Thursday, January 03, 2019

Blind Item #3

Unlike some other relatives, this alliterate former actress turned A+ list celebrity wants a certain designation for her offspring and won't settle for anything else. 


  1. LOL like Markle has a say in this one

    1. Exactly the Queen abnounced a while ago - before Markle that lnmy the future king could name their sucessors prince/princess Also the Duke of Sussex tittle is not hereditary.

  2. Is it Canada maybe to be with her BFF Jessica?

  3. I'm assuming Megan wants her kids to be Princes and Princesses, when they should really be duke and duchesses?

    1. No, the Duke titlle is not hereditary. Andrew Duke of York wont pass on the title to his daughters. But they get the surname. Beatrice of York. They were considered princesses. But the Queen a few years ago announced only the future King can have prince/princesses. So Markles son/daughter would be x Sussex. No titles

  4. She wants them to have a certain status. Like Prince or Princess. I do not think she overrides the Queen.

  5. Enty starting early. I’m loving it!! Nutty is definitely going to come through for this!!

  6. I'm interested to see the little Markle. The projected delivery date keeps weaving between February and June.

    1. Might look like Granny Markle...Hmm? It very well could.

  7. How about "children of a ho and a halfwit?"

    That's a nice designation.

    1. Problems with your parents J ?

    2. You should ask for a DNA test on Jeremy Kyle, J, if thats how you call your parents..

  8. Ha ha, MD - great minds think alike!

    Anyway, the best-adjusted (and best-looking, IMHO) royals seem to be Zara Phillips and her brother Peter Phillips, and their mother Princess Anne explicitly rejected titles for them.

  9. Oh, and I stand by my earlier (and much-derided) comment that Prince Andrew is out to get Markle.

    Andy’s Christmas Day Instagram photo is the whole happy family – except Meghan. Was she elsewhere? No, she is in the frame, but entirely hidden behind Charles. Only her blue hat feathers stick out behind Charles’ head.

    That’s called a ’dis, folks.

    Check it out – Duke of York Instagram.

    1. What's with the pic of Harry looking straight down? I bet he is wondering where his manhood has gone.

    2. Hahaha I think he’s bowing to the queen when she went past? Andrew seems like a grouchy bastard in the footage where they all have to come out together at Sandringham

  10. is she even really pregnant?

  11. I’d like to throw in a suggestion: Their child could be the “ The Great Grand Admiral in the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska” Sussex.

  12. Harry is looking down because he is bowing his head as the Queen is passing by.

    You bow or curtsey the first time you see the sovereign that day. Charles and Andrew had presumably already seen her that day.

  13. Not buying this blind...It's not a question of "settling" for anything - she can ask, but the Queen will decide. Meghan may be calculating, but she's not stupid - she knows this.

    It bothers me to see such vitriol spewed at and about this woman for no discernable reason. Prince Charles carries his own toilet seat around the world with him on private planes, but Meghan is the one who's "demanding"? Harry has been living in a separate physical home on the Kensington palace grounds for years - but Meghan is driving the brothers apart by 'forcing' Harry to move out of the palace (that they don't live in to begin with, which apartments are full-up already with other royals)?

    Courtiers are likely furious that Meghan's not dependent on them as the sheltered royals are, to manage their lives. Courtiers fancy themselves the machinery behind a monarchy - Meghan's independence diminishes their power.

    I never heard of her before she went public with Harry, but she's a polished public speaker, always prepared, on point with her remarks and genuinely enthusiastic in public appearances - i.e., she's good at her job.

    And she seems to be a hard worker - which is likely why palace 'insiders' have to complain about her being 'bossy' and 'demanding'... Which, if she were in the C-suite at a corporation - effectively that's what she is - would sound awfully sexist. Using a whisper campaign to undermine a woman's reputation for being "too big for her britches" is so 20th century.

    1. Is that you Megan?

    2. I don't think she give a s*it reading social media..

  14. Why are andrew + fergies children princesses but harry's won't be?

    1. The queen announced s while ago that it will change - long before msrkle

  15. Because the Monarch offers titles. She also offered Anne's children titles, but Anne refused. Andrew said yes.

    Edward's kids were offered less fancy titles, but then again he's only an Earl, at least until Prince Phillip dies, when he will become Duke of Edinburgh.

    1. Edward is a prince.

    2. It was Cpt Mark Philips who refused a title on his wedding to Anne. The Queen offered it and he declined. Since titles can only be inherited from Fathers that’s why Zara and Peter don’t have them.

  16. @Mischi "is she even really pregnant?"

    I’ve said repeatedly I have no idea what is going on in her uterus.

    But she has definitely been padding, particularly during the Australian tour, where she’d go from a smooth 5-month bump to an entirely flat stomach within 24 hours and then back again.

    In her December visit to the old folks home, you could even see the padding beneath that ludicrous white summer dress.

    Is there a real baby beneath the padding? I sure don’t know.

  17. Because one set will inherit the Kingdom one will not, the Prince and Princesses will become the future king and Queens, Meghan's bunch don't have a chance in hell of that happening.

  18. Thanks for the explanation Nutty :)

    It will be interesting to see what titles they get, to really get confirmation of where she stands with the royals

  19. It’s my understanding that the child will be a lady or a lord. I see nothing wrong with that. I would loooovvvve to be Lady Heather Whatserface and be announced every time I went to Target and stuff. I would totally go to the opening of every car wash anywhere and other official duties?

  20. Nah. He's the only one looking down. I am not a fan of pedo Andy but after what sparkles did at his daughters wedding, good on him for going after her. Her days are numbered.

  21. gauloise - because Andrew was the son of a reigning monarch. Harry is the grandson of a reigning monarch. Also, because if they keep handing out these titles, everyone in England will be a prince or princess, like in Saudi Arabia. They have to keep the costs of maintaining these people down. Look at Prince Michael of Kent - he is the Queen's cousin. His father was the King's brother. His children aren't princesses or princes. You've got to draw the line.

    Bec - Charles grew up in the royal family and has worked for them all of his life. He even had to live without his mother for months as a baby because she sailed to Australia on a royal tour. Meghan just joined the family. Also, she didn't choose to move to Frogmore, she was told to move there because Kate and William didn't want her around. She's a minor royal, but she forgets that. Everyone who knows her calls her controlling and she looks and acts it. She's a harpy and poor Harry is sentenced to living with her for the rest of his life.

  22. @Bec - You can’t see the difference between the future King taking his own toilet seat abroad & a mere fiance making people cry and behaving so badly to staff that the Queen herself had to step in? Really?

    Sorry, but the stories of her being rude and difficult are far too widespread now not to be likely true. When even arch-supporters like Vanity Fair admit she’s been given the nickname “Monster Markle” by staff and that she’s “not someone you can be friends with” then there has to be a fairly substantial problem. And the problem is clearly Markle.

    And it’s offensive in the extreme to try and paint this as “Oh, she’s just a strong, hardworking woman”. Belive it or not, it’s quite possible to be a strong, hard-working woman without bullying someone out of a job. And what exactly do you think she’s “working hard at” exactly? Shaking hands and spending money she hasn’t earned on the world’s most expensive clothes.

    And she is not “doing a good job”. Being a member of the royal family means using the attention you get to highlight the hard work of others. Markle and her ginger walking stick don’t do this...they make it all about themselves with their absurd PDAs, her insane belly cupping, speeches she uses to talk about herself (as usual) and ensuring favourable headlines by making banana bread and feeding street kids with leftover cakes.

    Far from there being “no discernible reason” for disliking her, there are in fact dozens of reasons. And it’s going to get worse until the divorce.

  23. Meghan is not stupid? really?
    She's been around for 5 minutes and everybody hates her. She's pissed off everyone already. Everybody in the UK, everybody in the US, the media is ridiculing her, she needs to pay for positive spins, the RF sees right through her, staff despise her, and nobody in her past has 1 nice thing to say about her.
    She's stupid alright, dumb as a doorknob, is playing her cards all wrong. She's dumber than pretty much anyone watching her, be it from up close or from afar. The only person she's smarter than, is the Half Wit Prince.

  24. Donmack - ginger walking stick! LOL! She holds onto him to make sure she doesn't have to walk behind him as required by protocol. She married into the royal family but doesn't want to follow the protocol of the family, but she sure looooooves the million dollar wardrobe. Disgusting person.

  25. Unknown that's the best one yet. LOL

  26. @ Donmack- 👏 👏 👏- preach!

  27. What kind of designation could she want? the child would already be prince/ss by birth, just like Charles nieces and nephews are ... i call bs

  28. @ChrisP, William is also looking down in that photo. Also bowing.

    @Roxanne, baby might look like Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz the last prominent royal of African descent. She was King George III's wife (yes that King George III) and widely admired. (Here's an image of her: )

  29. @M, This baby is a great-grandchild of the Monarch, not a grandchild.

    Of the Queen's other great-grandchildren, the three Phillips kids have no titles (like their parents) and the three Cambridge kids do have titles (because William will be king.)

    Harry's kids are kind of a toss-up. I guess if Charles succeeds to the throne, they will be grandchildren of a monarch at some point.

    If he succeeds to the throne.

    BTW, has anyone seen Camilla lately? She's been missing from the public eye for awhile. Was at none of the Christmas photocalls.

  30. M, no, the child would not be a prince or princess. That is entirely up to the Queen. And, it's already been decided when Harry and Meghan married that their title of Duke and duchess would not be hereditary, and that the children would not be a prince or princess. Charles is intent on cutting down on the expenses of the family, and cutting back on titles for this purpose.

  31. Whatever everyday there’s something about Megan Markle

  32. @Mischi

    I agree with you about Charles slimming down the Royals.

    If he adds anyone else to the payroll, it will be someone willing to do the grunt work of hand-shaking and ribbon-cutting in obscure parts of the country, the kind of stuff Princess Anne and the Duke of Gloucester do now but will have to retire from sooner or later.

    (Anne did 518 of these things in 2018, and Glouchester did 243!)

    Once the Kents and the Glouchesters shuffle off this mortal coil, he'll need people like Beatrice and Eugenie to appear at the Bath Canine Society Dog Show or whatever.

  33. Given the "father" is already "Duke of Dubious Parentage" I can see anointing Markle's kids "Prince/Princess of Patrimony Unknown."

    1. This just never gets old, one trick pony

  34. @Nutty they issued a statement Camilla had a heavy cold

  35. Hmm. It's quite a long-lasting cold, but then again, she is 71.

    I hope she gets well soon.

    Supposedly she's a favorite of the Royal press corps. Will show up and pose with a smile at every event.

  36. Stop complaining about the Sparkles show. I love every cringeworthy moment of this trainwreck, and I'm not alone. This is so much better than any other celebrity entertainment, because in this case it's actually not manufactured. I look forward to each new episode when I wake up in the morning and read the news with my coffee. It's fucking brilliant.

  37. What is it about this chick that bugs the shit out of me. She struts around in front of established royals even Chuck is off to her side --- like she totally owns the dog and pony show. I mean that's not exactly normal, she's a character from LaLa Land. I ponder how she is pretending her family doesn't exist hmmmm she's all about the fake fake.

    1. She's not pretty at all. All the stylists in the world can't make her more than a 6.

  38. Yeah, @Depeche, it's incredibly fun to watch. It's clear nobody is driving the bus here, and the bus is about to crash into a wall.

    Philip might have been able to take charge, but he seems to be on his final breaths. Charles is hopeless, and the Queen seems to be at a loss too.

    If there really isn't any baby - or if there's some unannounced surrogate carrying a royal DNA baby - all the wheels are really going to come off.

  39. Royal DNA ain't coming from Harry the half-prince.

  40. She's got to be aware that whatever status she married into disappears with a divorce, right?

  41. Charles will give in to her. “What Meghan Wants Meghan Gets”.

  42. Fergie's didn't. She's still the Duchess of York, although not a HRH. I believe that Di remained a princess after her divorce as well.

    @J, that would be interesting if Meg figured out that a baby couldn't be tested because that would spill Harry's big secret.

    Wasn't someone on here saying Harry had to gather up his toenail clippings at boarding school to make sure nobody DNA tested them?

  43. MM can stamp her foot all she wants, the Queen calls ALL shots here, its about the Royal bloodline. What Meghan wants Meghan gets, only If the Queen allows it. The family will call the shots on everything about this baby, where and how the baby is delivered and the names and titles the baby will be given. MM will never be allowed to take this child to live anywhere in the world, too much of a security risk, and also who would pay for that security? Don't think the British taxpayer would be happy to pay for that for the whim of the babies mother .

  44. Too bad Squire Sebastian Senator is already taken.

  45. No, Diana was no longer a princess after the divorce. She had to give up the HRH.

  46. I stand corrected. Diana was forced to drop the HRH, but was allowed to keep the title Diana Princess of Wales.

  47. Which apparently was a bone of contention, because if she had maintained the HRH she still would have had Royal Protection Officers in her off-hours (she only had them for public events) and royal drivers, and not have been at the mercy of Dodi Fayed's team.

  48. Nutty, you don't need fingernail clippings, just a glass he drank from, so I think that unless he is wiping off everything he touches, that's an urban legend.

  49. I honestly stems around the issue of Harry's true parentage, of which they know or suspect, is not Charles. I'm sure this has to do with the "bloodline" as much as anything. I suspect that's why she was even midly accepted. It doesn't matter in the long run who he mixes with...hes not a true (German) prince.

  50. The facade is always hard to keep up for people with personality disorders.

  51. A monarchy is like an intelligent test, for both rulers and subjects. If you have one, you probably deserve it. :)

  52. Brayson so true.

  53. Well, if it's known or suspected within the family that Harry is not Charles's son, no wonder Prince Andrew is going batshit.

    His girls (and himself) are being pushed down the line of succession but not just one but two, possibly more than two, pretenders.

    Too bad his closet is full of skeletons or he could do something about that. Maybe he will anyway.

    I also suspect he knows Meghan from her yachting days.

    BTW did anyone else see those 2016 tweets going around where some random rich dude writes "Meghan any chance you'd be in the market looking to join my friends and I boat for Yacht Week 35 in Croatia?"

    The guy's name is @AdamHaun and the Tweets are screenshotted from Feb 2016. I'm too lazy to go back in his feed and see if the screen shots are real - may have been deleted by this point anyway.

  54. And, sad to say, America deserves Trump.

  55. The @AdamHaun yachting Meghan Tweet is still up.

    Check out the boat emoji on his follow-up Tweet.

    1. @cheesegrater You are right - the yachting tweet has disappeared.

      Up from Feb 2016 to Jan 2019, then disappears a couple of hours after we post about it.

      Anyone else still doubt that Meg and her PR minions are following this board?

      Fortunately screen shots are forever.

  56. IMO HRH allowed it because she felt she couldn't stop it. Harry's a wild card- barring any cataclysmic event the only throne he'll ever sit on is porcelain. I believe the secrecy in the beginning was HRH exerting her power, telling him to keep quiet about it, hoping it would go away, but it didn't- Harry got more insistent. HRH is also a grandma, and it's always been said that Will and Harry are her favorites, maybe she just couldn't say no to him. Maybe she thought he'd leave the firm if she didn't allow it. Maybe she thought there would be a giant kerfuffle if she shut MM and HW down, with accusations of racism that would give the monarchy a black eye when it can't afford it.
    RE HW's parentage- I'm not buying the half-blood deal. Harry bares a striking resemblance to a young Prince Phillip, and has the Windsor beady close set eyes. Princess Diana wasn't stupid- she knew which side of the bread was buttered. She also knew her job was to provide an heir and a spare, and when Harry was conceived I'm sure it never occurred to her she and PC would eventually divorce. IMO if Hewitt had gotten her pregnant there would have been a discreet Dr visit to the palace to attend to a debilitating "virus" the princess had contracted followed by several weeks of her engagements being canceled for her to recover from her "illness".

  57. Could be, although she might not have realized it was Hewitt until it was too late.

    Peter Phillips is generally called the Queen's favorite grandchild.

    Google "Queen's Favorite Grandchild" and you'll get lots of info about Peter.

  58. Buy it or not he sure looks like the guy who was screwing Diana while she was still in her fairytale marriage to Charles. And he sure doesn't look like his half-brother.

    1. ...And ONE more time, just for good measure...
      You should say it again, eunuch

  59. How's your new girlfriend, Rosie?

    Gonna buy her some Gerber select with your food stamps?

  60. I told my friends about the trailer-trash romance you described. They all cracked up over it. I told them to stop laughing, that it was the very best you could hope for.

    1. I find it quite disconcerting that you speak of me, someone from an anonymous blog, to your friends.
      But the real question.
      Are they virgins too?

  61. lol.

    Seriously, though, will you hold her hand while she's birthing? I'd ask "where's the dad?" but to be fair I'd have to ask you the same thing and... well, why ruin a brand new year going down that sewer of misery and hopelessness?

    1. The baby is here, he's two weeks old, and the father is a nice young man who was there the whole time...does this intrigue you because it's something you'll never experience?...Sex, babies, the complexities of relationships?
      I do see how it would be so interesting for a 40 year old virgin.
      Hey, No shame in being chaste.
      But work on more depth in your posts..
      They're just so... One dimensional and predictable.

  62. She had the baby before they got engaged. It was when all the tabloid covers claimed she was pregnant. Her face was bloated back then and she looked big in that white coat picture. They will now show up with fake babies until enough time has passed that they can slip in the real one.

  63. Harry is such a Windsor, please just google him and Prince Phillip.

    Mags is going down, and I for one am loving Andrew for the gift that keeps on giving, Lol

    Don’t forget, Andrew is HM favorite child, and Mags is providing the distraction away from Andrew’s own scandals.

  64. Markle reminds me of 0bama.

    Talks about themselves constantly
    Bit black
    chip on shoulder
    Dodgy past with drugs
    Odd sexual history
    Political climber with murky past
    dodgy parents

  65. Just also occurred to me, how dumb Mags was to mess with the Princesses York, who will always garner more support from the RF, having the same designation as Princess Anne, Princesses of the Royal bloodline.

    When Catherine married William, HM made a special provision that Anne had higher status than Catherine, and that Catherine would never be curtsied to by Anne, unless William was present. Same goes for the York girls, whom Andrew has long wanted to have more official Royal duties.

  66. Interesting, @LadyConstance!

    I agree that better roles for Eugenie and Bea is probably what Andrew’s goal is, as well as improved status for Fergie. Fergie is already much better off than she was at the time of Harry’s wedding, when everyone was shocked that she was even invited.

  67. Does MM curtsy to Kate?

  68. @HeatherBee Yes, Mags must always curtsey to Kate

  69. Edward became an earl because the dukedoms of Cambridge and Sussex were reserved for William and Harry.

  70. @Mischi......Harry's Dukedom IS hereditary. It was given to him under normal 'Letters Patent' with no 'Exception'.

    Only the Dukedoms of Cornwall and Rothesay have 'Exception', these two titles can only be held by the eldest son of the Sovereign , otherwise all royal dukedoms are hereditary, according to the terms of the Letters Patent that created them, which usually contain the standard remainder to the "heirs male of his body" how ever the monarch can order an exception be made to that to allow a female to inherit when there are no sons. Harry's eldest son will inherit the title Duke of Sussex, however if Harry has no sons the title will revert to the crown.

    Infact Harry has what is known as a Royal Dukedom, an exclusive historical list of titles that have existed for eons and are only given to members of the RF, rather than an ordinary Dukedom which can be created (never existed before) for a person the Monarch wishes to honour. The list of Royal Dukedom titles is very limited so Harry was pretty much stuck with Sussex as the least controversial.

    In legal terms the Sovereign is considered the “fount of honour” and has the exclusive right of conferring titles. All ranks must first meet his or her approval. Over the last few years it was the general feeling in royal circles that Harry's children would not be given princely titles but that feeling may have changed. No one will know until the Queen decides if they get a HRH. As it stands a daughter would be 'Lady' and a son would probably be known by Harry's lesser title.... Earl of Dumbarton

  71. When Charles inherits the throne Harry’s children will automatically become HRH and Prince and Princess as grandchildren of the reigning Monarch, most likely HM will bestow the HRH upon the babes birth as she did for Charlotte and Louis, otherwise only George would have been HRH.

  72. ba ha ha, I just can't get enough of the MM gossip!! And Earl of Dumbarton, is that serious @emeraldcity???


  73. When Charles becomes King, Harry’s children will be elevated from great-grandchildren of the Monarch to grandchildren of the Monarch. As Charles has no daughters, all of his grandchildren will be ‘male-line’ grandchildren. As such, Harry and Meghan’s children will then be entitled to the status of HRH and Prince/Princess in exactly the same way that Prince Andrew’s daughters are styled as HRH Princesses. (They are Male-line (Andrew) grandchildren of the reigning Monarch). Technically, Prince Edward’s 2 children are also entitled to the same styles, but Edward is an Earl, not a Duke. I gather he will be conferred with his father’s Royal Dukedom of Edinburgh.

    So… Harry’s Dukedom will probably not be replaced by ‘Duke of York’. And while children he has during the Queen’s reign will not qualify for HRH status, they will qualify once Charles becomes King.

  74. But which one becomes the Burger King?

  75. All she's creating is a lifetime of complications and annoyances for her children. Look at the York sisters! They can't do anything remotely normal because of their titles. Markle's ego is just hurting everything. You're not married to the king, dear, you basically married Princess Margaret.

  76. No, Mr. and Mrs. Toad's spawn are not going to be prince and princess tadpoles; that was announced months and months ago. Thanks everyone for spotting the PR shill in the room, could it have been any more obvious?

  77. I'm just posting here to make it an even 100 comments, carry on D'Mers!

  78. Diana lost her HRH but got decent money in her divorce settlement. That money gives Wills and Harry a little financial independence from the family. Fergie kept her HRH but had to do Weight Watchers commercials.

    As for Harry's kids, I would be shocked if HE wants all the titles for them. They can have a more private life on their terms without them. It's probably hard enough for him to figure out his role know that he's out of the military and no longer really the spare.

  79. The Sussex dukedom is inheritable but by their eldest son, not any daughters.

  80. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Baby by surrogate.
    They were expecting long before the 'wedding'.
    Those of you who actually believe that a 40 year old miraculously the exact two weeks following her wedding....Thank you. I've enjoyed a few good belly laughs over your incredible naivete.

  81. @mercy: I’m in total agreement with you! I just wish the moon bump would fall out one day.

    @heatherbee: Please keep us posted on your royal appearances. I think you deserve a title just for your enthusiasm and willingness to show up.

    Whoever posted about Meghan moving with the baby: all royal children belong to the crown. She cannot take that baby anywhere. But I don’t think she would even care. Narcissistic Sociopaths don’t care about anyone but themselves. She’ll just use it in her list of complaints as to how badly the royal family treated her.

  82. Just reposted the yacht tweet screenshot on my Nutty Flavor blog - the only post!

  83. Tweet is still up, you have to click tweets & replies on his page to see it. Still there for me at least this morning

  84. @aquagirl
    The baby will be raised by Henry, boarding schools, and a 24 7 nanny ... similar to how William and Henry were raised by "Tig".

    Markle will be off somewhere abroad...on the move her divorcee life. Which is exactly what Markle's own mother did...and Diana did, also...

  85. In the UK, a Prince or Princess is the son/daughter and grandson/granddaughter of a reigning and/or past monarch. When Charles becomes King, he could offer the Sussex baby such a title, but I don't think he will, given Harry's documented wish not to be Royal (!), and Charles' own aims to slim The Firm down. Harry's son will be a Duke, and his daughter will be a Lady. As long, of course, as the baby is actually born to Ms Markle, and not a surrogate. A surrogate's child would not be able to inherit. Those making remarks about Harry's parentage are way off the mark here too. He's the spitting image of his father's side of the family, except for the hair which he got from Diana. And it's well documented that he was a toddler before Diana started her affair with Hewitt.

  86. @gothyy and that is why nobody knows it is surrogate.

  87. It will be the same as Prince Andrew, Andrew is the 2nd son of the monarch & Harry is the 2nd son of the next monarch. Andrew's daughters are princesses. Harry's children will be the same.



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