Friday, January 18, 2019

Blind Item #5

The people of this A- list adult singer are on her to stop interacting/praising/being friends with this racist makeup person.


  1. Replies
    1. Or Grande Latte again?

    2. Lol I like that one

    3. But maybe she’s more of a poquito latte lol
      She is tiiiiny

  2. Jeffree star posted a picture with demi from 10 years ago and she replied with something like: omg i love you so yes demi. I didn't see a reply from miley of his picture with her


    Wow that was way more than I wanted to know. Sounds more like Laura Lee.

  4. Anonymous7:56 AM

    jeffree is not racist omg. have met and been around him several times, and hes one of the most caring and nice people I have ever met.

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    laura lee though, fake as fuck.

  6. Jeffree Star has acknowledged his past statements in his YouTube videos.Demi was photographed with him many times years ago.

  7. How the FUCK is Demi Lovato A list?

  8. @paris, A- is a broad range. I'm still rooting for her :)

  9. I wish most of them would stop interacting with oxygen.

  10. There are celebrity make-up people now? Someone must put a stop to it!

  11. Jeffree Star is not a racist. I watch his channel on YT. He's been fully transparent about his past and has atoned for it. Give it a rest to the people who don't know nor watch him. Its very tired.

    If Jeffree can keep Demi alive and away from the loser "designer", all the better for her. He does not drink nor take any drugs except pot. He's as nice and kind as can be.

    Anyone who cares as much as he does about animals and doesn't harm other people is all right in my book.

  12. As Kfitz said, Jeffree Star is actually nice in person. Got my picture with him at a Davey Havok book launch (his first fictional book), and Jeffree could not have been nicer (in stark contrast to the LA Ink tattoo artist who he was hanging out with who was super pissed at being recognized in public and full on denying who he was when I asked him if he was on that of the British guys who’s also in a band).

  13. Unknown I have loved Davey Havok for years.I wish Enty had some juicy Davey gossip to share.

  14. Loves animals? FFS, even Hitler had a dog. If you make racist statements or jokes on more than one occasion, you're a racist.

  15. Racists don't gain influence and power by being nasty.

    Just sayin'...though I have no idea of Jeffree is currently a racist. He is irritating as fuck, however.

  16. The bar for being called a racist is notoriously low. Some people should get a life.

    This made me think of the tweet i saw today. I don't think he's that bad but a lot of young people do with "cancelled" culture and the ancient "receipts" - and if this is about him - the potential PR team of the singer are probably trying to please that audience. i think Demi fits too.
