Sunday, January 20, 2019

Blind Item #7

Apparently this is more than just a rehab thing for this alliterate talk show host. It is also a could die kind of thing.


MDAnderson said...

Wendy Williams

Tink said...

Oh no! Wendy☹️

sandybrook said...

Who else could it possibly be?

TwoDots said...

Genuinely saddened for her. Get it together girl.

Tink said...

This makes me sad. Say what you will, but she has worked for decades to have Her empire crash this way. Listening to her on the radio inNYC back in the day was the jam. I hope she gets better. And when she does, go to SiriusXM and do her thing. 💜

Sd Auntie said...

Thyroid cancer or the graves damaged her heart. I am not sure but the fall and seizure may be an indicator.

Trapped said...

Wendy Williams is going to let that no good husband be the death of her..
Think about your child and get it together
Give him half and tell him to get the hell out of my house..Fire him as your manager

MDAnderson said...

I grew up with Wendy. I remember when Puffy got her fired and she went to philly and then came back to NYC. She’s a mess but she was always entertaining.

hunter said...

You know Tricia - on the DListed thread yesterday there were endless comments and clips of how she just revels in the pain of others and is a total bitch especially back in the radio days.

That she loves to pull out the things that make people look or feel bad, that she's a mean spirited person.

That makes me not feel so bad for her.

Tink said...

Was giggling about the Puffy deal.

Anonymous said...
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Sal T said...

I thought you said Charlie Sheen was supposed to die last year Enty?

Unknown said...

This is sad. She needs to let him gooo she’d rather die being married than get divorced and move on with her life

gauloise said...

Ok so enty had this one right, let's see if Jerry O'Connell is her replacement as per the blind

hunter said...

Thanks @Brooklyn Girl, agreed - also - does no one else remember that her husband got in trouble for beating Wendy Williams up and it happened in the studio or something and then she had to take some time off but denied it ever happened?

That was 100 years ago when I was in college maybe but I remember it because I guess I've always been a celeb gossip hor but I do remember. He's a bad guy and she's been covering it up for YEARS which explains why she is so mean and wants to hurt others because she is miserable on the inside.

JL said...

I don't see Wendy reveling in everybody's misfortune. She has opinions, but blog comments certainly can't judge her on that. Ha ha. I have seen her stand up for plenty of people that social media was crapping all over. She has a point of view. Sadly, as a Cancer, she likes being a homebody and a wife, which means she likes having a husband, even a crappy one.

Mstyles said...

I don't think Wendy is a nasty type of gossip chick. She has ALWAYS had the drop on EVERYONE ever since back in the 90's. Her whole M.O. was blowin up spots but she is/was never mean about it and she has real dirt on people she never spilled. She lives in my neighborhood and is truly a nice person to everyone she comes in contact with.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I'll give Enty credit here, for acknowledging Wendy's health problems, instead of blowing it off and saying she's not really sick, as is typical here.

My cousin who has had thyroid issues since she was a teenager, saw a recent article on Wendy and said she absolutely looked like she has Graves Disease. She even went on to tell me the exact surgery she thought she would be having.
Best of luck to Wendy Williams.

Vita said...

I feel bad for Wendy...I've watched her show since the days of seeing the clips of the trial episodes on Talk Soup. The rumors are awful from all directions, but, I think if she went ahead and aired the truth of her whole mess (he cant sue for slander if it's true), her "co-hosts," and even most critics, would sympathize, rather than gloat. Her son is over 18, and the idea of untangling business and financial partnerships along with a divorce has to be dreadful, but, let the lawyers deal with it. Health and peace of mind are worth it. Disrespect is not something to cling to out of fear, sentimentality about better days, or finances. Hopefully, she will recover completely with renewed strength and clarity to make decisions that are best for her.

Colonel Blake said...

O'Conell has a TV show now so not sure if that's why he wasn't brought in to cover this time around.
Being the sole persona on a talk show must be horrendously exhausting. BUT she's always said she'll never have a co host. Perhaps things may change?

Cut hubbie loose, admit to what has transpired, move on. Most don't give a shit about her hubbie anyways. He's a no body. Pay him off, take the losses NOW or continue to suffer. The longer she drags this out, the more credibility she'll lose.

Unknown said...

Wendy needs to change her will if she has one and leave everything to her son (and make sure her hubby gets nada). I know he gets some money as her hubby but I would file for a legal separation, make sure he can't have insurance on my life and change any policies she has to exclude him.

TheBPlot said...

Tiny dancer - YES! This downard spiral was happening for a while. Howard sensed it, which is why he didnt fight back. Kevin Hunter, her husband, is knwn to be awful to work with and we all know hes a player. Shes made some bad choices. And ahe comes from an excellent excellent family. Hopefully she has good lawyers because the show distributors and affiliates wont take this for too long. But they would need a new show / host in motion soon for next season to appease affiliates.

Twits said...

Get well soon Wendy! We miss you

Aoife said...

Get well Wendy.

HunnieInHlwd said...

I love you, Wendy!

Nick Rivers said...

All this love for Wendy is baffling. The woman is a complete and total jerk. Never mean about it? Ask Terry Crews how he feels about the way she blasted him for going public with his story about being sexually assaulted. Or her continued defense of Chris Brown. I imagine she's praised R. Kelly all over the place but someone else will need to confirm that one, though it can't be hard to find.

I say we all get specific about what's going on with her health problems since she had no issue publicly announcing Method Man's wife's health issues all over the radio even though it wasn't her business and he and his family wanted to keep it private. She also spread a rumor that he was screwing his wife's doctor while all this was going on.

From Method Man himself:

If she had no problem divulging his personal health problems publicly to get ratings, let's let all of hers fly out there too. Fair play is fair play, and karma loves a happy ending.

Tee said...

Noooo Wendy cannot die on me!!

Kim said...

Method Man's wife didn't want her family knowing what she was going through and they found out through Wendy. Her career is sitting in a purple chair talking shit and judging people going through stuff. So, at least she's not going to have someone sitting in a purple chair talking shit about her struggle for ratings. Seems like the man sized shoe is on the other foot.

cc423 said...

I love how people judging celebrities on a gossip site are criticizing Wendy Williams for judging celebrities.

MichiganMama59 said...

She looks horrid.

Freebird said...

I’ve always thought that she stays with her husband because otherwise he has threatened to go public with the fact that she is actually a man.

Astra Worthington said...

Some people are just mean natured. It’s not always a “oh they’re mean because their life sucks”. Some of them are actually really happy, and just like being mean. Maybe Wendy Williams is one of them. I like her. F celebs, I don’t care if they get their feelings hurt. Hope Wendy will be ok.


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