Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Blind Item #2

The long awaited expose about the disgraced A-list Director has finally arrived.  If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend going through every single line.  This should completely end the director’s career. It is much worse than what was written to end other big Hollywood careers. The people who have worked at this for years said they had the goods on this guy, and they delivered more than any of us could have expected.  They just had to fight for a long time against very powerful and evil people to get the story out there.


  1. Replies
    1. We can only hope!

    2. I don’t want to get my hopes up but I hope this buries him

    3. I’m a little out of loop I am gonna open link below!
      Fingers crossed

  2. It’s fantastic and will hopefully make an impact!

  3. Replies
    1. That’s the worst name I ever heard!

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Ugly man. Barf. Thanks @vanessa for sharing the link

  5. I'm checking the major sites to see who's reporting. So far only the LA Times and NY Daily News. Once this hits Drudge, it's all over for him--at last!

    1. It's there. He's done. Everyone reads Drudge

  6. And what timing! The day after the Oscar noms come out. And of course kneepads has Malek saying he had no idea about all this

  7. Anonymous7:06 AM

    halfway through it now.

  8. Much better placement than Esquire. The Atlantic is owned by the philanthropic Emerson Collective, which gets most of its money from Steve Jobs’ widow Laureen. It doesn’t have to worry about advertiser pressure or celebrity access the way Esquire would.

    1. You just gave me a Great idea for the "NEW POWER COUPLE" for 2019

      ... Laureen Powell-Jobs and MacKenzie Bezos! Now that would be a great force to recon with...

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    "One den employee recalls a party at which teenage boys were shown porn in the movie theater. The employee tried to go inside but was stopped by a bodyguard, who said: “Kids only."

    im sick.

  10. Anonymous7:13 AM

    So I posted the link on reddit and a shill is calling the article fake .

    On the conspiracy subreddit. Looks like Singer defenders are coming out of the woodwork

  11. Singer's career needs to end, but he'll never see the inside of a prison.

    1. And a lot of people here said this article would never come out.

  12. The Atlantic "He’s known for taking risks in his storytelling: It was Singer’s idea, for instance, to open the original X-Men movie with a scene at Auschwitz,.."

    The least riskiest thing you can do in Hollywood is remind viewers that the nazis were evil. If fact, if you do that and make money, it gets you a lot of leeway to rape teens for 20 years (singer), rape babies to death for 40 years (speilberg), rape women for 30 years (weinstein), etc., etc,.,:

    Ask yourself:
    1) What do these people have in common?
    2) Why is it that they are able to keep getting away with their shit for so long?
    3) Can we identify others that fit/fall into these same patterns.

  13. I was so happy reading it! Fuck that awful creep!!

  14. hi y'all. yep, bryan singer...please please please be him, finally. i wish justice for all the people he's assaulted.
    Justice for Brad Renfro!!

  15. just Singer ?

    not Hugh Jackman or Ian McKellan ?

  16. Any bets on how soon, if at all, he gets dropped from "Red Sonja". From a quick scan of IMDB, it does not appear that filming has started yet.

  17. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Just finished. wow. lets hope he never gets a job again.

  18. Bryan Singer it’s about time he gets runout of Hollyweird and take the other rapist with them.
    Why does it take decades to get rid of one monster preying on very young preteens or teenagers.
    They always want fresh new face and virgins to rape and the process goes on and on..
    He needs to be in prison

  19. So, I guess Singer is a no go for the R. Kelly biopic? Creeps.

  20. Finally. It's a long read... because the list of horrific crimes are endless. So many young actors - many no one remembers - would still be alive today if they hadn't met those men and attended those parties. It takes a moment to destroy someone, and a lifetime to save them. Bryan Singer belongs in a bottomless pit of Hell and Fire. Burn, bitch.

  21. I've never felt so happy and so sad/angry at the sane time. This article rips at your soul, but goddamn, hes exposed. May he rot being beaten in prison for fucking years and years of torture.

  22. Anyone struggle with the article. I have stopped and started so many times.

  23. Anonymous8:04 AM

    filmfanb, yes. it took me about an hour and a half to read it. looking at his instagram comments make me sick. so many people praising him. excuse me while i go link the article under every photo.

  24. No mention of DG being an investor in DEN. I read the whole thing.

  25. Is this the same article that those titans of free speech and reportage, Esquire, got chickenshit/bribed to kill?

    1. Has to be. This article was written over a year.

  26. I used to think Hollywood cast only very young actresses/actors cause of youthful beauty and ageism, now I realize they mostly want naive bodies to take advantage of

  27. Speilberg is not a child molester.

    1. Probably. Check Fully Sourced "Spielberg this will Expose you" on youbtube.

  28. The Antlantic: "Sanchez-Guzman says that soon after he filed the complaint, men in trench coats began loitering outside the watch boutique where he works. (His boss confirmed this.) Sanchez-Guzman called mall security and then the police. One of the men revealed himself to be a private investigator from a firm that specializes in “civil-litigation support”

    What do you want to bet that this is the same "civil-litigation support" team made up of Mossad Agents that Big Harvey W. uses?

    1. Uh oh, can’t call out the Chosen People! Noticing is baaaaaaad!

  29. That article was staggering.
    Thank you for posting Vanessa.
    End him.

  30. I’m signing up for a subscription to Atlantic for doing what Esquire and others refused to do.

  31. Singer has issued a reply:

    He knows his career is toast.

    1. He's hiding behind homophobia the creep. He's NOT men have relationships with other gay men...NOT with children. He is disgracing the gay community and they need to call him out.

  32. Just finished it. Damning though it is, I wager that any censure this fucker get from the Hollyweird establishment and law enforcement is purely cosmetic.

  33. Which news outlet report should we read? The Atlantic or Esquire or ...?

  34. Now...if only Esquire does the same with the others names..

  35. Id like to point out reddit movies has deleted several posts directly linking to the atlantic article.

  36. @Alice H. said: "Speilberg is not a child molester."

    Tell that to Heather O'Rourke.

  37. I can't believe this is finally out. The article is heartwrenching. All these poor boys and young men. I've been reading Enty for over a decade and every time this article mentioned the movie Apt Pupil I couldn't help but think about the blind about Brad Renfro. Ugh.

    1. Hopefully justice will finally be served. Poor Brad. I am so sorry for all the victims.

  38. Just goes to prove that the only balls Esquire has are the ones on their chin, suck it fake magazine.

  39. I love how singer mentions Bohemian Rhapsody in his response to the article. Sorry Nutty, now that movie and Queen are forever linked to an infamous child molester.

  40. @Filmfanb, it took me about 45 minutes to read it. This should do him in, but whether or not it will......

  41. Yes we're all that thick. Thank you for blessing us with your knowledge, oh wise sage

  42. " As he watched the Harvey Weinstein scandal unfold, Valdovinos thought, “Me too— only I was a kid.” "

    Will #MeToo women have the courage to stand up for children?

  43. " Will #MeToo women have the courage to stand up for children? "

    Good question

  44. @YoSoy

    "On the conspiracy subreddit"

    That subreddit has been owned by the Reich for a long time. They delete any posts about Donny and ban users for even suggesting real celebrities (other than Hilary) are connected to conspiracies.


    "Everyone reads Drudge"

    No one reads Drudge anymore. News aggregators are losing millions of viewers every month. Ask Huffington Post. Reddit killed their audience. Wah-wah.

    1. Reddit? Where basement trolls post and millennials get their news?

      You cannot be serious

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Besides, smart people should be able to seperate the artist from their art when they turn out to be a horrible person, right @plot?

  46. @plot, Wow, no one reads Drudge anymore? Really, is that what you're going with? Because you might want to tell both sides of the media because they can't stop talking about him.

    1. Plot said this was all BS and that this article would never come out. Yet here it is, still doing the Debbie Downer routine. And just could not possibly refrain from mentioning the President! Lol SAD!

  47. I really didn't think it would ever happen. Hopefully people will continue hunting the predators.

  48. @Nutty

    Great info about The Atlantic versus Esquire! Thank-you.

  49. @Thot

    "Besides, smart people should be able to seperate the artist from their art when they turn out to be a horrible person, right @plot?"

    Nope. Whether one can or cannot separate artists and art is entirely individual with no view being superior than the other. In fact, no one is required in every case to feel one way or another. One can continue enjoying whatever they like, or not. It can even be done on a movie by movie basis.

    If one cannot separate the artist and the art, that is just as valid as someone who can.


    "Because you might want to tell both sides of the media because they can't stop talking about him."

    Whether the media talks about Drudge or not (and I haven't seen him mentioned in eons) all aggregators are losing their audience.


    "Reddit? Where basement trolls post and millennials get their news?"

    It's a lot more complex than that. Believe what you like, though.

    1. Let me guess. It all boils down to:


  50. Just breaking....

    Singer article writers say Hearst executives (owners of Esquire) killed the story.

  51. @Sdaly

    Nutty explained above that The Atlantic is owned by a philanthropic consortium which gives it the power of independence that Esquire does not enjoy because they depend on subscriptions and corporate connections.

    I think it would have been a good move for Esquire to publish it anyway, but it was their call. It least it was published at all! Right?

  52. Kudos, but I can't help thinking it was watered down. There were supposed to be revelations about other big names, right?

  53. Hear me out on this. Apart from Singer himself, all the other degenerates named are no marks, never wases and the already exposed. No Bergen, no Jackman, no big names.

    I reckon Singer has been offered up with this.

    Its eventually been published elsewhere and the narrative excised of the powerful and popular.
    Singer the scapegoat.
    After all the talk about the article being killed and any unfavorable publicity from that, Singer been written off as a lost cause. They are offering us thin Singer gruel in the hope that that will assuage the hunger.

    Unless you reckon Lester fucking Waters is a catch? At the very least we can get a 'Lester the Molester' joke out of that cunt.

  54. @YoSoyMilk

    You shouldn't have posted the link to Reddit's conspiracy sub, that place was taken over by Trump supporters and blatant Russian troll farm workers a few years ago.

    Post it to the conspiracyII subreddit instead.

    I also saw Singer's response and felt my skin crawl when he said it was a homophobic smear against him.

  55. Geffen needs to be offed. He'll never serve jail.

  56. Just saw your post @Sara, Making it work, just as I posted my long range.

    Great minds think alike, eh?

    Well, a great mind and then my one anyway.😁

  57. That should be Geffen not Bergen in my last but one post. Fuck, even autocorrect has been got at to protect these piss drinking shit gibbons!😁

  58. If everything rumored about Spielberg and Geffen are definitely true, maybe this will get someone brave enough to do a story on them. It might not be anytime soon, but I believe their time will come eventually!

  59. There wasn't really anything in that article that hadn't already been reported or mentioned in the media previously. No smoking gun per se. Nothing will happen to him. NOTHING

  60. Againt, posts are appearing on r/movies about singer and they are deleting them all aside from one that really doesnt give the full article. Looks like the higher ups have their fingers in reddit too.

  61. I think its safe to say the internet shills are working overtime on postings attempting to minimize and diffuse the information in the article.

    The power of Reddit!😨

  62. @Flashy

    OOOOOr....the people you name are not Singer-style sexual violators. Occam's razor and all that.


    "The New Yorker isn't supported by an independent foundation"

    The New Yorker has a gargantuan subscriber base that give it independence even from it's owner company. It's one of the few publications that gains hard copy subscribers every year.

    Like I said, if I were Esquire I would have published it. It would have made them a lot of money in the long run and given them national credibility. That is not exactly Esquire's MO, but if Teen Vogue can do it, so can Esquire.

    What they received in exchange for not running the story is going to be an interesting. Keep an eye out for exclusive interviews.

  63. Hold on a damn minute!

    I just checked and the Singer article is the top story of r/movies.

    WTF are you people talking about?

  64. The top post is a variety article. People were posting new posts linking direct to the atlantic article. The mods were deleting them. Then I posted another article that detailed his repsonse and how he is lumping it in as a homophobic thing.......basically trying to pull a spacey. They deleted that too.

  65. Hopefully Singer isn't the end, he is the beginning. The Harvey Weinstein of child predators.

  66. Next up, who attended Singer's parties? I have a feeling Singer is going to be hanging out with Mark Salling in the park if the wrong people get nervous.

  67. Anonymous2:21 PM

    He will get away with this, unless something worse is brought to light. These stories are terrible, but in regards to Singer, nothing we haven't heard before. Unfortunately, the bulk of these men admit that they were active and/or passive participants. They understood that, by befriending him and acquiescing to his sexual parties/demands, they could be famous or benefit somehow. For whatever reason, they waited 15 years and are now seeking some kind of "settlement". Blaming their subsequent drug use, sex with married individuals and other bad choices are (I believe) hurting their argument.
    I agree that it is both morally and legally wrong. I agree that he, and other adults like him, should be prosecuted for targeting a minor. However... I have witnessed far worse with children, from 10 mos to 10yrs old. They did not seek out the perpetrator or give consent, they were not searching for money or fame. Yet, so many of these victims choose to take those dark experiences and help others, instead of being swallowed by it.
    I am genuinely thankful that E works so hard to bring this to light, but... If we want to get the masses off of their derrière and see real change, I think we need to get sober when choosing our enemy and start with the worst. Only then, will people wake up and scream.

  68. @plot, drudgereport is more popular than duckduckgo, bankofamerica, yelp, google news,, etc. It's actually only one rank below the dailymail.

  69. My heart breaks for Brad Renfro and for all the other young boys who were subjected to sexual abuse from this group of men. Their lives were forever changed, and not for the better.

  70. Stories about Bryan Singer have circulated for years, before this blog even existed. Gossip has always been that Singer was shady and into teenage boys.

    Stories about Spielberg and Geffen have started appearing mostly here after the fall of Weinstein. The most common gossip blogs haven't posted anything similar, you mostly have alt-right sites validating these claims.
    Most, at least, of the stories about Spielberg are bullshit. The Heather O'Rourke and The Twilight Zone stuff gets a ton of documentation, like medical exams over a period of months or videos of the copter accident from different angles, in addition to hundreds of legal reports and testimonies.
    Also, Spielberg and Geffen have been major players in the industry for decades, Geffen has made a lot of enemies over the years (bands dropped, royalties issues, etc.) yet these allegations really started to appear a year and a half ago rather than follow them during most of their career. Sure, there was the occasional provocateur who thinks that Spielberg is a commercial hack and that he must be a pedo for producing so many films and shows that handle childhood, but you never get testimonies, you don't even see a lawyer trying to get legal damages for their client.

    That's why, as I've already stated a few times, I believe these stories are fabrications. Someone has decided to replicate the Weinstein stories by pushing the envelope even further and associating Spielberg and Geffen to human trafficking and rapes of minors.

    When a story is based on facts and well documented, if the claims are honest, it will get published. Enquire backed out of the Singer story, but then The Atlantic decided to release it. It might have gotten more exposure in Esquire, but that's already good. I don't see any piece being put together about Spielberg or Geffen. Not because they're too big and manage to kill any story about them (so why don't they silence this blog?), but because the stories are most likely groundless.

    1. What PR firm hired you to write this? Or are you a "skeptic"?

  71. The main reason this story has had trouble getting to the public, unlike HW, is that it is a gay-centric story. The MSM and the mindbenders above have been shoving the gay agenda down people's throats for a while now as part of the deliberate disintegration of the male/female natural directive. This is part of the soft genocide that is driving birthrates among the consumer class (read: educated) down. Gays are saints in this paradigm: Martyrs to AIDS, inclusive of all (except women hating fags and man hating dykes) and always willing to weep vicariously for victims of any type of patriarchal (read: white male) abuse.
    So out of the closet bounds the sexually emancipated and lo and behold, some of these saints aren't so holy. Well, okay, let’s throw one of these guys under the bus and the due diligence will back people off the story and the cockroaches can slowly reemerge and get back to it with the runaways at the bus depot.
    The only thing that changes when a crime is outed from among the elite is that laws are changed to decriminalize what was previously illegal. America won’t do it right away but nearby countries will and the creeps of all stripes can get their jollies next door instead of having to fly all the way around the world to some Thailand slum. When ordinary slobs are into legal deviance, that takes pressure off the creeps at the top.

    1. Holy shit THIS IS SO TRUE. +1 million

    2. Very acute the UK paedos get a slap on the wrist now...not custodial sentences..liberal justice system and a sure sign they are desperate to get rid of the legal bastion of morality...the age of consent.

  72. I didn't think it was a very well reported piece.

    YES of course Singer is a horrible person who should rot in jail.

    But his victims aren't exactly lillywhite either and the article underscores that. The first guy is a woman-beater, which the article tried to downplay. I mean, come on, he had an affair with a woman that wound up with a domestic violence conviction? Talk about avoiding responsibility.

    Another one is probably a fake--the one who tried to sue in Hawaii. Etc. The article points out that the people he accused "offered evidence they weren't in Hawaii at the time." Um--so, they're not guilty then?

    It just really is not that good and not the smoking gun people want it to be.

    Again--I am not saying Singer is not a disgusting human who needs to go to jail. But this article is just not that good.

  73. Jeez, did all the shills get here on the same bus? You lost this round, get over it. Singer's down, who's next?

  74. @Krab - Yes! by all means let's blame the victims.

  75. @plot - So wait, you're saying people are allowed to make-up their own minds about stuff and have different opinions? Did someone hack your avi maryscott?

  76. I'm not blaming the victims. I'm just saying the writers aren't doing a very good job of building their case. If they've been working on this for that long, they should have been able to do a better job. I'm a journalist and I'm unimpressed with this piece. Basically nothing in it is new and I really doubt it will change anything. I hope I'm wrong.

  77. The victims, their loved ones, and everyone that has always tried to bring this into the public eye deserve to see that manipulative pig go down. I hope they were able to give themselves a little sigh of relief, but also I hope this new article fucking breaks his name and ripples out to anyone that helped him do what he did over and over again.

    Also I hope you all are having a good day :)

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. @krab said - "I'm not victim blamgin" and "I'm just saying the writers aren't doing a very good job of building their case."

    Specifically, which part? The part where the victims aren't flawed, or the part where Singer physically forced the kid on the yacht to suck his dick, then penetrated his virgin ass without consent?

    If you are not victim blaming and you're not prevaricating, what the fuck is your point; that they should not have put themselves in those situations and should not have went to a party looking like one of Madonna's back-up dancers?

    Ergo, "victim blaming," and "attacking the source," and "Moving the goalposts." AKA: shilling 101, and in your case, poorly done. I hope your pay is based on performance.

  80. Thank you to Nutty for posting the info about Esquire vs. The Atlantic. I've been curious today about what the backstory is on the article being transferred to a different magazine.

    I'm surprised it finally got published (good timing right after the Oscar nominations), but I'm not confident anything will happen to Singer. He belongs in jail, but will probably retreat into hiding with little consequence. Hopefully he'll be dumped from the Red Sonja project.

    I also don't believe there is any way Rami Malek didn't know about Singer's rep. He may have hated working with him, but he did not protest when Singer became attached to the project.

    I've noticed a lot of people remembering and talking about Brad Renfro today. Poor kid - I think he's sort of become the face representing Singer's multitude of victims.

  81. @filmfanb

    Subreddits often don't allow articles that state the same thing, over and over. You might be better off posting The Atlantic article inside the discussion where more people will click and read it.


    "there was the occasional provocateur who thinks that Spielberg is a commercial hack "

    That would be me. He is a commercial hack and a propagandist. That does not make him a pedo, however.


    "So wait, you're saying people are allowed to make-up their own minds about stuff and have different opinions?"

    Yep. That's what I've always said. You can look that up.


    "Plot said this was all BS and that this article would never come out"

    I did? If so, I was wrong, thankfully.

  82. Yeah, Thot Crimes, I'm a shill. I post here every day just so that when the Singer case is finally published, I can be paid for it.

    My point was about the writing and the journalism. If you can't understand that, and you apparently can't, then oh fucking well, I don't care.

  83. @Angela (the dude?) said: "Stories about Spielberg and Geffen have started appearing mostly here after the fall of Weinstein. The most common gossip blogs haven't posted anything similar, you mostly have alt-right sites validating these claims."

    Which sites exactly are you talking about? Links or you're lying.

  84. @krab said: "My point was about the writing and the journalism."


    You don't think the part about forcible rape on the yacht was effective? Again, I'm trying to understand your point - please explain it; how could they have written that more compellingly?

  85. @plot you have asserted twice that "nobody" reads Drudge. As usual, you don't know what you're talking about -- 2018 they had 1.44 billion hits, they average 10million hits/day so far in 2019, and Alexa rates them in the mid-300s of all sites on the internet. So yeah, "nobody reads Drudge." Stay uninfirmed darlin', you wouldn't be you otherwise.

  86. I'd be interested in how @Krab, as a journalist, would improve on the article to make it more compelling.

    Not trolling, I'm honestly asking

  87. Not uninfirmed, I meant plot is UNINFORMED.

  88. @plot - "Yep. That's what I've always said. You can look that up."

    Which account?

  89. @Dannette - @plot knows exactly what THEY are saying, and how much nonsense THEY are making up. At the peak of THEIR online existence, THEY got kicked off of Daily Kos for plagiarism, and THEIR subsequent blog found nobody that was interested in THEIR own non-plagiarized opinions. So now THEY post here to "work on my game" and hate when commenters don't use THEIR feminine pronouns.

    THEY just pretend THEIR bullshit isn't bullshit. I would appreciate THEM as a troll, but THEY'RE not trolling.

    It's more crazed than that - my avi related.

  90. @Danette

    Aggregators are falling. Drudge has good connections, I'll give him that. But not all hits are hits, and you know that.


    Only have this account, and another one from the early days of this site for a couple years, but I didn't comment much.

    WTF are you spewing off about there?

  91. Sorry, OB, I don't have the time or inclination to go through the whole piece line by line, but for example:

    "Years later, an affair with a married woman, estranged from her husband, ended in catastrophe: an arrest and a year-long jail sentence for domestic battery, drug possession, and driving a car without the owner’s permission."

    Is just really goddamn weak. Admit that the guy beat up a woman, etc. "Ended in catastrophe"? Really? Like he had no agency here at all? Lame. Really lame.

    "All four men denied the allegations and offered evidence that they had not been in Hawaii. "

    Soooo---they were innocent? Were they in Hawaii or not? What was the evidence? Why was this not mentioned? Just because this guy had a fucked up life doesn't mean his story holds water.

    I am not NOT NOT NOT saying these people are not victims. I am saying the journalists wrote a shitty article.

    etc. There's plenty more in the article but I just don't feel like going through it line by line.

    Not gonna comment about it again. If you want to believe I'm a paid shill, whatthehellever, I just don't care.

    1. 1) I appreciate your response

      2) In no way was I implying, by my question, that I believed you to be a shill

  92. Please God, let this be the opening of the dam to all the pedophilia ruining kids lives, past, present and future. Please give them the strength to now come forward.

  93. @Krab quotes: "All four men denied the allegations and offered evidence that they had not been in Hawaii. " The @krab opines: "Soooo---they were innocent? Were they in Hawaii or not? What was the evidence? Why was this not mentioned? Just because this guy had a fucked up life doesn't mean his story holds water."

    The article clearly says that his mother says she gave him permission twice to go to HI.

    Did you read the whole article before coming here to dissemble it?

  94. @plot said: "Only have this account, and another one from the early days of this site for a couple years, but I didn't comment much."

    We both know what the other one was. And if it happens to be your real name, it's not my fault.

    Would you prefer that I address you by that avi, or this avi?

  95. Really, Thot, I have no other account here. My real name is unavailable online. Years ago I was advised.

    Have you thought about a nice Caribbean vacation?

  96. Brant Daugherty (Pretty Little Liars Noel Kahn) tweeted about an experience with Singer too. There is no denying this, he's done.

  97. Here's the thing. For those of you who agree with Angela, if you think that a studio doesn't know what's going on, you couldn't be more wrong. They have eyes and ears, everywhere, so in my view (sanity) they know everything and that's the absolute least of their culpability.
    If pictures of Singer, Ian, all the little boys (some of whom have died by 'suicide' or drug overdose) don't sway your opinion, I don't know what will. Google. They're all still there, last I looked.
    I will say this once again.. a conspiracy only takes two. No matter how wide spread you'd believe, this is definitely an industry problem - whether child molestation or cover-ups for the almighty dollar or complicity, just like the juvenile justice (HAH) system, the Catholic Church (among many more), the music biz and yes, the movie industry.
    Same goes for casting couches with adult females and males. EVERYONE knows.

  98. Mary Lamb ... interesting about Spielberg?

  99. I hope they nail Singer’s balls to the wall, but I think he won’t get the punishment he’s due because the public, and Hollywood in particular, has a short memory. Still, one can hope.

    @ Angela, There’s been talk on CDaN about Geffen and Spielberg for years. Not sure if I believe the Spielberg rumors but we all know Geffen is evil.

    CDaN mentioned on Reddit’s r/conspiracy sub:

  100. I don't know but I'd love to get a few strong drinks into Amy Irving, who I'm sure signed an iron-clad NDA at the point of her 100 million divorce settlement - after only 4 years (2 of which they were separated), and ask her all about it.
    There are many 'coincidences' of child stars' demise and his casting.

  101. Well, THIS is going to be awkward times a million if Rami Malek or the film win at the Oscars.

  102. I agree with @Krab. It was a poorly written article that did not provide new information or insight. It just concurs that BS is an awful man. Honestly, I don't know what new information any of you expect to see.

  103. @Thot Crimes

    For starters, just browse the AGC archives, the ones that collect every blind item (and common guesses) from all major gossip sites, including this one. Try to find mentions of Spielberg.

    2013: zero

    June 2014 : Spielberg and Pacino can't stand each other

    2015 : zero

    The whole of 2016: a single mention of Spielberg, but in a blind item about Julia Roberts

    January to October 2017: 0 references to Spielberg

    October 5, 2017: publication of the first report of sexual allegations against Weinstein

    November 9, 2017: blind about Heather O'Rourke (no direct Spielberg mention)
    November 20, 2017: a long blind item about Michael Jackson and Spielberg
    January 12, 2018: blind item about Ariana Richards being molested by Spielberg
    March 2018: two blinds about kids being cast in West Side Story
    April 2018: Spielberg using the Holocaust to meet underage teens
    May 2018: Spielberg paying the silence of Tom Sizemore because of what happened during production of Saving Private Ryan with a young actress
    June 2018: Insiderher blind about Spielberg not answering trick or treat at Halloween
    August 2018: Regular blind about Paul Schrader directing his rejected script for Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but mostly the BTTF blind about producers molesting many kids under the excuse of a casting for extras
    October 2018: another blind about the casting of West Side Story, then a blind about the conspiracy to murder Vic Morrow because of what he had seen (child porn being shot) on the set of The Twilight Zone movie
    November 2018: "What the fuck have I smoked?" blind about Spielberg having seen actual footage of aliens

    Regarding other gossip blogs, Lainey had a February 2014 about Spielberg having a grudge against Jennifer Garner (and Ben Affleck) because he had once tried to set her up with Tom Cruise, and she complained.
    The molestation accusations have been mostly popular for quite a while among the 4chan, Reddit, channels that deal with conspiracies. The Pizzagate, QAnon stuff. Which anybody but right-wingers would call "alt-right"

    I haven't gone beyond 2013 for the gossip sites, but you can see the pattern. I might have missed a couple, especially if it's foremost about Tom Cruise.

    So, exactly as I had stated, Spielberg had a squeaky clean reputation here until November 2017, a month after the start of the Weinstein scandal.

    In many ways, the Weinstein scandal has been a poisoned gift for the site. It gave the site credibility, even if every other gossip site had also published this stuff. But CDaN couldn't write anymore pieces about Weinstein, even if they were very popular prior to the reports. The stuff was now in the news, with details that were actually much beyond what Enty had heard (or most likely imagined in many cases).
    And there is the need for a followup hit. And if you need a bigger name than Weinstein in Hollywood, Spielberg is definitely the one name everybody knows around the world.
    My guess is that Enty has been happy for more than a year to publish stuff provided to him by a new, unchecked source, which has come up with more and more outrageous stories about Spielberg. And these stories can be connected to the myths about the Jews using Hollywood as a huge child molestation ring, with the intent to promote pedophilia and to corrupt the good Christian values from your country. You know, the ones enforced by catholic priests. Or Jerry Falwell Jr.
    I don't know if Enty is complicit in this agenda or if he's just happy to get juicy blind items without doing anything, but the stats don't lie. The Spielberg narrative started in November 2017, and there wasn't a single hint of these allegations before.

  104. @Angela

    It all stinks of the myth "the Jews eat babies!" which is, what, 2 millennia old now? How very original! Then there are those posters who keep saying "where there's smoke, there's fire" while ignoring there was no smoke around Spielberg until late 2017 here.

    Enty seems quite pleased to whip up a Medieval witch hunt. It takes a bitter, cynical, envious person to do that.

    1. The essay "What is it" was made at least 15 years ago.

  105. I can't believe that this "eh, there's nothing new here" line has come up. When you see something this explosive and then somebody waltzes in with the nothing-new-here take, you can be very sure you're being spun. It's a reliable tell.

    1. PoorPlot and Angela didn't even read the article, yet they "know" there is nothing-to-see-here.

      ...or they could be lying.

  106. Sad that you have to say it "should" end his career. That shouldn't be in question. The only question should be whether the authorities can get him safely tried and sentenced before a mob takes care of him.

  107. @xandohsa,

    That's what shills do: deny and deflect until something becomes too public for that to work anymore, then immediately call it old news and try to hustle everyone past it.

  108. "What Is It" was a companion piece to the film Crispin Glover was directing at the time, featuring Adam Parfrey. Parfrey was a member of the Church of Satan and a publisher of underground books (including the Crispin Glover piece) who loved to shock people. He once said, “Upsetting people is a beautiful thing. Because it gets people to think beyond their last visit to 7-Eleven.”

    And Parfrey did upset people with a 1993 piece titled "Pederastic Park." He mocked Spielberg's crass commercialism and sentimentalism (it was at the time of Hook and Jurassic Park) and connected it with pedophilic tendencies. In 2011, he wrote a new introduction stating that his article had been the direct inspiration for "What It Is", and he revealed the source for his claims on Spielberg, "A couple decades ago a nameless Hollywood producer told me some curious stories about a particular mogul’s treatment of children. Looking further into this mogul’s films, I wrote an article about the way Steven Spielberg approached the subject of children in his movies."

    Yeah, because if there's one thing for which Hollywood producers are known when they tell stories in confidence to a random stranger, it's for telling the truth.

    Basically all the inspiration for the blind items on Spielberg is in "Pederastic Park," including a reference to The Twilight Zone. It's easy to realize that both "Pederastic Park" and "What It Is" are bibles for some Anti-semitic conspiracy lovers, and that they take the accusations at face value. But, hey, there are still people who assume that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are genuine, aren't they?

  109. @ Angela - Spielberg’s name is only mentioned in those archives when it was a reveal.

  110. But, hey, there are still people who assume that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are genuine, aren't they?

    It's been awhile since I read part of protocols it but much of the goals have been realized, and realized by a disproportionate number of Ashkenazis. People don't just assume they are real.

  111. Why are some (two?) of you crying antisemitism? Who's saying being a jew has to do with pedophilia?
    Plenty of rumors in Hollywood about Francis Ford Coppola and he even defended Victor Salva who wrote "Powder" whilst in prison which Disney picked up.
    Last I looked neither of these two men are Jewish and there are plenty more like them of all different varieties.
    I guess it's a more convincing argument if you throw out accusations of bigotry. That's not a question.

  112. @Mango

    The archive doesn't just feature reveals. Common guesses made at the time are also listed.

    @mary lamb

    I'll give you this. If you're playing dumb, that's a very convincing act.

    Show me the rumors on Coppola outside of the Salva connection. The man actually produced knowingly three films directed by a convicted pedophile. Normally, there should be a ton of gossip on him, as there's many more proven connections with a known pedophile than for Spielberg. Yet, nobody dissects for hidden messages The Black Stallion or Jack (the Robin Williams vehicle). Nobody writes stuff about the years he spent in the Philippines shooting Apocalypse Now. This should be Fingerpointing 101 here!

    Meanwhile, people seem to be happy to take blind items that have materialized out of nowhere about Spielberg and Geffen, even if outside of the very weird essay by Crispin Glover about Spielberg, which is more symbolic than literal, there hasn't been any accusation from people within the industry on either of them about child molestation. All you have is the word of this blog... and the alt-right boards.

    Besides, I'm no expert on Judaism, but I know my Golden Age Hollywood quite well. The attitude here is very reminiscent of the Meimouses (Hi Geeljire!) of a century ago when Hollywood was Babylon and the evil Jewish producers were conspiring to promote their pro-divorce, pro-debauchery, pro-pedophile agenda over all America through the help of film. It resulted in a few scandals, relying on dubious accusations, like the Fatty Arbuckle case (the perfect case of wish-fulfillment from the tabloids and the crowds), and ultimately in the 1934 Production Code, as the Catholic Legion of Decency persuaded the Protestant banks that financed the industry to side with their values.

    That's also why Coppola wouldn't make a good target for blind items. He's a has-been, and an outsider. Even if his attitude towards Salva is indefensible, he operates from his small production company now. You can't picture him as the head of a big child molesting ring. But if you find the biggest Jewish names in the film or music industry, like Spielberg and Geffen, people will believe that every major studio or label obey to them and that they are shady as hell. Even if they don't have a single shred of evidence.

  113. @Angela
    Aren't you cute!
    I'm not playing dumb, sweetie. I'm aware of the history of antisemitism and as to the few here who like to antagonize, I pay no mind.

    I generally don't put any stock in CDAN's blinds unless they're things I've heard to be true from industry insiders. I don't read alt-right boards or other gossip blogs.

    I'm not defending anyone. I occasionally stop by and when I have something to add, I do.
    You have very strong feelings that rumors of malice are started here and to some extent you're right but there are also blinds that I personally know to be true and some that I've heard from trusted friends in the business.
    That is all.

  114. So, how about a Coppola rumor? As you said yourself, there are plenty of them, so it wouldn't jeopardize your sources...

  115. "I generally don't put any stock in CDAN's blinds unless they're things I've heard to be true from industry insiders."

    What kind of insiders?

    "there are also blinds that I personally know to be true and some that I've heard from trusted friends in the business."

    like what?

  116. What kind of insiders?

    Janitors and Kraft Service.

    like what?

    Angelina Jolie is an alien and Meghan Markle aka Anastasia is a Russian spy.

    1. And Mary Lamb came through again.
      Love it

  117. @mary

    I suspected nothing better! Lol.

  118. Wut, Mary? You won't post any Coppola rumor, even if you acknowledge you have plenty of tips in Hollywood that he's a pedophile? Even if you'd do everybody a huge favor by sharing stuff that has never been published on the Internet?

    I'll just add that I'm beginning to have slight doubts about your good faith...

  119. @FlirtyChick74-
    Apparently the only people that expected this article to contain "new information" is you, @Krab, and @plot being dismissive.

    Most non-pedo-protection-team folks are just happy to see the information out in the mainstream media, and not just confined to CDaN, and hopefully make it more difficult for law enforcement to ignore.

  120. @Angela - So you're defending Spielberg by labeling the information "Alt-right conspiracy", while at the same time the concept of a "Pedo Conspiracy" is insane nonsense to you? Nice cognitive dissonance you have there.

    However, I do like how you just keep throwing shit at the wall hoping people get bored; I know I do.

  121. I've never used the phrase "Alt-right conspiracy." It is of your own making, and you're putting words into my mouth.

    I merely wrote that the accusations against Spielberg appeared out of nowhere on this site, just after the start of the Weinstein story, and that they are only backed on the Internet by theories published on some alt-right boards and sites that are obsessed with all kinds of conspiracies. And it isn't far-fetched to connect the alt-right with good ol' antisemitism. Otherwise, no other regular gossip site or blog has ever published any story or blind item implying that Spielberg was King Pedo in Hollywood. So, the timing is suspicious, the stories have zero traction on the regular gossip scene, and the whole tone (there were dead bodies right from the start...) is so outrageous that it gets dubious. It's very characteristic of "sequilitis", where the writers try to increase the stakes in some ridiculous way. The original soap opera was Harvey Weinstein, his casting couch and his grudges, and when Weinstein makes the real news, the sequel starts here a month later with Spielberg, Geffen and their friends raping a lot of kids, resulting in a lot of dead bodies, from both kids and accomplices that could have made reveals.

    By the way, I don't believe that the alt-right is a unified movement that speaks with one voice (even if we were close here at the time the site was alternating between a new James Gunn story and a new Dan Harmon story). On r/conspiracy, where the CDAN stories were collected, some people have actually voiced reasonable opinions against the claims, including a few ones I could have made (Heather O'Rourke's medical condition was well documented and discussed long before her death, the locker room banter tone during spitballing sessions, etc.)

    The only kind of conspiracy I do believe in is a Swiftian confederacy, it involves dunces, and it's rather common.

  122. @angela (the dude) - The go to PR tripe (so far) for all evolved with Bo.Rap has been "we had no clue" and the charges "appeared out of no where." After Spielberg gets outed, you'll call it "nothing new" and call the writers hacks for rehashing "old news."

    If you thought the accusations were pointless you wouldn't be here trying to discourage them, and your continued presence here speaks louder than anything you say.



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