Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Blind Item #5

This former A list teen movie actor doesn't have any of the money he got from all of you. His latest plan though is to get traditional financing for a movie from industry people and then make a movie with their money (while spending some too) and then claim he used your money to make it.


  1. What is meant by the phrase, "money he got from all of you". I assume this means us, readers, so ... how did he get money from us?

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Remember when he tried channeling Michael Jackson on daytime TV and embarrassed himself? Pepperidge farm remembers

  3. Don’t @ me, Enty.

  4. is he being paid by michaels estate? i always feel like hes there to muddy the waters and make the accusers look less valid.. just a hunch

  5. He means the money he got from GFM-type stuff (he asked for $10mill to make a movie... LOL). Now he's as Sundance trying to get funding from industry people. They'll most likely laugh him out of town. He needs to stop riding Haim's coattails and let the other Corey RIP.

  6. Was Corey Feldman ever A+? Even in the 80s he was a joke.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Corey Feldman. He was also in the news yesterday talking about ending statute of limitations for child abusers, which would be a good thing. In his case though I think he wants us to believe he doesn't talk or name the "big" names because he's afraid of how they would sue him into oblivion, when in reality he doesn't want to talk because he was an enabler. He was the boy who was not quite attractive enough to be a prize for the abusers, but he was willing to bring in boys who were attractive enough. He's probably dealing with huge anxiety and possibly some guilt about it and anger that it did not pay off bigger for him. I just don't get a good vibe from the guy. He's clearly in an alternate reality.

  8. +1 Davina, interesting theory.

  9. I'd pay to see Feldman interrogated, find out what he really knows, nothing hardcore of course. He's such an addict you could just keep him clean a few days then offer him drugs in exchange for answers. He'd probably snitch out all his "friends."

  10. I think he spent a bunch of it on shutting down lawsuits too. Several of his ex angels and female band mates accused him of drugging and assaulting them, one of anal rape. Treating them like slaves, not feeding them,brainwashing etc. He’s like a greasy low rent cult leader. He’s been caught numerous times on SM creeping on young girls. He may have been abused as a child (although I think he always spun situations into ways to make himself money eg his pimping of Haim) it still doesn’t account for the monstrous things he’s done throughout his life. He’s on that Cameo site now: for $222 you can get your own personal video shout out from Corey Barfman.

  11. Ugh. There are so many people who started out as such a good spokesperson for the #metoo movement, who turn out to be such despicable pieces of shit.

  12. I wonder how many years it will be before I'm walking past Corey sitting on the sidewalk with a cardboard sign.

  13. "Pepperidge farm remembers"

    @YoSoyMilk - I'm ded

  14. He set up a "Go Fund Me" account to make a documentary about pedo Hollywood.

  15. FREEBIRD - Plus 1.

    DO TELL - Basically Feldman is doing that now, digitally.

    Corey is canceled the house. Girl bye.



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