Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blind Item #13

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is in a franchise says that her last three girlfriends all cheated on her and what is even crazier is each one of them cheated on her with the same woman.


  1. Cara D must be involved!

  2. Who would run around on Michelle Rodriguez?

    Cara D and KS certainly do get around, heart breakers.

  3. I am watching the latest season of True Detectives. First 30 minutes of the 1st episode already better than the whole 2nd season!

    1. I watched it yesterday and M Ali is amazing in it.

    2. Haven’t watched yet but loved S 1,2
      If they could only bring Vince Vaughn back.... I’m silly for him☺️

    3. Thanks for the endorsement. I was on the fence whether to check it out or not. Season 2 wasn't great and I love Colin Farrell. I'll definitely give it a shot.

  4. @yep and MD, well comparing it to the 2nd season is a low bar, although the first season is too high of a bar. Shame about the 2nd season, Colin Farrell was really good, but the rest yuck.

  5. Is Saoirse Ronan in a franchise?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is some mix of Stella maxwell, Kristen Stewart and cara d.

  8. Why don't they all just get together and have at it.

    1. They probably all do eventually get with each other. The pool of out lesbian stars isn’t very big.

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Ruby Rose?

  10. i guess i'm the only one who liked S2 of True Detective. lol i have HBO for free right now so i'll check out S3. i'm going to end up paying for a couple of months when GoT comes back on in April.

    i am not, however, really interested in a prequel to GoT staring Naomi Watts. *scratches head* just not feelin that vibe.

  11. @Raven, i hope you are excited for the LOTR series coming on Amzaon Prime, coz thats going to be EPICCCCCCCC!

  12. I agree with Tommy. She needs to complete the circuit and hook up with this other woman herself.

  13. @raven, Naomi Watts in a GoT prequel, yuck, I must have been unconsciously avoiding that info. She's an awful actresses, at some point I started actively avoiding anything she was in.

    @yep, that's nothing, Amazon Prime is going to have a Wheel of Time series, that will be legendary!
    Also looking forward to The Witcher on Prime.

    I might dump HBO after GoT ends, Westworld isn't enough.

  14. @Huckleberry, hasn't she already at this point, you know all three couldn't have showered in between every hook up.

  15. @Brayson, I am a ride or die LOTR fan! And if they tap Silmarilion for their series I WILL FREAK OUTTTTTTTTTT!

  16. @Brayson - i completely agree. i don't care for her at all which makes me say after GoT, i won't be watching the next.

    @yepthatsme - omg i LOTR but i don't have Amazon Prime and can't afford a Prime membership. :(

    @PGHgirl - oh i love me some Colin Farrell. *whew*

  17. meant to have "love" LOTR in there. but i'm sure we are all fluent in typoese.

  18. I am a little on the fence about The Witcher series coz of Henry Cavill!

  19. @yep, I feel you, don't know how many times I reread LOTR as a kid. Was a little underwhelmed by the last Hobbit movie though. But Amazon is putting a boatload of money into the series so it should be better.

    Henry Cavill has the acting chops, and obviously he's playing a younger version of Geralt. As for the blinds, Enty goes back and forth on Cavill, one week he's in the closet or the next week he's a perv, it's hard to keep track.

  20. @raven, There's your solution right there, after GoT ends drop HBO and you'll have enough money for Amazon Prime :)
    HBO only delivers on Sundays while Amazon does all week, so it's really a better value ;)

  21. Ruby Rose for the girl who got cheated on, and maybe they cheated with Cara D?

  22. @Brayson87

    good point. isn't Prime like $12.99 a month now? i already have Hulu, Netflix, Roku and Vudu. oy vey! i'm pretty close to unplugging but just can't quite do it as none of them have Animal Planet. :(

  23. VV is the worst actor ever. He’s also incredibly stupid and ignorant. So It didn’t exactly come as a total shock that he’s a huge Drumpf-supporter.

  24. GoT and LOTR is awesome but the icing on the cake will be the DEADWOOD MOVIE!!!!!! Swearengen cocksucker.

  25. How about Chloe Moretz - booya.

  26. Boy threads are going way off topic and getting hijacked lately. Gotta weed through what folks think of Netflix price going up, TRUE DETECTIVE seasons. Can't folks find somewhere else to chat about that?

  27. Amber, Kristen, Taylor Paris
    They all sleep together anyway
