Saturday, January 12, 2019

Blind Item #4

This serial killer, because lets face it, that is what he is now despite always being referred to as a campaign donor should be asked about the two deaths about six or seven years ago in Charlotte under the same circumstances. The only difference was they occurred a few days apart and in hotel rooms.


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Ed Buck. Ugh

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    They make it seem like he donated millions when it was in the tens of thousands. Way more than I have laying around but anyway

    He's fucking disgusting. Pure evil

    1. Right?! All in all donated around 100K but that’s nothing these days. Must have some other connections that are protecting him.

  3. It took awhile for Enty to catch up with the whole Ed Buck thing. Then again, it took the entire political establishment a while to catch up with it.

    I saw that Rep. Ted Lieu is now forwarding Buck's donations on to charity. Did two men have to die at Ed's place before Ted thought that was necessary? One was not enough?

  4. Also, it wasn't like "nobody knew."

    I can recommend journalist Jasmyne Cannick's blog post from August of last year:

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Thank you ENTY for calling out this serial killer of young black men. Ed Buck. Democratic donor and schmoozer.

  6. It is nice to know Enty reads comments. But yes,there must be some reason he is protected,maybe the real story.

  7. Wasn’t the first known death where the guy clearly explained that Ed Buck gave drugs to him enough. Not a republican but if he gave to Trump it would be all over CNN. Too busy covering Alexandria Cortez I guess.

  8. I dont think its a Republican or Democrat issue, its an issue of greasing pockets, and everyones money looks the same!

  9. Nah, I agree with MD that if this guy had been a Republican, it would have gotten much more press much earlier, probably after the first guy died.

  10. It's quite shocking how little money it takes to buy off these low level political maggots. At most a few thousand.

    Unless, of course, there's more to the story and Buck has something on all of them.

  11. Who is Ed Buck, Edward Buchmelter the Democratic donor, dog rescuer who lives in West Hollywood where Gemmel Moore died?

  12. Ed Buck they don't care because he's killing poor black people.. His day is coming and he should be in jail..

  13. What was the value of the crystal meth, ketamine & male prostitutes he "donated" to the Democrats?

  14. Her certified Hillary’s CA electoral votes. Wonder how many illegals he’s killed? Maybe that would make Democrats speak up? repulsive.

    1. No not really and keep on trying to dehumanize illegals you piece of shit @me. Families of the deceased should sue and hit him in the wallet. Take aeay his influence and he will be in the slamner i no time.

    2. You're right, Sd, Auntie. Fred Goldman went after OJ civilly and won what he couldn't hide.

    3. Thank u @Anastasia. I'm suprised it has not bern done already! Sorry about my spelling...these damn ads

  15. "Too busy covering Alexandria Cortez I guess."

    That would be the Reich Wing committing an unrelenting assault against her. And she's doing a masterful job of repelling them!


    "Nah, I agree with MD that if this guy had been a Republican, it would have gotten much more press much earlier, probably after the first guy died."

    Oh like when the Republican rep Joe Scarborough's intern was found dead in his FLA office???? And the GOP hired an MD, who lost his license, from OK to do the autopsy? Yeah, so much press on that one Joe Scarborough never worked again...

    1. Good one @ Plot.

    2. Last time I checked he was on Morning Joe on MSNBC so I’m not sure about how he never worked again. Been there for over a decade wise one. Glad to see Cortez still has fans.

  16. Well I wouldnt call Morning Joe work plot. He does probably have to work hard keeping Mika satisfied in the sack though.

  17. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Well, I live in a suburb of Charlotte (South Carolina side) and in 2013 there were 15 fatal overdose deaths in Charlotte. I tried to find anything that would fit, but honestly drug problems are so bad here, and the black population is so “ignored” by the media down here, they probably wouldn’t blink an eye if a black male prostitute od’d. Sad but true. Hope they figure it out though.

    1. I'd use the 2012 presidential election as the general starting point -- I have no idea whether Obama campaigned there or Hillary came into the state to support congressional candidates, and whether Ed Bucks was within those circles, but that seems the timeframe Enty is giving us.

  18. Cortez reminds me of David Hogg, a well-meaning and idealistic young person exploited by cynical older people pushing dumb policies.

    Nice to see plot agreeing with a Donald Trump, who is also promoting the Scarborough-killed-an-intern story. The Washington Post says she died of a heart condition that lead to an accident.

    Come to think of it, plot, I never see you and Trump photographed together.

  19. OH FFS! The 2012 Democratic National Convention was held in Charlotte from Sept. 4-6. There's the starting point.

  20. No one concerned with the Clinton's has ever done anything wrong whatsoeve, ever. The BBC told me so and everyone trusts the BBC......sorry even I can't finish that sentence, even as a joke.

  21. I concur. ...this has been long time coming....amen

  22. Flashy Vic i've been avoiding the So-Called-British broadcasting corps output for years.

    I'm also in the UK (TV tax free). Have they got worse? Is everything like Dr SJWho now?

  23. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I looked for any deaths in September 2012 in Charlotte. Nothing. I searched obituaries and didn’t find anything, nor did I find something on the news through a search. Could be they didn’t have a funeral. The news and government here is very pro-Democrat yet very “hide the poor black people”. I promise you if there was a black male prostitute who o.d.’d in a hotel in Charlotte, the media here will hide it. They do not like bad press. The only obit I could find that might remotely work is for a man who also used to be a secret service agent. Obit doesn’t say the cause of death. Doubt it is him and there was no picture so I couldn’t see if he fit the racial profile. I don’t subscribe to the Observer for that reason so I can’t search that. But I assume a police officer could easily find the info if they wanted to look.

  24. The young man that survived his encounter is now more believable and the survivors need to get together for wrongful death lawsuit. The 2nd victim worked at Saks and had no drug issues

  25. Ed Buck.
    Michelle Obama announced via e-mail on February 1, 2011 that Charlotte had been selected as the site for the 2012 Democratic National Committee Convention. So, maybe 2011 is the start point?

  26. @Bleu

    You took the words out of my mouth. I live in North Carolina. Charlotte often holds political conventions. This Ed Buck person has some high powered people protecting him and I fear he is not the only one doing this sort of thing. Prayers for the victims.

  27. ...and Hillary Clinton knew. She is complicit. When will you Democrats figure this out?

  28. More dead bodies and the Clintons. More media coverup.

    I am SHOCKED so no one.

  29. Jesus H Christ people!

    The fact that Scarborough DID find work, and DID become a multi millionaire is my FUCKING POINT!

    The press buried his dead intern story so well that Mornin' Joe, the GOP Congressman, walked into a more lucrative gig.

    Get it now?

  30. It's definitely Ed. I honestly don't think he pre-meditated these deaths, but he is obviously a very reckless, careless person, and the deaths are on his hands. Stop giving drugs to people!!

  31. Dang that is my city, back here now but at the time of the dnc convention we were living in NM.
    I really have a love hate relationship with the conventions being here. Love the money it brings to "pretty up" the city, hAte that politics are here now. Ugghhhh

  32. For some reason my comment didn't show,here goes,@plot, Joe is now an enemy of Trump,who has tweeted about Morning Joe and the dead intern,implying foul play. With the two of you on the case,justice will be served!

  33. Cortez is the best thing that ever happened to the Republicans.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. No plot, the story is that there is no story.

    If you're willing to buy the Scarborough-killed-an-intern conspiracy theory, I hear that there's are some terrible doings around a pizza parlour in Washington DC that you might want to look into.

  36. @Guesser

    I'm aware Trump is play acting enemies with Besos right now. Whoever Trump sets his tantrumy sites on, you can bet it's to obfuscate for a real issue.


    I...fucking...know. That was not my point, that Joe committed a crime. My point is that there was a level of cover-up and that the media was silenced for the most part - the GOP circled the wagons and protected Joe, whether he was involved or not.

    It is interesting that he resigned soon after, though. We don't know the whole story, do we? Ergo, protection is not solely a Dem gambit, RIGHT?

    Really? This has to be spelled out?

  37. @plot - I understood what you meant the first time. But I don't wear a tin hat, so maybe that's why?



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