Monday, January 28, 2019

Blind Item #11 - SAG Awards

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee says she has had multiple miscarriages and is causing strain on her marriage. She is spending more time apart from her husband, and not just while working.


  1. Replies
    1. Like that guess... though they seem so happy. Not Blunt no mods and they seem happy(and just worked together).
      Was Alicia Vikander there?

  2. Replies
    1. Supposedly he blamed her for the first miscarriage. That’s always good for a marriage.

  3. lots of times miscarriages are caused by problems with the sperm......meanwhile the woman gets all the blame.

    classic example: henry the 8th not getting a male heir....dude, your sperm carries the Y chromosome...its your fault you didnt birth a son, ya fat fuck!

    1. Sperm is responsible for miscarriages? Where do you get that?

    2. fnchrstphr.. Yes, low quality sperm is one of the common reasons for miscarriage. If the DNA from the egg or sperm is defective, mother nature takes care of the problem with a miscarriage. At least most of the time. When you read about babies born with major anomalies inconsistent with life, mother nature has basically failed in her job.

    3. There are more things that can wrong with eggs than with sperm.

    4. Hahaha I just told my husband last night that the man is responsible for the sex of the baby.

      Some think Henry VIII had syphilis, which is why he had trouble with having kids. But we probably won’t ever really know for sure. So much can go wrong with pregnancy and childbirth, it’s amazing that anyone survives it. I love woo woo nonsense but the dumbest shit in the world is home births. Have your babies in the hospital! Even if you are healthy and have great pregnancies, it can go bad really quickly and you want to be in a place where they can save you and the baby.

    5. You realise that Henry VIII Lived several hundred years ago and they didn't know how it all worked also he was king. Kings *cant* be wrong.

    6. Could have been syphilis. Columbus' sailors brought it to Europe from North America the year after Henry was born.

  4. Dont even know who was there or not there. The others are good guesses.

  5. Why does the husband feel like she is to blame, abortion damage or a polluted womb?

  6. Ugh, we're having blinds about miscarriages now?

  7. Kate Beckinsale- hospitalization for ruptured ovarian cyst....

  8. @bebopcowboy.
    Henry VIII did have a son who became Edward VI. He also had Elizabeth I as a daughter who was worth 10 sons. The less said about his other daughter Queen Bloddy Mary, the better.

    1. Bloody Mary was very misrepresented. She’s my favorite Tudor, her lifetime of heartbreak (and the fact she was an Aquarius) hurts my heart for her. I know she did persecute Protestants which is of course evil, but that is how it was done back then.

      Elizabeth was a piece of shit as a person but a decent queen. I can respect her reign but she was disgusting. Sleeping with Katherine Parr’s husband after KP took her in? Trash. A lifetime of this type of behavior. Mary did bad things, but at least she was motivated by genuine belief (despite it being wrong it was seen as right at the time).

  9. Bloody not Bloddy, godammit!

  10. I think this blind should read ‘How many foreign born A-List mostly movie actresses who are AA winners/ nominees have children fathered by Darren Aronofsky?

  11. I would like to take a moment for a PSA to caution women that marijuana use is linked to pre-term birth, miscarriage and birth defects.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @flashy

    oh I know about edward, but he didnt live very long. he only reigned for 6 years and then died

    and I agree ;) :-D elizabeth was worth 10 sons

    one of my favorite historical figures....badass lady....

  14. bebopcowboy - you seem to be confusing two different things: Miscarriages and the sex of the baby. Miscarriages have nothing to do with x and y chromosomes, but the sex of the baby does.

  15. I'm not sure if it could be Margot, since she's constantly working (unless her taking on a lot of projects is her way of coping).

    She's filming Birds Of Prey, now, anyway, and working on that Barbie movie she's producing and starring in.

  16. @fnchrstphr

    Disparate studies suggest that DNA fragmentation in sperm due to free radical buildup is correlated to secular cycles of miscarriage. How strong the correlation is up for debate, but it is a contributing factor.

    beebopcowboy seems to have conflated it with something else.

  17. Too many kids already.

  18. Margot has SAID she's in no hurry to have kids and wants to focus on her (flourishing) career.

    Why can't we listen to women who say NO I'M NOT INTO THAT RIGHT NOW and instead we believe they are secretly banging out five miscarriages in their thrusting hopes to procreate?

    Margot said yes I want a lot of children, I do not want them now.

    Why. The Fuck. Can't people just believe us?

    1. Right!!!!

      She is also, still, very young. There's plenty of time.

  19. @hunter, probably Teen Moms, apparently any time is a great time. ;)

  20. @fnchrstphr Sperm can definitely be the reason for a miscarriage. Many miscarriages are due to some kind of birth defect that prevents the embryo from thriving and growing. Any time the sperm carries some kind of genetic defect, it is possible that it can cause a miscarriage. Men can also have some bad sperm where’s the sperm is misshapen and doesn’t lead to good pregnancies - there is some debate, but drugs/caffeine/alcohol/smoking can all possibly contribute to malformed sperm

  21. Since poor sperm with defective genetics are weeded out by having to travel to the egg, the problem is more likely to be the egg.

  22. Anonymous4:16 PM

    That makes zero sense why Henry couldn't give a Y chromosome. Men are XY and Females are XX. Just like every other allele on every other locus, each parent gives one of each. So the father would contribute one X and one Y and the mother would contribute one X and another X. Unless Henry VIII was XXXY or XXY or something else, what else would he give? Even then, those cases are very rare to begin with.

    Henry had one known son, Edward, with Jane Seymour, and he had two other sons with other women - Henry Fitzroy and then another Henry. Catherine of Aragon actually conceived boys but they either didn't survive long after birth or were born stillborn, so Henry VIII was very capable. He also had raging syphilis later in life which most likely affected his fertility so there's also that.

  23. @Brayson We've always had miscarriage blinds here. No point in complaining about the muck. Nobody forces you to come here.

  24. Autoimmune issues in the female can cause clotting problems that lead to miscarriage. It's why some women, after recurrent miscarriages have to take blood thinning meds during pregnancy.

  25. @Hunter: I know for sure that Margot had one miscarriage. I can’t tell you how I know but I do. As far as multiple, that’s probably just Enty exaggerating. Also, I do not know if the pregnancy was intentional.

    P.S. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m the one who is always defending Jennifer Anniston and other actresses who are being harassed about having or not having babies and people harass me IRL about the same thing, so no need to get so angry at me.

  26. Blaming men for miscarriages, or women, is ignorant, primitive and utterly ridiculous.
    There can be dozens upon dozens (even hundreds) of reasons why a woman might miscarry, sometimes it's indeed the fault of the sperm, sometimes it's the egg, at times it's both, most times it's a combination of factors, and at other times it could be purely due to external reasons.

    Stop using serious issues to further your transparent social warriors agendas, morons.

  27. I genuinely love when the comments trail into science and history tangents, in addition to the frequent wit and great sleuthing. You're a fun and knowledgeable bunch (aside from the occasional squabbles!). 😊
