Friday, January 18, 2019

Blind Item #10

There is very little I will ever agree on with this former A list reality star/host/fitness star, but her criticism of the late night talk show host is 100% satisfied. You can either help him or not and if he determines you can't, then you are done to him and he will say anything about you that advances his cause.


  1. Jillian Michaels and Any Cohen

  2. +1 MD
    We get it Enty, Andy Cohen is a horrible person, everyone knows this who has watched him for 5 min. Like usually bad people don't give off a vibe, but him and Ellen are like neon signs.

  3. A war of words between Bravo host Andy Cohen and celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels that began over the merits of the keto diet has moved below the belt.

    “Andy Cohen, I mean, is just not a nice guy,” Michaels told the podcast “Skimm’d From the Couch.”

    Michaels had slammed the low-carb, high-fat diet, leading Cohen to call her a “jackhole” on his “Watch What Happens Live.”

    Michaels continued of Cohen, “I had a really crappy experience with him on his show. And I’ve said, like, this is not a nice dude . . . I think I’m one of the only people that said, ‘Your behavior is unacceptable.’ He’s like constantly looking for . . . a way to pick at me.”

    She added, “Really, you’ve got a guy that just likes to attack women . . . He doesn’t believe in keto. He’s just an a - - hole.”

  4. This is the perfect feud, tailor made for Instagram!

  5. Andy Cohen is just as bad as Seacrest. Fuck both those guys for what they have done to television.

  6. Andy has only ever met his match in Jeff Lewis...who doesn’t give a shit about calling anyone out. The only person I have seen make Andy squirm.

  7. I like stories about how Andy Cohen is an asshole.

  8. They’re both absolutely horrid in every way.

  9. Do you mean justified Enty? I think you mean justified.

  10. Both suck. Keto is great btw.

  11. Long term keto completely destroys your organs and bones. Human bodies need carbs to function properly.

  12. My doctor told me keto was really dangerous.

  13. your doctor is completely correct

    it's fine to use keto for a short term weight loss, for example before holidays, or if you want to fit into a dress before some event, but to deprive your body of carbs for longer than 8 weeks, can cause irreversible damage

  14. Lost 70 lbs and 2 of 5 diabetes meds. It's NOT carb free. It's sugar- grain- starch-free. Never was healthier and my doc calls me a success story.

  15. This is like watching Rosie versus Donny, so diverting since both are jackasses and inexplicably attracted to each other.

  16. Ya your doc's an idiot bro. Keto is used long term for seizure disorders and other brain maladies as well as keeping weight off. Your body doesn't need exogenous carbs. You do know what ketones are right? And that ketosis and ketoacidosis are different things?

  17. I like Jillian. She is very careful about what she advises people to do, she does a lot of research into fads and different kinds of diets, and types of exercises and how they affect each part of the body. She knows her her stuff inside and out. Andy Cohen is worthless in every way.

  18. Jillian starves her contestants and puts them through torturous exercise routines. You should look up the interviews of some past contestants. It is a show after all.

  19. She does no such thing. I have heard enough of her podcasts, watched enough of her workouts and read enough of her interviews to know that wasn't coming from her. She does not recommend that anyone go under 1200 calories a day, which is medical pros agree universally is the lowest calorie intake a day you can have and still be safe.

    The Biggest Loser executives and producers are the ones that pushed for huge dramatic weight losses each week and set up obstacles and physical competitions that in some cases were downright dangerous. As well, the people competing for the money took it upon themselves to take shortcuts, eat less to get ahead or do extra training in their off hours. Jillian left the show because she did not agree with how the producers were treating contestants, whispering in their ear and pushing unsafe weightloss tactics on them.

    Look at the unhealthy crap TBL was product placing every week on the show,and the activities they set up for contestants to do: they once took brand new contestants straight off the bus and had them ruin a mile as their first activity. One of them ended up in the hospital for a week because if that. That was ALL on the producers. Kai lost and she tends to bitch and moan for publicity and sympathy. It wasn't Jillian, it was always the people behind the show.



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