought it was hilarious to pop in from time to time to remind me how bad I was at everything for a while.

    In the end, I nearly gave up on art, tried to kill myself a handful of times, and eventually did everything in my power to distance myself from everyone who could identify me. Sure, when he got outed for raping a girl five years later, about three people popped out of the woodwork to apologize, but the damage was done.

    I'm not the same person. I will never be the same person. It's been nearly ten years and I still... I can't deal with it very well. There are friends I will never have back, trust that can never be mended, and I'm always skeptical now when people talk about their crazy ex. Reading revenge stories against crazy exes makes me kind of sick.

    1. Now im thinking james taylor.

  38. found this stuff on brendon:

  39. Grohl is more of a self-absorbed lunatic, not so much a puppeteer.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. The entry is fiction .
    Poorly written, hysterical BS.
    Also, sick and misogynist.
    Your goal on this blog is to repeatedly and persistently paint women as either victims or criminals.

    1. So how do you propose that he “paint” women? As saints? What if they’re actual idiots, assholes, victims, criminals, or any other positive OR negative type of human? Crying misogyny over anything you don’t like, is ridiculous.

  43. Every person on the planet really needs to stop with the "AF" references. So tired.

  44. Bruce Springsteen. Greatest asshole in the universe. Pals with Creepypasta Dems. Annointed by Baracky himself.

  45. Anonymous11:49 AM

    My husband's band has played (overseas) stadium shows with Dave Grohl and has always said that he is one of the most genuinely nice guys that doesn't seem like he is trying, it's just who he is. He doesn't act like he is above the support acts and socializes/has meals with everyone (the rest of the foo fighters did not eat with or really even acknowledge the support bands, which is absolutely the norm for big label acts). James Hetfield is also one of the nice ones, we all know about Lars.

  46. This blind was posted without the redditor’s permission, and whoever submitted it told them only after the fact.

    Digging through their posts to try and figure out who they are to then figure out the subject of the blind feels pretty close to doxxing.

    I’ve been here for a long time, enjoying the banter and the blinds, but this feels wrong.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      ...what’s the difference between it being posted here and it being posted on the very public, very high-traffic Reddit?

  47. So? An adult woman had a shitty relationship with an adult man. It happens. Only YOU can decide what you’ll tolerate from others. If you put up with being treated like shit by a famous person, why should I be outraged? Would you have tolerated it from Joe Mechanic that works at the Jiffy Lube? No probably not.

    If he actually raped you, then that’s awful. But there are so many definitions of rape now, even to include half heartedly consented to sex (Aziz Ansari’s accuser) that unfortunately I and many others aren’t so willing to jump immediately into believing it all 100%. Mean words, in my opinion, are not abuse, when it comes to adults that are free to leave (I know it’s harder if you’re married for years, have kids, etc, but this isn’t that). It appears like he left this woman and she was angry about it. Is this true? Who knows, but I think the guy could tell his side before we bring out the torches and pitchforks. But it’s all a lame blind so why the hell am I writing all this? Lol.

  48. Bimbos are the best. "I was an adult, but stupid as a child, and i am bitter, so i will call it grooming." Truth is he treated her like a whore because she put up with it to be with his fame and money.

  49. Really doubt that it's Dave Grohl. I don't think people can be as public as he has been for as long as he has been without some of the asshole-ry coming our at least a little bit.

  50. Also, yay! We got one that got Count interested!

  51. Did the guy from the Eagles get locked up in May, like everyone was saying last year? Didnt Himmmm guaranty charges would be filed, completely ignoring double jeopardy?

  52. The worst is when you see people in these types of relationships, explain to them what is going on, and all of a sudden you're the villain for being honest. You'll never hear a more vigorous and vicious defense than that of someone who wants to stay in an awful relationship. Then years later they're like oh you were right. They can see the writing on the wall, they just don't want to read it.

  53. Dave Grohl is a genuinely warm human being, no way this is him.

  54. @Count, That story never made sense to me, why would the victim and her husband want the guy to know ahead of time what they were doing? And why would they time it with the political campaign of the husband of the victim? "Vote for me, my wife got raped by the Eagles guy and here are the pictures." Seemed like a cash grab.

  55. I’m sure plenty of redditors are never informed when their stories are posted. This one was lucky enough to be told within a very short period of time.

    Personally I thought it was quite considerate so there.

  56. With the detailed description saying they were accused of rape before I wonder if this is Conor Oberst. Known to be emo and had rape allegations against him. Still big here in the Midwest.

    1. Those rape allegations were so fake though. The woman who accused him has BPD and is a pathological lier. She pretended one of ger own kids was dead just to get attention.

  57. @Christine The difference to me, at least, is that the person chose to share their experience on Reddit. They did not choose to do so here. Just my opinion, YMMV.

  58. @hunter “Lucky enough to be told within a very short period of time”? Very, very considerate of you.

    So there.

  59. Regarding Springsteen being great to work with in the studio. Means nothing. Always thought he was a total phony and fraud. From the very beginning.

    Knew someone who did a whole bunch of studio work with Michael Jackson in the mid 80's. Jackson dumped the public personae the moment he started work in the studio. Very straight forward, very profession, very easy to work with. Compared to some of the egotistical monsters in the business back then Jackson was actually a pleasure to work with. Still does not mean he did not rape children.

    Those stories of Jackson abusing and raping children were very well known at the time. Because he had been so horrible abused by his father a lot of people gave him the benefit of the doubt regarding his bizarre public behavior. And just how true the other stories might be. Any doubts I had about the child rape stories evaporated the moment I heard the Don King story. Anyone who could play Don King like that, and for as long as that, was an operator of the highest order. So someone who could out Don King, Don King was exactly the sort of person who raped children.

    So I would never ever go by stories about how nice and down to earth famous people are. Some actually are, a few, very few, but mostly its an act. Because it usually takes a special type of complete and total asshole to get to the top. And stay at the top. And if they are not an asshole at the start most soon will be if they stay swimming in the shitpool called fame too long. A rancid fetid swamp full of bobbing turds.

  60. @Music What was the Don King story? Sounds interesting.

  61. I always thought it was pretty obvious that Springsteen is a dick.

  62. Which site gets more traffic? AskReddit or CDAN?

    I can mf'ing guarantee you it's reddit. Plus you're not a regular so you can keep your opinions to yourself BUDDY.

    I sleep fine at night.

  63. All fingers point to that Brandon guy however doing a little more snooping shows that this girl's story got more and more extreme throughout the years. She sounds like a groupie that was basically upset that this skinny little fella was also pumping other groupies. I'm so glad that I was never interested in this emo subculture bullshit. It's like these Kpop fans now, they're all absolutely bat shit. Thankfully in the heavy metal scene there wasn't really anyone that any of my (female) friends and I tried to or even wanted to fuck, hahaha.

  64. Drawing a blank but would really like to know...I can't see Grohl "grooming" anybody, don't think so...maybe just a made up story for the hell of it.

    The only ones I know that "groom" people are Prince and possibly R Kelly, but that is an age thing...once you are like 18 you are gone.

    Someone who was big in 2007? I can't remember back that far, and the music I like ends at about....2005 or so.

    Enty, tell us this one if you know....maybe you don't it is on Reddit...

  65. Dave Grohl got married in 2003, still married to her to this day

  66. This band could be literally anyone, it could a be a band that is popular in a local scene. There is nothing saying the artist is famous or known on a national level

    True, there are petty tyrants everywhere.

  67. oh i remember the band name now, it's panic at the disco

  68. Definitely not Grohl as I've met his ex wife and she was really nice about him. I was thinking Jeffree Star, he always came across as a piece of work.

  69. Maybe Nick Carter?

  70. She deleted the post, she has enty's email if she ever wants to send it in.

  71. Anonymous1:05 PM

    first time poster long time lurker. could this possibly be cee lo green. he had that song: i think i'm crazy, when he was in gnarls barkley with danger mouse, around about 2006. he was on the voice, as well as being in goodie mob and also having solo success. he was thought of a decent guy, unless i'm mistaken, up until the rape allagations, whilst he was on the voice.

  72. Not anyone from Bon Jovi. Jon married to his b.s. sweetheart. Before they got huge.

  73. Y'all seem really old, guessing guys in their sixties.

  74. she says if it was someone famous it would be traceable who she was. But this is reddit so Enty may not know who this is...unless it was also submitted here..
