Thursday, January 03, 2019

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list singer was barred by his actress significant other from seeing his ex as she lay dying. There is no way the actress was going to take a chance on anything breaking the spell like hold she has over him and his life.


  1. Neil young and Darry Hannah

  2. Whoever this is, that is some serious insecurity. That should definitely sound off some alarm bells!


  4. Old Man look at your wife ...
    (fill in the blanks)

  5. She was so much more beautiful than that caricature that Daryl Hannah has become.

    1. Are you saying she went from mermaid to sea hag?

  6. Once again, the blind is most likely bullshit. Pegi Young was dying anyway and it would have been a risky move to block Neil Young from seeing her, particularly as it would put him later into an impossible position with their kids. Neil may let her put up together the artwork for his releasesl, but he's also an adult who has always made his own choices.

  7. "Pegi Young was dying anyway"? She had cancer,the decision as to whether he would be with her could have been decided in advance.His children are adults,but a son with severe disabilities may need more comforting than another person. If true, it might make Neil less enamoured of his new wife.

  8. Darryl Hannah’s face is so jacked up and wonky these days with all that plastic surgery.

  9. They both look like they belong in the coo coo nest
    Forgive me but Neil and Daryl look like two crazy people together..

  10. Daryl H is messed up because Jackson I think that’s his name, use to beat the crap out of her.

  11. Ow. This is very ugly stuff. My ex who went nuts died a couple of years ago. I was relieved to hear he was dead, frankly, but that's another story. My current partner had to endure my mourning and talking to his family, etc. as I had been with him for 12 years. I still get choked up about him when something triggers a memory. I am kind of mad at Neil for leaving his wife, though I certainly don't know what was going on there. DH is older than me but still seems like he's robbing a cradle somehow?! Warped, I know. I always loved NY. Bought even his worst records.

  12. Why the fuck would she want to see Neil Young anyway? Honestly, when you're at death's door I think the last thing you'd want to see is a train of your exes lined up to offer their condolences. Sure there's always the last minute curses to place but that's kind of low class considering you're about to enter the kingdom of oblivion.

  13. because they had children together.

  14. This is not true. The whole thing is not who any of these people are.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @Squirrelmistress, Yeah I've known a lot of people that had children together. Many would only want the other parent there for their death if it was death by train wreck. ;)

  17. If I had been Pegi, I wouldn't have wanted to see Neil Young after he dumped me for Daryl Hannah.

  18. Exactly. The last fucking person I would want to see on my deathbed, is the douchecanoe who left the marriage after decades together, because he was having some late in life, Viagra fueled fuck fest with a younger woman.

  19. Ahh, no wonder Daryl is going to inherit all of his stuff. Hope he takes care of his 2 disabled kids.

  20. @Trapped: Darryl has autism. Stop calling her crazy. @Tricia13 said something similar on another post & I called her out as well.

    Making fun of someone with autism is not acceptable, whether or not you like them.

    1. Thank you - I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (like her) and ADHD in adulthood, and I have been called weird and crazy my whole life - really I am super excited/enthusiastic/childlike - I like wearing particular clothes, tags annoy me, we have heightened senses also..I work with children who have ADHD and Autism and encourage them to celebrate being unique! I just wish I could listen to my own advice..thank you for that x

  21. I don't know. You might want to see the person. Maybe when you are dying things are a lot different. The perspective changes.

  22. I dont think Darryl Hannah gets to decide she has autism in her forties. Wtf.
    Also, she isn't very much younger than Pegi was??
    Pegi said she forgave them anyway cuz she was classy like that. I doubt she cared if he showed up for her deathbed. I have no clue why I am bothering to comment on this at all.

    1. She self-identifies as autistic.. kinda like Lizbeth Warren identifies as Pocahontas.

    2. 😂😂

    3. J F, nice Neil Young reference (Pocahontas is a great song.)

    4. She was actually diagnosed by a professional you ignorant idiots. You DO NOT DECIDE...I also have Asperger's and your comments are so fucking vile and close minded, lets hope none of you have children, god help them with parents like you... If i mentioned your favourite musicians and actors had Autism bet you'd think...oh they don't act like a crazy person...
      We grow up learning to put on a facade, which is hard as lying is as hard to us as being kind to 'different' people is to you idiots...close minded, hiding in your own safe bubble behind a screen mocking those who aren't sheep...get a fucking grip

  23. How do you go from JFK, Jr to Neil Young? DH isn't Autistic, give me a break.

    1. You know nothing! Autistic Spectrum....get it? Asperger's is HIGH FUNCTIONING, I have it, and studying towards a Masters in Counselling, with support, specifically to help children with ASD/ADHD, Dan Ackroyd has Asperger's, Courtney Love also, it is a BRAIN IMPAIRMENT on many levels. educate yourself...just because you are Alltistic and a NT doesn't mean you are more intelligent. In fact, people with Asperger's have a very high IQ and a higher level of empathy due to heightened senses, and are more accepting of others due to idiots on this page who are so judgmental...



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