Monday, January 07, 2019

Blind Item #30 - Golden Globes

This permanent A/A- list mostly movie actress who has done equally well as of late in television said that she probably has a few more nominations left in her at the Globes because of all the sexual favors she provided to voters through actresses she knows. She said she is too tired to do all of that any longer and won't pay money directly to them like some others do so she won't probably ever win again. 


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Oh the list.

  2. Golden Globe voter has got to be a pretty sweet gig, everyone bribing you with no consequences.

  3. How does one know that the person they traded favors for actually goes on to vote for them?

  4. Believe in the power of........, you know!

  5. Enty.

    I come from the blind of Dua Lipa and Simon Cowell.

    ¿Are you going to say more things about her?

    In that same blind you say he had a difficult life.

  6. I like Amy Adams better. More TV credits

  7. Amy Adams is not a permanent A lister

  8. Lurky, you take your guess back! Amy Adams is too classy for these shenanigans!Its Julia Roberts!

  9. I'm just as curious about the actresses she was pimping out.

  10. So she probably has a few more noms thru actresses she has pimped out, but since she won’t pay cash money, the noms won’t turn into wins. Have I got this right?

  11. HeatherBee - that's more or less what I got out of it too, so yeah.

    Nominations still result in press and announcements so they're still worth something.

  12. Meryl Streep is out of control.

  13. Close or Kidman. But, I'm leaning towards Kidman. No, Close. Shit, IDK>

  14. Nicole Kidman was my first thought

  15. Definitely Nicole Kidman.
    Sick girl from a sick family.

    1. You'd have to be over 70 years old and/or desperate to consider sleeping with Nicole Kidman a favor to be repaid! Surely the jurors can do better!

  16. @lightgirl. How are NK and her family sick? Excluding Tom Cruise.

    1. Nk's father was a pedo. He's dead now tho.

  17. Damn someone’s gotta a little actress hooker squad for this. The game must be real 😆

  18. @notagoodscreenname, I feel it is true based on the evidence I have both seen and read.
    That Nicole also participated willingly in his sadistic satanic and other practices.
    Woo hoo stuff.

  19. I don't watch award shows, because they are extremely boring. I do like looking at what people wear the next morning and having an idea of what movies are worth watching. If it's all rigged why would anyone waste their time attending or watching them. I can just hear "the award for the best head job goes tooo."

  20. lightgirl, Chris P - that is all complete bullshit, morons like you believing anything you read and spreading it as fact are pathetic, grow up.

  21. Police have reopened an investigation into a drug overdose death at a wealthy Democratic donor's home in West Hollywood after a second black man died on the premises early Monday morning. Edward Buck, a regular donor to democratic campaigns including Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, was investigated for a suspected murder when Gemmel Moore, 26, was found dead of a meth overdose in July 2017. The case was closed after the Los Angeles District Attorney found insufficient evidence to prosecute but now a second African-American man has been found dead in Buck's apartment on Monday, January 7, 2019.

  22. I’m no nutball but that info on Nicole Kidman’s father is easy to find. That’s no crazy story that’s fact. He was a pedo king.

  23. Antony Kidman was an MK Ultra programmer. Disgusting, vile, unrepentant sicko, child molester, mind fucker.

    That about sums it up.


  25. Jamie lee curtis


    SoddomWood Burn it down.

  27. Oh please. Total BS. The Globers are geeky nobodies. If everyone knew that you had to sleep with the Globers (all 90 of them...oh, no wonder Nicole looks exhausted..LOL), then someone would rebel and whistleblow....the unfortunate, ridiculous blinds really tarnishes this site

  28. @Dav725 +1. +1 to I'm Outraged too

  29. the tinfoil hat wearers are out in force today.

  30. "Barnett {Kidman's victim] had named as her perpetrators her grandfather, Kidman, two former Australian prime ministers, a Parliament House governor general and a state police commissioner. As with child pedophile rings in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada and the US, the Australian pedophile network was said to include police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors."

    That's not bullshit, that's real.

  31. Barnett is a liar or a lunatic, probably both. None of her ravings has been substantiated, oh and she goes higher and higher with her claims to bring attention onto herself...only.

    hunter, if you believe that bullshit it's only because you want desperately to believe it. No matter how titillating, Barnett's claims are fabrications to get your attention and make you both feel important.

  32. So...where's the proof that Nicole Kidman has in any way been involved in wrong-doing. If you went through celebrities, one by one, you'd probably find family offenses...doesn't mean that the celebs are involved. Anyone here have family that did something illegal? Does that implicate you too?

    Please, those of you out with the torches storming the guard, just put it down.

  33. Totally read this as Kidman as well.

  34. Anonymous8:43 AM

    It would be easier to try to guess the actresses this would not apply to! All but a few of them are where they are because of sexual favors. Every once in a while a girl (or boy) lucks out and makes it without doing favors, but it's rare.

  35. Why is this so hard to believe? Two things run hollywood: Sex and Money.

  36. Do any of you work in the film business? I do and I've been involved in producing and casting and I've never once seen or heard of an actress having to sleep her way to get roles or win awards. There's a lot of salacious material that gets printed on these sites, and it would make you think that every person has to sleep their way to the top..but I know of many actors who have had legit careers without this. Maybe those of you who know different can step forward with FIRST HAND INFORMATION.

    1. No casting couch my ass!Read any Old Hollywood biography or for tath matter the current Weinstein revelations.And it's just the tip of the iceberg!

    2. Of couse, no actress is ever gonna thank a producer or director as she grabs her Oscar statuette for that lucky break he gave her in exchange for a blow-job!

  37. @dav

    Film crews are soooo gossipy and prone to telling lies and inventing stories. I think it has to do with the wage disparity between them and the actors who show up for 10 minutes, deliver some lines, and return to their trailers while the crews set up again, taking hours. Oh it's all good fun when stuck in the insulated world of a film set, not so nice when claims of actresses sleeping with producers and directors reach online forums. When asking, as you do, for first hand information, it all fizzles out.

    IF actors or actresses are sleeping for roles, you can bet that gossip is quashed, for fear of losing jobs. In many cases, what reaches the ears of the public is total horse shit because it's invented for "fun". Surely it does happen, but money rules over sex. If any actor or actress is going to bring in an audience, or work his/her butt off, that matters far more than sex.

  38. How many men and women have to come forward before you start to consider that people do have sex to get roles? Not everyone of course but you'd be an idiot to think it doesn't happen. Honestly, from all the things I have read - Geffen is a huge influence in that ring of pedophiles if not the leader. Too many strange suicides of people who were working on projects to bring this to light - Connell, Bennington for starters. Has the Harvey WEinstein case not shown you just what having alot of money brings you? The unfortunate part is that while there are those who do good things with their money, in hollywood it seems to be greedy, self-serving perverts.

  39. @dav

    Yes, I do. I have not personally been in the middle of some situation where sex was traded for a part but I have heard first hand accounts from numerous actresses where they were pressured for sex by producers while they were on productions, or as part of the casting process. The ones who said no found that it was a lot harder to get hired after that. And of course, as in all industries - there is nepotism. If you are sleeping with a producer and ask for a part, you're probably going to get it over the person who isn't sleeping with that producer.

    Does it happen as much as the gossip blogs imply? Probably not. Is it impossible to say no across the board and still become an A-lister? No.

    A good friend of mine turned down Weinstein. Nothing horrible happened - she didn't get assaulted or raped. But she's in low budget indie film hell, probably forever.

  40. These kinds of 'arrangements' happen everywhere. Not just LA.
    I worked for a married guy, who hired the cutest applicant to be my secretary; then he pretty much pursued her, in her office and thru "lunches". All day every day. Not LA...or even west coast.

  41. People here are confusing two different men sexually harass women? Absolutely. In every profession you can imagine. Do Producers like Weinstein try to get women to sleep with them? Well, Weinstein did...and Hollywood has a very shameful history of this. This post though was about a woman sleeping with (93?) members of the Globes committee and also pimping her friend out to do the same, which is just ridiculous. (Ah, and please note that Kidman did not win...Glen Close do you imagine Glenn brought in MORE women than Nicole to sleep with the journalists?) This notion that all actresses sleep with producers, directors, crew, and film journalists is ridiculous and the product of web sites like this..who admittedly post fictional content that is read by people who don't know anything about this business other than what they read here.


  42. jamie lee curtis looked absolutely awful at the GG awards

    grotesque :(

  43. @Mrs Libnish - What Kidman did had nothing to do with MKUltra. My father was a victim of MK Ultra which took place in the 1950's and 60's. The lawsuit is in the works right now. He was a pedo for sure - but MK Ultra had nothing to do with it.

  44. i totally read this as Julia Roberts.
