Saturday, January 19, 2019

Blind Item #4 - Mr. X

Isn't it strange that one of the people who is in that upcoming documentary on that A++ list legend suddenly changed their tune about some alleged inappropriate behavior after the iconic performer kicked the bucket?  He worked with the performer several times and along with some family members lived in the entertainer's massive hotel-like compound. It was after he was fired as choreographer for a tribute show for the pop icon by that north of the border performance troupe that he suddenly did a complete about face on the guy whom he constantly defended from these allegations. Gee, you think this is a cash grab?


  1. Michael Jackson/Wade Robertson?

  2. This is a hard one because Michael has his skeletons too so I don’t know what to believe.

  3. Wade Robeson is a liar and a fucking grifter. Much worse than that, he got on the stand for Michael Jackson and discredited real victims, ensuring that they never got a settlement. Now he is presenting himself as the real victim. I hope he loses and is stuck with millions of dollars in legal bills.

  4. Ugh. This whole thing is so convoluted.

  5. I agree with MDAnderson, for years I couldn't imagine that Wade wasn't a victim or at a minimum saw a lot.
    I wonder if MJ was paying to keep his silence all these years, then when he died the money dried up.
    No matter the reason it is a very sad screwed up situation.
    Too many victims and too many enablers.

  6. Don't really believe him and he thought he would be a big star. He is the one that Brittany cheated on JT with!

  7. cirque du soleil for the canadian troupe

  8. I thought Columbus Short was the one Britney slept with.

    But according to the podcast, Britney was always with that older guy that was supposed to protect her, and that's who she was really sleeping with.

    1. Columbus was after they broke up and he was married with baby on the way. Then KFed.@ dotell

  9. In 2005 at the trial he was only in his early 20s, I can see why he wouldn't want to come forward about the abuse at that age. Many victims of childhood abuse aren't ready until they are older.

  10. Sorry, there were kids much younger than him who went forward with lawsuits. I do not pity Robson and think he is lying.

  11. Michael Jackson / Wade Robson, but this is waay old news. Like over ten years ago headlines

  12. not all people process abuse the same way, i dont really care about robson, but in general it is not right to say "lots of kids come forward so any adult that does isnt telling the truth"

  13. @Troy Dryer,it's news because it is the subject of a new documentary. And Wade defended him for years not just as a witness.

  14. After reading all the transcripts from the MJ cases I can say this:

    Wade Robson is both a liar for defending MJ originally and a grifter for cashing in after he's dead.

    Michael Jackson absolutely abused him for years as a tween and he remained loyal (his family sucked, obvs) to MJ as he grew up, it also really helped his career to be affiliated with him.

    So he is both, but yes he was abused.

  15. Wade was still defending him for a couple of years after he died, I remember seeing several gushing tributes. He also performed Scream as one of Janet’s dancers in her MTV music awards tribute to her brother. MJ died in 2009 and Wade didn’t change his tune until 2012. I don’t trust WR, he’s been caught out lying too many times, but I’m really interested to hear the other guys story. He didn’t defend MJ in court and has always stayed out of the limelight and declined to speak about MJ. I don’t think he’s profited in any way as an adult from Jackson and seems to have distanced himself from that time in his life. I think his story will be the one to really consider here.

  16. Lots of victims will defend their abuser for a variety of reasons. Including the girl that was in the video with R Kelly. That doesn't mean when they do disclose, they're lying. I get the resentment that MJ's estate is thriving due to the whitewashing of his pedophilia. And maybe that's partly why Wade sued. People know MJ is guilty, even if he himself was a victim of his father and sabotaged by Sony. They just want to listen to his catchy pop tunes without guilt.

  17. MJ was troubled and, at best, a man child who didn't know boundaries.

    The parents who were suing were scumbags who put their kids into a bad situation knowingly and then looked for a payout.

    WR seems like an inner circle member also looking for a payout now.

    There are no heros here, just lots of creeps.

  18. The documentary will be summarily dismissed because of Wade's involvement. People don't want to accept that MJ could have abused children and are protective of his legacy. Wade defending him in court and then suddenly remembering is all they need to not listen.

  19. Everyone saying MJ but hotel-like compound makes me think of Prince and Paisley Park

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The new Elton John biopic called Rocketman?

  22. Good call Hi There but I don't want to think Prince did that to people!!
