Monday, January 07, 2019

Blind Item #3 - Golden Globes

Defying a publicist, a reporter asked this A list singer/A- list actress about her support of R. Kelly. The actress replied, "That is not why everyone is here tonight."


  1. Lady Gaga, of course

    Surprised she didn't win...a nice surprise

    and she looked more plastic than usual

  2. Come on Enty give us some real dirt

  3. She doesn’t support him. What she said was years ago and she obviously changed her mind when she immediately stopped working with him and became vocal about her own sexual assault as a teen

  4. Completely fair game since a mere few years ago, she wrote a song for a documentary about campus rape and talked, at great length about her sexual assault. Yet another prime example of how women of a certain demographic will ignore women of a different demographic comparable experiences for the sake of the farmer's bottom line.

  5. Gaga needs to lose her obsession with winning awards and put out a decent album.

  6. I wish MORE people would have asked Gaga!
    Fuck her "standing up for victims" bullshit. She chose to work with BOTH R Kelly and Terry Richardson!

  7. I think pwal is calling out Gaga's white privilege! ;)

  8. Yeah, sorry but this is the one time that I’m gonna have to call bs on LG. She recorded a song with R. Kelly where the chorus was “do what you want with my body” and then it was only after criticism from fans and critics did she preform with xtina instead of r. Jelly as a last minute replacement and then the single eventually got shelved due to the backlash. Sorry but there is no way she didn’t know he was a predator when she recorded it

  9. Gaga and her sorry ass.. R Kelly have had rumors and proof he’s a child molester..
    He’s worse than the entity—- an old movie
    I don’t buy no one music for decades
    I listen to my older music and classical hits..

  10. Lady gaga doesn't care about Black victims of sexual assault

  11. nobody asked her sh*t there was this dude on twitter who said he'll ask her about it and this excuse for a blind is born from that. Disappointed but not surprised enty quite a pathetic move



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