Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blind Item #5

This waiting for a family member to die so she can have some money without working actress has been told no many times to a reboot unless she includes all the original members. She doesn't want that, so the answer will continue to be no and she will continue to live off handouts.


  1. Who was not that bad on Masked Singer last night. I am thinking the person who called her tone deaf was the lovely mother of the year Candy Spelling

  2. I hope when Candy dies, that she gives Tori $300K like Aaron did. Tori had a million kids thinking that her mom would give her tons of money for each. Don't even get me started on her loser husband. Her kids could get money for college in a trust fund.

    1. Tori and her brother each got $800,000 when their dad died, so i think the mom will leave Tori and her brother same amount: $800,000 each.
      The remaining $600 million will probably go to "humanitarian" causes, based on what mom feels is "humanitarian" and a "cause".

  3. Her puffy face when she took that mask off, tho. 😦

  4. Tori is a waste of space just pumping out ugly kids for money. She's disgusting.

    1. It’s especially sad because not only are they unfortunate looking, they’re also really fat. What the hell is she feeding them? Do they ever go outside? Letting your kids get fat is so cruel.

    2. She’s been papped at mcdonalds drive thru so I’m guessing they have three drive thru/ Uber eats meals a day diet. Tori doesn’t look like the cooking type and we all know she can’t afford a chef

  5. Those parents created that monster. What did they expect would happen? Now they’re going to throw her to the wolves? It’s shitty all around. THIS is why you don’t spoil your children. They turn out like this!

  6. I hope Candy puts her money in a trust for Tori's kids that they can't touch until they are 30 years old.
    Or gives it to Randy.

  7. Holy cow, Tory Spellings mom is worth 600 million? Where do I send my adoption application?

  8. i just don't understand why if she and dean are in such financial trouble (owe millions in taxes, credit card debt, etc.) why do you keep having children??? i mean my gawd.

    i could barely afford the ONE i had let alone 5 or 6 (or however many she has). i used to like her, but now, i just don't get it. our own choices bring not very nice consequences sometimes.

  9. Why wouldn't Tori want include all the 90210 original members? She friends with all of them.

  10. Candy Spelling, who is worth like a billion dollars and lived in the most expensive home in Beverly Hills with 3 rooms just for wrapping presents complains that her daughter has bad spending habits. At least Tori is a blood relative of her father. I don't care how bad her spending habits are, or how much Candy hates her husband, Tori should be entitled to a good portion of that money. What did Candy ever do to deserve it? Aaron was the one that earned it all.

  11. When did Candy make up with Tori Enty? She ain't getting shit from that estate.

  12. I was prepared to make a Luke Perry is too busy with bingo and applesauce at the nursing home joke, but I googled, and the man is looking better than ever these days

  13. Luke Perry has been kicking it on Riverdale, actually pretty good acting.

  14. Tori just needs to take her brood and go to a state with a lower cost of living. Nobody wants her, nobody wants to watch her.

  15. I always felt bad for Tori, she believed she was super close to her dad and worked for him. He has all the money in the world, and doesn't set up any kind of trust to take care of her and her brother.

    I don't know, but men who put their spouses over their own flesh and blood, I find truly evil.

  16. @Sandy They Tori the kids and the mom were photographed together recently

  17. @IceAngel 1000 upvotes if I could.

  18. Candy and Tori are in contact. I've read that in a number of articles, apparently there is a sort of detente.

  19. Didn't know that, Brayson.
    Still on teeny bopper tv. He gets older, they stay the same age.
    Alright alright alriiiiight.

  20. Candy and Aaron leaving kids out of the will was LUDICROUS (leaving them so little anyway)! You raise them as privileged and handed a tv role she didn't necessarily earn and give her a house with a bowling alley etc and then you complain about their money issues? It isn't like they made their kids volunteer at soup kitchens or hold down real common man jobs early to instill ethics. They were utterly ostentatious and set a norm slash precedent with their grand home and lifetime. I just don't understand any of it. Tori is THEIR creation. At least her brother is living a normal life.

  21. Tori can't want money too bad then if she won't include all the 90210 originals. What does it matter at this point? She needs cash and I'm betting she is able to pitch it and promise it in meetings given her dad and his estate were the EP/company. She'd rather do sh*tty reality crap than a 90210 reboot? It would also possibly lead to other work. She needs to get over it!

  22. Although I agree that this is Tori- if her mom did leave her anything, I bet it would be willed to the kids with a decree that they can’t touch until 30 or something. AND I thought that all the OG cast were shopping a reboot? Who is the hold out? Jason? Shannen? They didn’t get royalties or paid a ton so I think they are all needing the $$$$$

  23. I cant imagine Luke Perry or Jason P wanting to be part of it. Shannon and Jennie were in the 2000s reboot, so I am sure they would be on board. They guys didnt want to be in that one either.

  24. Such fucking entitlement! Why do people assume that their parents ‘owe it to them’ to leave them their estate? I have a friend who is married to someone from a wealthy family. The grandfather died and left his estate to a Foundation that he started. She is so pissed, but I applaud him. People can do what they want with their money. I think Sting & Trudie have it right. They announced a few years ago that they’re leaving the majority of their money to charity.

    Tori shouldn’t have had 17 kids if she can’t support them. You shouldn’t live your life based on waiting for someone to die so that you can get an inheritance.

  25. They raised her to not know how to handle money and then wonder why she's bad with it?

  26. Agreed, @Wendy. I never understood Candy's and Tori's very bad relationship, like what had to go down for you to dislike your daughter so much and vice versa.

  27. Anonymous5:11 AM


    I'm sure that money would be a relief to Tori.
    Since she was raised to believe that money grows on some tree in her massive backyard.
    Daddy produced huge amounts of it. Here's another credit card darling; go down to Rodeo and buy yourself a new bag or something.
    Yeah. And you are surprised by Tori today?

  28. I think the issue would be Brian Austin Green. Megan doesn't want him working....



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