Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Blind Item #11

The federal government is financially backing an entire project for this streaming service just to get people to come around to this new branch of the government. Yes, it is a sitcom, but the government is the one who made sure the series got a greenlight. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, but I have been to Lookout Mt./Ruby Falls and there's nothing that can replace actually being there. But that's just me, I reckon.

  2. The Space Force and Netflix?

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    netflix and the space force show by steve carell


  5. Oh FFS, like previously NASA was the only space branch of the government.

  6. Oh goody another POS spamming us now or the usual POS.

  7. ugh makes me miss Amazing Quotes, and thats hard to do

  8. sandy remember when Amazing Quotes became sentient??? my happiest day

  9. Oh yeah that was great

  10. More of this bullsh!t, no way Enty isn't getting a cut. He must have run low on coke, got to make ends meet.

  11. Steve Carrell cast in Space Force comedy.

  12. I will only watch it if Peter Dinklage guest stars wearing Space Pants.

  13. lol I'm from Chattanooga. No idea why Lookout Mountain is in the conversation but yay!

  14. Lookout Mountain in the Hollywood Hills, not Appalachia. It was an official government media propaganda site for years.

  15. I wonder if Toby will be back. I always had him pegged as the Scranton Strangler.

  16. @Tommy rewatch the show from the start. I just binged it in order and am now convinced Dwight is the scranton strangler. so many reasons and hints throughout.

  17. I call BS on this story. There is a formal process for committing and obligating Federal funds to contracts - Netflix cannot simply have money "funneled" to them. Even Donald Trump has grudgingly accepted that public sector has far more oversight and regulatory controls than the real estate industry. I am a former Federal procurement specialist, and it simply doesn't work that way.

    There *are* cases where the US Military has co-funded software programs developed for commercial use, or collaborated with studios on films that were considered to promote the military (e.g., Top Gun, Hunt for Red October). BUT...this Netflix show is a COMEDY. It's making fun of the idea of a space force - so I can't imagine any reason the Administration would support, let alone fund, anything to do with it.

  18. I remember when Amazing Quotes clapped back at another commenter! Lmao! It was so surreal, but funny as hell. AQ is not a bot...I’m still trying to figure out the point of pretending to be a bot though. Someone must have waaay too much time on their hands.

    Seems like Derrick has burnt himself out trolling for the time being, a word of advice Derrick: Your not welcome here with your harassment of Tricia. Please stay away and get a life of your own. This jealous obsession and meltdown cycle you continually put yourself (and us) through is not healthy and you really should get some psychological help.

  19. If this is true, should we expect Spielberg to direct?

  20. The federal government wouldn't back such a project.

    1) Maybe you have heard about it, but the US government is in the middle of a shutdown. It would be the worst time to decide to spend dozens of millions on a sitcom?

    2) NOBODY, apart from Donald Trump, supports on their own will the idea of a space force. It's basically Trump's folly. Everybody involved tries their best to look supportive, while they try to undermine the project when there are no mikes or cameras.

    3) Greg Daniels and Steve Carell are liberal-leaning. If the Trump administration supports financially a project by them, it raises many questions about how the federal government allocate fundings. Couldn't they find instead talented conservative sitcom creators such as... Roseanne???? or .... or... ?

    4) The mere idea of a version of The Office about a bunch of guys having to clean Trump's mess by finding a purpose to a Space Force is strong enough to get offers from a lot of studios, and, as the name isn't even trademarked, it's unlikely that the government has a word to say in the matter.

  21. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Government, entertainment, and the media overlap.
    They absolutely would underwrite a project that shows what they want to show.
    Look up Obama's bill, passed in 2013, which allows the govt. to emphasize certain stories in the news.. and the opposite, for stories it wants to hide.
    Think about what that means.

  22. The feds often fund media. The Pentagon does it all the time.

  23. 1. They're not making a Space Force
    2. The government didn't pay Netflix


  24. Liberals have a cult like faith on government institutions. They refuse to believe that the public institutions are corrupt and filled with shady deals.

  25. The military is already openly working in Hollywood to help make propaganda movies, so it wouldn't surprise me if they don't work together covertly as well

  26. Arcangel +1

    Like when Weinstein got funds to make a pro-Palestinian propaganda film which was screened at the UN in 2011.

  27. How could Space Force the TV show be some propaganda? The Office had a long streak against pointless orders, from Michael's tantrums to Dwight's pathetic display of authority. Steve Carell has just played a buffoon Donald Rumsfeld in Vice. Greg Daniels was an executive producer on Parks and Rec.

    At this point, the show is basically just a pitch anyway, but an effective one for a good reason. Everybody is curious about a comedy on people who have to deal with the aftermath of an absurd decision by Donald Trump, like a version of the Bob Woodward book played for laughs.

    Then, the Army often makes bad calls, like providing a frigate, hundreds of extras and a lot of support for the full length version of this music video:

    But in this particular situation, nobody in the military wants the Space Force to be created, as its budget would be lifted from the current branches. So, they have no reason to fund anything that would promote the idea. And, if the promotion was an order by Donald Trump, the last thing Daniels and Carell would want is to be associated with him.

  28. In a perfect world there would be a Space Force show starring Donald Duck.

  29. Anomalocaris, yes, the Pentagon partners with studios on military-positive movies like Hunt for Red October, but the Netflix deal is 180-degrees from those... it's satire - i.e., more space farce than space force. No way the Fed gov't is committing funds to an unflattering project.

  30. Netflix is super pro Trump, so it's not surprising they'd try to make "Space Force" look like a good idea. Consider cancelling your subscriptions.

  31. Netflix signed Barack Obama, and is regarded by many Trump supporters here as the incarnation of evil itself, every time there's a blind about underage sex on one of their shows.

  32. Yeah, I'm not buying this. That show is clearly going to mock Space Force, why would the government be supporting that?

  33. Netflix will do for Space Force what NBC did for paper suppliers.

  34. Except that paper suppliers do already exist and are a declining business, which paved the way for some sympathy and nostalgia in the show. People who work in an open space, or any kind of office can also relate to some of the observations and characters. The crush on a person who works next to you is actually quite common.
    Besides, The Office became a weekly fixture on the NBC schedule at a time 7 or 8 million would watch the show when it aired. Parks and Rec, introduced a few years later, never got the same popularity for instance. Space Force will also presumably get a smaller episode order, Steve Carell may not be willing to be the lead, or appear in every episode, and don't forget that they will most likely be released in one or two bunches.

    Space Force is just a name without anything serious behind it. Even Fox News can't describe what it's actually about. Nobody works for the Space Force, nobody can relate so far to the way it would operate.

  35. Hi, I’m Judi Bola. I won!! I won!! How exciting!! How many millions did I win? When can I pick up my money? 💰💰💰💰💰💰

  36. Can someone link me the post where amazing quotes went sentinent?
