Thursday, January 10, 2019

Blind Item #5

The significant other of this former tweener turned A- list adult singer may or may not be clean but he did recently steal several thousand dollars from a former business partner.


  1. Replies
    1. SO being Henry Levy?

    2. Sounds like the perfect guy to hook up with after a near death experience!!

    3. I didn’t know much about him except for the “sober coach” thing.../ guess she’s straight this week?

  2. That Harvey weasel Demi's been hanging out with. Her "sober coach"

  3. Addict behavior, getting clean is more than not using.

  4. @Tricia, drugs or being able to get them seems to flip her that way.

  5. This is what they love to call "non sober behavior" lol!!

  6. Don't do drugs.
    If your Dr. prescribes something strong for you due to illness or injury, please use it as briefly as possible.
    I know too many people whose lives have been forever ruined by chemical substances.
    God bless this girl who clearly does have addictive personslity.
    She almost died in July. She needs to be around stable and drugfree group of people.

  7. Demi rehab love rat ---- they are not suppose to be with anyone especially someone with drug problem

  8. @hunter, or "dry drunk"

  9. @hunter and @brayson, right on!
    Way more has to happen than just not using.
    Relationships a no no for two years (if you're serious about being clean).
    Tells me Demi may have another overdose in her future sadly.

  10. @Brayson87


    my son is a recovering meth addict. clean 1.5 years. it's SO much more than not doing drugs. you have to change your entire life style, friend base, etc.

  11. @raven, people, places and things, 1.5 years is great! Hope it's been getting better for the family too.
    I had a friend make the classic heroin mistake, got out of rehab and immediately went back out and died because his tolerance was gone.
