Friday, January 11, 2019

Blind Item #5

This former A+ list athlete/cheat doesn't have as much money as he would like you to believe and his recent relationship is costing him millions. He needs to readjust and start fixing his nest egg, which also includes selling off assets. Everyone makes it seem like some of the assets were purchased jointly, but most involved his money. He has way more money than his significant other.


  1. Replies
    1. Alex and Jlo selling their NYC penthouse they bought like 4months ago lol

  2. Arod has more money then Jlo? wow that is suprising.

  3. it is not Arod and JLo. he's worth $300 mil she's worth $380 mil

  4. Ben Affleck went through a lot of money with JLo too

  5. JLo doesn't sound like the type of person who invests her money wisely.

    If she has money, my guess is that it is Vegas money.

  6. I could go with the Beckhams guess since her business, until recently when he said he wouldn't pay for it anymore, has cost a pretty penny or whatever the equivalent is across the pond ;)

    1. Yup. But why Enty did not say foreign born? Eggs nest = all his kids?

  7. No way are either Arod or JLo worth as much as peop!e think. He doesn't make and never will make the money he used to. He also wasn't paid bonuses and money he would have made during his suspension. JLo is smart using his money lol.💲💰

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The Beckhams. Currently their $24 million dollar LA mansion is up for sale. Considering how much money he's given Victoria to prop up that disastrous clothing business I can see why he's cash strapped.

  9. Hmm maybe this is why MM is marching so hard for VB lately?

  10. as far as the Beckhams, the clue says "his recent relationship" .. that wouldn't apply to them as they have been married for years.

  11. Laura ARod was born In New York City. And later on moved to the DR.

  12. Arod and JLow from the block

  13. So the athlete has way more money than his partner but not as much as he would like us to believe?

  14. These people spend it like rocket fuel, i can totally believe they can run out.

  15. David & Victoria Beckham

  16. This sounds like non-married people from the language used

  17. Lance Armstrong? sold his austin mansion recently,

    got engaged in mid 2017 but still not married, has 3 kids w/ her, maybe can't afford them, she doesnt seem employed

  18. +1 raven, unless the recent relationship a mistress or something
    "his recent relationship is costing him millions"

  19. A-rod / J. Lo
    Jennifer is known to have tight purse strings and expects her SO to pay (with the exception of Casper) or freebies

  20. Victoria really should have gone for an attainable price point - like $200 pants instead of $600 pants.

    Then all kinds of people could have snapped up her designs and a lot more would have flown off the shelves. I've really liked quite a few of her styles.

  21. Everyone makes it seem like some of the assets were purchased jointly, but most involved his money.

    I don't believe this. Rodriguez is notoriously cheap. I bet he "accidentally" leaves his wallet at home a lot when he and JLo go out.

  22. There was a blind awhile back stating that she is backing his new baseball bat line and she wanted some pink ones for girls.

  23. Thought it could be anyone until the "cheat" part. Lance Armstrong immediately came to mind. But how could he have any money? Ever?
