Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blind Item #7

It is not so much what she wore, rather that the very underage actress all of you know wore it specifically for her much older boyfriend.


  1. This must be the outfit.

  2. The dress was tight, but she was completely covered up and the shoes weren't stilettos or anything...people need to relax. I guess the boyfriend should cause some alarm, though.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There is nothing wrong with this dress. Is is form fitting, but so what? She's not allowed to feel pretty?

      It covers her skin. She is a young woman. I'd let my 14 y.o. daughter wear it to dress up.

      Don't know who the older bf is supposed to be, but that is a source of outrage, not this dress.

    2. People are outraged because children have been massively over sexualized and it’s disgusting. Children don’t act or dress like children, and it bothers normal, moral people. I didn’t see her dress, I don’t know if it’s ok or not but the sentiment seems to be a logical backlash to what’s been done to children and tweens.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There's nothing wrong with the dress, the problem seems more like the people looking at it.

  6. I don’t think the dress would be such of a big deal if she paired with cute tennis shoes and less old boyfriend.

  7. What boyfriend? And didn't anybody said Enty would preent such? Out not the victim, but the perpetrator.

    Btw someone mentioned he got a podcast?

  8. The John, enty has a terrific podcast available on Patreon for $5 per month.

  9. @Thia
    What does this edomite-chay mamzer have that she needs? Are her parents pushing this blasphemy upon her? Somebody need already to expose this pervert. Didn't someone mentioned he already had sexually assaulted women?

  10. I’m not thrilled with leopard or snakeskin fabrics on girls her age, however the dress is a little clingy but otherwise it looks acceptable.

    I don’t think Drake is her boyfriend. AFAIK, they just text each other.

  11. @Mango
    Exactly my thought too, then but I think Enty should watch hi language and usage of words n this case.
    A grown bastard texting a underage is still unnerving and nobody here thinks she's the only.
    @Nor Cal
    I can't afford it, but link?

  12. My 14 year old daughter wouldn't be allowed to dress like that.

  13. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Hey in Poland, MBB is legal and of age. Let's all go make a movie or twenty in Poland.

  14. @Unknown
    She might be legal, but the guy might don't care about that, like most hell-yidd-wood people.

  15. @Dena not appropriate for 14 years old. People can't complain that America has all these problems then think a skin tight dress on a kid is ok

  16. @The John - Have you seen all the (((Molloch))) symbolism? -

  17. The dress is the least of her worries, if all of enty’s blinds are accurate. Sadly...

  18. @Bill
    Although I do not follow anyone on IG, but some artists and memers, I know about the symbolism. He's just a lowkey homo and pedosexual. A pawn with a laughable existence as a bastard.
    Take everything with a grain of salt, somebody once told me here.

  19. @AkhaldanSolo
    There is a line between conspiracy and looneyism. You're looney. There have been several normies brought into Hollywood and they do not interfere with the Cabal, they are merely targets. Drake is a lowkey loser like I mentioned before. I bet you're on of those who think every Hell-Yid-Wood female is transgender. Get your head right.

  20. @AkhaldanSolo
    Ah, but yeah still. I don't think such normies a Moretz etc. are interfering in the deeper rabbit hole.

  21. MMB and KStew? This is the first I’ve heard about them.

    Re Drake texting with MB - I think that it was some rando 14/15 year old, he would have ignored or blocked her, but MBB is Famous and an actress on a Reallly Popular Show, so... he replies to her texts. I doubt that it’s anything more.

  22. @Mango
    >I think that it was some rando 14/15 year old, he would have ignored or blocked her, but MBB is Famous and an actress on a Reallly Popular Show, so... he replies to her texts. I doubt that it’s anything more.
    Simple english please, I didn't get what you meant.

  23. @ Bill Beard - I thought the owl was the symbol for wisdom?

  24. @Mango
    Remember this, anything that is a symbol and is associated with a so called God or Godess, is a heathen symbol and most probably a fallen angel, also called Nephilim, who impose as Gods and demand worship. Just like bad ol Luzifer, the Satan.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @Nonya feeling "pretty" and being/feeling "sexy" are different things. No age of consent in the U.S. is 14. Isn't MBB 14? Adults really shouldn't be condoning tight, sexy clothes on a juvenile who can't consent to sex. Plenty of age appropriate styles to wear and "feel pretty"

  27. AkhaldanSolo <--- Correct as always.

  28. @DejaBlue
    Well, he went a little too far and can not distinguish from actual and wrong. He have few points, but not all.

  29. She wore this getup to Sheesh Restaurant, which bills itself as a "strictly childfree establishment." But the rules don't apply when you're rich and famous and being pimped out by your disgusting, soulless stage parents.

  30. Keep smoking that meth you brain dead fucking idiot.

  31. @Tropic
    What did she wanted there?

  32. Yes, sorry if you thought I was talking about you. Definitely that brain damaged jackass.

  33. @TheJohn
    I don't know what she wanted there; it looks like a pretty sleazy joint though, notwithstanding its exclusive pretenses.

    However, I doubt that Drake was a factor here.

  34. @Tropic
    Praise the Holy Father in Heaven
    Well, he went the wrong rabbit hole, it seems.

  35. @ The John - Regarding my earlier comment that you did not understand: If a normal, random 14 year-old female fan got Drake’s number and texted him, he would probably would not engage with her. But because MBB is a famous (albeit tween) actress on a popular show, he responds to her texts. Famous people treat other famous people differently than they treat us mere mortals.

    Does that make sense?

  36. @Mango
    Ah yes now. Sbasiba. But I beg to differ that he wouldn't text her. Those rappers and musicians are unholy, dug addicted nymphomaniacs.

  37. Boyfriend just told me to add that a rando could also tweet him on Twitter to try to engage with him. (I don’t do Twitter or any social media and am not even sure how most of it works.)

  38. @Mango
    The owl is a symbol for wisdom, but also it is associated with witches. Some owls have the genus "Strix," which is a witchy Roman creature. Being associated with wisdom and witches isn't mutually exclusive-- wise women scare some people.

  39. Call me old fashioned but my 14 year old daughter wouldn't wear that and I know about it. I agree it's the shoes that push it over the top but the dress is a bit tight.

  40. @ Aoife

    "Call me old fashioned "

    you're old fashioned

  41. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her choice of dress. The length makes it a bit demure, actually. Would prefer to see kitten heels to balance out the look, considering she's 14 though.

  42. My daughter is 13. I would kick her a$$ if she tried walking out of the house in that dress. It's a beautiful, classy dress...for a woman. THESE ARE LITTLE FLIPPING GIRLS. So sad Millie Bobbie Brown's parents are pimping her out just like their idol Kris Jenner.

  43. All the posters who spoke up about MBB's attire being too adult, and that it is inappropriate on a 14 yr old --I salute you.
    Children are being sexualized at an alarming rate, as per the deep state's agenda.
    Such as making pedophilia a 'psychiatric' disorder instead of a crime.
    Wake up! our children and grandchildren are in danger - be aware, and dress them as CHILDREN, not little reflections of you, or hollywood or 'fashion'.

  44. Seems like her bf might be Extra host Mark Wright. She was hanging with his mom and sister at this restaurant while wearing the dress and shoes. He's 31.

  45. Well who is the much older boyfriend enty??

  46. Because all i see is she's with that jacob kid



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