Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Blind Item #4

Don't believe the hype. This B+/B list actress who is most well known for some movies she has made in the past and not her failed tv appearances will be walking for quite some time. She has a disease, but she likes to make it much more dramatic than it really is.


  1. +1 dang it you beat me again!

  2. Yo, Tricia! Greetings from the frozen fucking north!

    1. Greetings! Where are you exactly? Think Maine or Vermont you said?

  3. Maine - currently an ice slick.

    1. Pretty place though I bet! I miss the snow occasionally.. we relocated again now in USVI. (So US soil again so to speak)Definitely not gonna see ice anytime soon though lol.

  4. We just need more global warming to warm up the colder states.

  5. MS is no joke, there's a lot more to it than just walking.

  6. How the hell does Enty know what Blair's MS is like, for heaven's sake? Even doctors can't always give a firm prognosis.

  7. OK this is where I draw the line. My mom has had MS since I was born.

    Thank God due to funding and science, yeah Selma may not end up incapacitated like my mom, it took her many years to get diagnosed and there is a lot with MS you don't "see," like crippling pain, loss of balance, tremors, anxiety, neuralgia.

    This post is awful on a number of levels.

    1. I agree with this @christine.
      This is just bad taste Enty

  8. Great way to backstab your so-called friend Selma Enty.

  9. Dunno@akhaldanSolo?!?i think that is off the coast of Fl closer to the Bahamas???

  10. Salma B I think she has MS..

  11. @Tuesdi I'm in Vermont right now. We got about 8 inches of fluffy snow today! As soon as I get back to LA I'll miss this but I bet it's hard to live in.

  12. It runs in my family (MS).
    One can live with MS for decades, as it often goes into remission.
    But it takes you eventually. I believe Teri Garr has MS; and Annette Funicello died of MS

  13. Rude as hell, Enty. MS is progressive, but also attacks different body parts at different times. One day you can walk fine, the next you can't. Blair has reportedly had the disease for 10 years, so I believe the symptoms *she* reports before YOU with your pooh-poohing.
    It's most likely going to kill her - so let her have some fucking drama about it if that's how she wants to be.
    Christ, how'd you find such a giant high horse to hold your fat ass up that high.

  14. I've known people with MS, it ruined their lives long before they couldn't walk anymore. Just google the symptoms, it's awful.

  15. Copy and paste it for us won't you bray?

  16. I hate entity, absolute worst cunt.

  17. I’m friends with Selma. She’s sick and in a flare at the moment. MS like many illnesses has periods of upd and downs.



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