Sunday, January 20, 2019

Blind Item #4

This alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity invited dozens upon dozens of A+/A list celebrities to her baby shower. The vast majority said no, so now, our former actress is telling everyone she is not allowed a shower. The same rule was in place prior to the invitations, but she was going to ignore the rule. Now, suddenly she is going to follow it. Uh huh.


  1. Maybe invite friends, instead of wealthy famous people you want to hobnob with. It's a baby shower, not a state dinner.

  2. But, but KIM KARDASHIAN wants to give her diamonds so they can be BFFs!!!

    *rolls eyes*

  3. The British hardly ever do baby showers. It's considered tacky and a gift grab.

  4. I was also under the impression that bridal/baby showers and bridal/baby gift registries are more of an American thing.

  5. Any guesses about the real father's identity?

  6. Well, Meghan is American, but you'd have thought Kate would have briefed her about British customs in this regard once Meghan got pregnant.

  7. Meghan has a whole staff whose entire job is stuff like protocol. This is yet another made up blind to get clicks.

    1. They've been resigning in droves though, so....

    2. @Krab That’s how I figure it, too. DM and CDAN often like to cater to peoples’ worst impulse to believe the worst of this or that famous person.

      I tend to take the long view. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. LOL! I thought Oprah and The Clooneys were her best friends forever and ever.

  9. It would be interesting to know if the celebrities invited were American or British.

    Meghan can't seem to grasp that her primary target group needs to be the British public, who are her current employers.

    Having a bunch of A-list Americans attend a gift-giving orgy full of international luxury brands wouldn't endear her to the Brits.

    There's yet another story in the DM today in which Meghan complains that nobody likes her. But then she persists in doing the precise things that make her unlikeable.

  10. Why bullshit? She invited a bunch of celebrities she barely knew to her wedding, and a few of them actually turned up. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

    Besides, Markle has already shown herself to be greedy and obsessed with luxury labels. Which is a sign of deep insecurity IMO:

    The lyrics to Kanye West's "All Falls Down" describe Meghan well.

    1. So true. I used to be meh on MM but she’s digging her own grave. One of my favorite Kanye songs when he was normal.
      The prettiest people do the ugliest things
      For the road to riches and diamond rings

  11. Meghan Markle wanting to be at the center of a “give me expensive gifts” party surrounded by celebrities who are all far more famous than she could hope to be on her own?!? Shocking.

    DM also dropped the bombshell that Meghan did have a secret IG account specifically to follow people after she shut down her public one.

    Also, she is stupidly associating herself with the hot mess that is Brexit by hiring Christian Jones, whose only media experience and training has been as a speech writer for the Brexit Department of the British gov’t. You would think they would hire someone who at least got a degree in communications. He’s awfully good looking, so it’s only a matter of time before rumors start flying about Meghan hooking up with him (no matter how unfounded those rumors are).

    1. @unknown Christian Jones was hired to work for William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan, actually. Can’t pin that one on her really.

      And DM is hardly a reliable source... ever. But as for the “bombshell” that she had a secret ig acct... that sounds no different than all the other low key sneaking around royals have done forever when they want to hobknob with the common people.

      So which is it? She’s awful for hobnobbing with (other) actors and actresses or awful for secretly also hobnobbing with commoners? Is she supposed to sit like a wax statue to be rolled out to wave* state visits for the rest of her life now?

      *Oh, horrors, no. No waving. That draws attention to her.**
      **And god help her if she glances in the direction of a camera. Better blindfold her, too.

  12. MM sounds pretty dumb. I think your right Nutty. She wants to be a celebrity not royalty. Your blog is exc excellent! You should be a journalist

    1. Thanks, Sd Auntie. I am a journalist, in a field entirety separate from entertainment journalism.

  13. Priyanka Chopra is going to be the babys Godmother!

  14. She holds her bump as if she’s holding the padding from her pregnancy suit in

  15. I don't think of it as a grubby money grab. Women have been doing this for ever. Some women took years sewing and knitting items, for their "hope" chest. Slowly putting items together for their future marriage and family. Today friends and family get together and help support and supply a woman, with the items they need. I'm going to give a gift to a close friend or family member, anyway. So why not go to a cute little party, give the gift, but enjoy the company and food?

  16. So this Jones guy may be the one who got her pregnant?

  17. She is a total embarrassment to herself and the RF. I'm looking forward to the divorce.

  18. First of all, that bump looks fake, and secondly, one does not throw oneself a baby shower! Some close friend (not a relative nor in law) does it for you.

  19. @Unknown Maybe she hired him bc he would not question her and write whatever she wants. In her mind the British should change not her.

  20. Wait till the Royal Family, & especially Prince William find out that this Jones guy is hanger on at Soho House & probably was sent from the money people there to rescue his friend Meghan. One problem, he is also supposed to represent The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge & there have been nasty stories coming out about Will & Kate to benefit Markle since he started.

  21. Oh yeah welcome to Americas Championship Sunday DM'ers! Enjoy this fake blind and give Enty many page views today while he drinks lots a beers, eats lots a bacon pineapple pizzas and loses his bets on the games!☺

  22. The Jones guy was hired by the Palace, not Sparkle. If you look on his linkedin it says he is the 3rd Deputy Comms Director at Kensington Palace. Which means there are two others which would make him the most junior and inexperienced. He can't do anything without checking back with colleagues or the comms director. The safest person to go to lunch with her.

  23. Not a sparkles fan, but you don’t throw yourself your own babyshower. A friend, co-worker or family member does it depending on the circumstances.
    Maybe the stylist friend is throwing it, then she would presumably invite some of her B C list celeb friends.

  24. Sorry but baby showers are greedy and generally tacky. Thank god they’re not really a hung in in the UK.

  25. @sandybrook. AMEN! Tired of all this fake ish Enty!

  26. Another MM blind, this woman is everyones goose that keeps laying golden eggs, at least she shares that

  27. I just don’t believe anyone can be as dumb as this site marks MM..

  28. Members of the BRF are not supposed to have baby showers, but MM doesn’t usually follow protocol so this blind may or may not be true. And she probably would throw it for herself.

  29. I don't know anyone that's ever had a babyshower here in the UK. So very vulgar.

  30. Han, all the awful things are true.

  31. Europeans don't do baby showers or greeting cards. It's cultural difference, and since Meghan hasn't lived internationally for long, this one I really don't hold against her.

  32. te he he she's so deliciously stupid, but Harry is even more stupid and that's all that matters......for now.

  33. +1gauloise on the greeting cards. My sis lives in Switzerland (and is a dual citizen) and she always finds it hard to find greeting cards for her American family. She has resorted to having my mom send them out for her, from America.

  34. I also believe the bump is fake. It doubled in size overnight and there are no other pregnancy indicators in her face and body. I also believe Katherine's last pregnancy may have been a fake bump.

    Though they say this is all forbidden by the crown, facts are that childbearing is essentially a dangerous medical condition and maybe they used that as an excuse. Hell I'd use a surrogate in a SECOND if I ever wanted to raise tiny hellions of my own.

    1. @hunter Dunno how many naturally slim pregnant women you’ve known, especially with their first, but all of them I’ve known (a lot in California), they progress much like MM has been and they do seem to go *BOMPH!* overnight from one size to the next. It’s fascinatingly dramatic.

      Tiny feet and hands have been seen clear through T-shirts on toward month 8. 🤷🏻‍♀️

      I didn’t know MM from Adam until she turned up on the Royal radar, so I just tend to judge based on what I see and personal experience given the nature of gossip. But I’m totally there with you re:surrogacy. If I had that kind of money and wanted kids, there is zero doubt in my mind I would hire a woman who actually enjoyed being pregnant and knew wtf she was doing to do it instead.

      Surrogates deserve a lot more respect than they get for doing a skilled and risky 24/7 job.

  35. the sweeping blanket statement that Europeans don't do baby showers is wrong! Google Kate Moss, Tamara Eccleston, Petra Ecclestone - plus many more British celebrities had them. I remember seeing that Carol Middleton actually helps organise them for the upper crust society!

  36. What rubbish, there is no such rule. Baby showers are just not a thing in the UK and considered to be totally Naff by he upper crust. So that was probably pointed out to her, but no one can stop her having a baby shower.

  37. Baby showers are lame and I’m an American. They usually happen soon after the wedding too so it’s all the same people again. Meghan Markle is as fake as her 90’s nose job. Her bump is fake. No pregnant woman walks around in 6 inch Loubs. She is a narcissistic sociopath and we have been saying that here since her early yachting days. This is a train wreck and only going to get worse once Doria the convict moves in.

  38. theres a difference between nouveau riche celebs like kate moss, ecclestons, etc that glom onto oh so vulgar american cultural stuff and the snooty old titled upper crust uk society.

  39. Hold on a damn minute!!! I do not like what I’m reading right now. Nobody else exchanges gift cards? How do you people tell your loved ones they are purrrfect if not with an overpriced card with a picture of a kitten on it??? Barbarians. But seriously though, the notion of having a shower as a member of the Royal Family is ridiculous.

  40. Simple: she doesn't have any friends or relatives to give her a shower.

  41. How in the fuck did she pass inspection for the Royal Family? She has about as many brain cells as a wet rag. There HAS to be a reason for which she is there. Shit is fishy.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I wouldn't necessarily consider baby showers to be all vulgar in a sense. Sure, it might be tacky to throw one with the expectation of receiving luxury items when you yourself can afford them, but not everyone is in such a position. A woman in one my college classes was pregnant for the semester so our teacher allowed us to "throw her a shower" for the last class. Basically it was just an hour of us eating food and socializing, plus we all pitched in and bought some baby clothes for her. It was super small but she was so happy we had been so thoughtful and we were happy to show her our love and support. I agree, it shouldn't be a huge event, but a little thing to rally around a family during a huge life event is a really sweet gesture in my opinion.

  43. I don`t think baby showers are vulgar. Rather boring. I am not from USA or Europe and in my country usually the mom throws it for her baby. So, that I don`t hold against her. What is stupid is MM inviting people she doesn`t know just bc they are A list celebrities so then she can associate herself with them.

  44. There's no way MM gave herself a baby shower. Perhaps a friend tried to organize one but was told not to. Baby showers are not unheard of in the UK but for the upper crust it's seen as tacky. But FWIW Party Pieces run by Middleton Mom has a large assortment of Baby Shower items and the site actually states they love baby showers. You all don't have to thank me for looking it up.

    1. @Bluestar 🤣 This exactly. Thanks for a good laugh on a thread that’s been making me roll my eyes for a good two days now.

  45. Im i the UK and Baby Showers are increasingly becoming a pop culture trend adopted from the US. Same with school 'Proms',that was never a thing in my day, or Trick or Treating at Halloween. We've even in the last 4-5 years had Black Friday so im not surprised. However i do see it being looked down upon by the upper classes who traditionally would give the child a christening gift as opposed to anything before the birth.

  46. Doesn't most celebrities who have baby showers ask for donations to a charity instead of gifts. I didn't register for gifts when I had mine, because it felt wrong. When I got pregnant with my second and third if it wasn't for my sister in laws planning one I wouldn't have had one. Babies are expensive and noone knows that more than mothers. Family and friends get together to welcome the new baby while helping to take a little worry off the mother. It's beautiful not greedy.

  47. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The woman is separated, and basically homeless.
    Henry has broken the lease on the Cotswolds cottage.
    Markle is prob. headed back to Canada.
    Try reading from other sources, instead of DM advertising.

  48. @ Bluestar don't agree. Bet MM wanted one but they are against protocol. Having an American friend who "doesn't know any better" throw it aka be the face of it was a perfect excuse. she could have one and not be in trouble but "blame" some tacky yet well intending American actress friend for the party.

  49. Baby showers are tacky when

    1) The expectant mother isn’t a friend of the invitees (I’ve been invited to the baby showers of colleagues I hardy know)
    2) The expectant mother throws it for herself and/or
    3) She registers for expensive items

    MM doesn’t need expensive baby items, her baby will want for nothing. If this blind is true, she just wants another opportunity to be the center of attention.

  50. All the celebrities at the wedding have not been calling, texting, or emailing MM?

  51. RE: the "hi Meghan" comment - I wrote a short piece on my blog (accessible through my profile, click my name) about the real Meghan's general tone of voice when writing, and I don't see any evidence of that here.

    Meghan wrote a lot under her own name before her marriage - on her blog and in some establishment media - and her writing style is pretty consistent, so it's easy to pick her out.

    That said, she appears to pay others to post on her behalf, probably through a PR agency.

    The quality of her trolls has been falling recently, which may suggest she's low on money.



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