Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Blind Item #11

This former A+ list reality star who I think wants her old fame back and wants to be on network television again did her best to hook up with the significant other of this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring of a former A+ lister and close enough to an offspring of this other former A+ lister who is still probably A- list after many many many decades in the business.


  1. Replies
    1. Chris Martin-Dakota and Melanie Griffith.
      Or Kate Hudson/Goldie and Danny Fujiwama

    2. Maybe it is all (Dakota/Kate/Melanie/Goldie)?

  2. One sec, I am making one of those detective show posterboards with dossier photos and strings...

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I dunno, rumor Willis is in a few things now

    I got nothing

  4. Don't do it, Chris.

  5. Anonymous11:21 AM

    i need a whiteboard for this blind.

  6. There needs to be a comma there somewhere. Is Paris trying to hook up with two different people?

  7. California must be the Valtrex capitol of the world....

  8. I think it’s definitely Kate Hudson. Just saying she is close enough to be an offspring to Kurt Russell though he’s not her biological father. Comma are desperately needed

  9. This former A+ list reality star [PARIS HILTON] who I think wants her old fame back and wants to be on network television again [THE SIMPLE LIFE on FOX in 2002-2005]...

    did her best to hook up with the significant other [DANNY FUJIKAWA] of this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress [KATE HUDSON]

    who is a celebrity offspring of a former A+ lister [GOLDIE HAWN]

    and close enough to an offspring of this other former A+ lister [KURT RUSSELL] who is still probably A- list after many many many decades in the business.

    all of this in Aspen, Colorado

  10. Detective board is correct. Enty needs labels (A,B,C,D, ect.)

  11. Detective board is correct. Enty needs labels (A,B,C,D, ect.)

  12. Wasn't Paris supposed to be licking carpet a few blinds back?

  13. Trying to comprehend this blind gave me an aneurysm.

  14. @notthisagain wins the first Enty translation of the year! But no probably,Kurt is permanent A list.

  15. Paris will sleep with anyone male or female

  16. I'd say Goldie is permanent A list, too. She has a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for Cactus Flower and was nominated for Best Actress for Private Benjamin.

  17. @notthisagain - Thank you!

    I read about a female celebrity turning Paris Hilton down. I can't remember where I read it though.

  18. I need an oxygen tank to read this freeking run on sentence.

  19. F*ck that, I just looked at what the rest of the class said lol.

  20. Maybe Paris Hilton and Paula Shore could do a show together. With Tila Tequila and William Hung of “She bangs” fame. Who does Paris Hilton have to boink to make that happen?

  21. So hard to read. However where is Kendull in all this mess?

  22. @notthisagain--for the WIN!! Thank you for the translation.

  23. @notthisagain - that was MAGNIFICENT.

    Soooo... we're gonna need you to hit the blinds a bit earlier and try to post these as close to the top as possible. In my assessment posts often drop every 15 mins after 9am EST but sometimes they start later.

    So we're gonna need those available by like 9:01 9:16 9:31 9:46

    k thx byee

  24. Woww Paris is busy lately Kendall and now this

  25. OMG! The responses are hilarious! I love reading the blinds BUT my favorite part about this website is reading the different responses. Really! I was totally cracking up reading people's comments..."Whiteboard!!" Great job people!

  26. My current employer sent me a link to Chicago Manual of Style during my first week of working for him. I was insulted. It might be in order here. I love the suggestion of this sort of break down for these blinds first thing. I am EST so yes if you can get to this task fairly early @nothisagain it would be greatly appreciated xoxo

  27. This guy is supposed to be a lawyer and he doesn't know how to use a damn comma or break up a sentence...I cannot unscramble my brain enough to comprehend this

  28. Thank you notthisagain. That was very helpful.

  29. Obviously doesn't pay his secretary to write his blinds. Not billable.

  30. @Heatherbee, that would be hilarious! Someone should make it happen



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