Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blind Item #13

This foreign born mostly movie actress is probably B+ list. She would be higher but spent the last year trying to recover from the relationship she had with this A/A- list mostly movie actor who terrorized her life for years. Our actress is still in therapy multiple times per week, but had been doing multiple sessions per day.


  1. Idk who this is but glad it’s not me!

  2. Replies
    1. She is one gorgeous woman. Hopefully, she has someone / thing that makes her happy.

      Although Cassell is a walking sex stick, he looks like he has zero f*cks to give. Black Swan cast to type????

  3. Freida Pinto/Dev Patel?
    Though he seems congenial(not threatening $

    1. In what way is Freida Pinto even B+? She has been in very few movies and with not major roles. Also, I don't want it to be Dev Patel. I didn't like him at first but holy shit that scruffy look with his mom as his date had me take a second glance at him. And I want him to be a good guy. Some guys are supposed to be good like Cillian Murphy. I have this huge huge crush on him. so if there is anything bad related to them, I am gonna ignore it. 😂

  4. Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber?

    1. Thought of her but she’s been with Billy Crudup awhile and he is dual threat;due to RD).

  5. Oh goodness, what room or basement did he keep her locked up in that she couldn't reach a phone?

    1. Lol I know right? What a strong and independent womyn! 🙄

  6. Mia Goth and SHia LeBeouf?

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    i like the mia goth guess but hasnt she been filming something?

  8. Or Mia Wikainsawa(sp?) and Jesse Eisenberg

  9. charlize Theron and sean penn

  10. I'd like to think Charlize Theron could kick Sean Penn's ass, that little punk is geezing.

  11. No way Theron is less than an A.

  12. Mia Goth has only done 1 movie (Suspiria) since splitting with Shia, I think. Or was it filmed before/during the breakup? In any case, +2 to that guess.

  13. Like the Mia Wasikowska guess, as she was rising then sort of quiet for some time. She's foreign born and Eisenberg is supposed to be an asshole.

  14. I think the Mia Goth guess is more accurate. Wasikowska has been working pretty consistently, just not in anything that's blown up. Also, their relationship ended in 2015, and I certainly understand it can take time for trauma to set in, but they did break up almost four years ago.

    Then again, Goth and LeBouf split in September 2018, and both of her 2018 projects had been filmed by then. So who knows.

  15. Amber & Johnny?

  16. Yeah, I understand about Battered Womens' Syndrome but it's a syndrome for women who don't have any financial choice but to stay. Not for rich ladies who do have choices albeit some of these rich ladies are not mentally mature enough to make a common sense decision and LEAVE.

  17. @Brayson Hush. We're not allowed to point out that people have choices.

  18. Even rich people (men and women) can come from abused backgrounds that set them up to stay in abusive relationships as adults for far too long. Money has nothing to do with it.

  19. Neve Campbell and John Cusak

  20. Kidman.

    Terrorizing partner - Tom Cruise

  21. I could imagine Cassell being really difficult behind closed doors.

    Kidman is born in USA

  22. It might be more healing to tell the world which person has made her this way. Or is she afraid of hurting her career.

  23. Amartel is never afraid to make an ignorant statement. Maybe he does this on purpose.

    Battered Women's Syndrome is a psychological occurrence that has nothing to do with economic level, you toad.

  24. Do Scold,
    You relentlessly appalling ignorant slutdunce. BWS incidence most definitely increases due to lack of economic opportunity. People of means have options that poor people do not have.

  25. I have to agree.

    Wealthy, famous people can easily leave (not including elderly/disabled/vulnerable celebs such as Richard Simmons) abusive and/or controlling relationships. Poor people, usually women, can't leave so easily.

    This is why I never fell for Amber Heard's "I was trapped in a violent relationship with Johnny...even though I was out partying with friends most nights and he was gone for months at a time while filming" bullshit. The allegations that only materialised AFTER he refused to pay her £50k a month.

  26. I like the Pinto/Patel guess. That guy seemed to be leeched on her at every single event. And not in a loving couple way. More like a Paul Snider way.
