Saturday, December 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 2, 2018

As I said long before the video hit confirming it, this sometime annoying A list singer is hooking up with her ex. The thing is though, his now ex-girlfriend still wants him back. This is why you don't change your body for someone.

Ariana Grande/Big Sean/Jhene Aiko

Blind Items Reveled #6

December 1, 2018

Actually everyone in the family is worried about the drug use of the celebrity offspring of the permanent A++ lister, but only because they are greedy jerks who want her to create a will so they get her money.

Paris Hilton

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 1, 2018

This A+ list NBA athlete who is probably saying bye bye to this team after this season has a very very very long term girlfriend. He is also cheating with a groupie who travels to every road game with him. Well, meets him in the city.

Kevin Durant

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly movie actress is basically inviting her husband to sleep with other women. She thinks it will be for her marriage. Yeah, that worked out well in her first one didn't it?

Blind Item #7

The offspring that this foreign born permanent A++ list singer favors more than any other offspring is in some trouble. Apparently he is being investigated for a date rape. He got someone drunk and then took advantage of her.

Blind Item #6

Who knew that one person could bring down a family that centuries of time and wars could not do. That alliterate former actress is also sending out pages of notes to one of her very good friends to use in a book about the family. She signed all kinds of things, but know they won't do anything but write her a check if she were to get ready to publish some very "dark secrets."

Blind Item #5

This b-/C+ list celebrity from a family filled to the brim with them might be getting ready for a life event but he still creeps on the social media all the time of his actress ex. He is hung up on her.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 1, 2018

This one named north of the border talks a lot of talk but when it comes down to it, she is a bully and only interested in herself and what she can get from anyone who comes into her life. Makes the whole dating the rich narcissist thing understandable when it appeared to go against everything in her life.


Blind Items Revealed #3

November 30, 2018

It is interesting that this A list rapper is going to perform where she is in a couple of months considering how many secret videos her husband has of him having sex with a variety of women.

Cardi B/AVN Awards

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 30, 2018

This former naked celebrity turned host turned actress turned celebrity turned host and her A- list dual threat celebrity/actor husband are on the outs.

Jenny McCarthy/Donnie Wahlberg

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 30, 2018

This magician tried to stiff two Russian escorts in a hotel outside the country. Then their pimp made a visit. A gun was produced. Our magician paid, plus interest for the trouble.

David Blaine

Blind Item #4

This former reality star is in the reboot. He is also partying like it is a decade ago too. He looked a little old to be doing lines at a bar. 

Blind Item #3

This former reality star host who got pretty high up the list for such a job, recently dropped her married name. She also dropped a couple of pounds when she forced herself to throw up food she ate for a promotional endorsement.

Blind Item #2

Even though, he is taking a break from his tour, this A list singer/sometime actor is inviting single attractive women through social media to be his guest at upcoming shows. I wonder if his wife knows.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born former A list mostly movie actress/singer is near death.

Friday, December 07, 2018

Blind Item #14

Apparently the victim who has spoken out the most about the aww shucks rapist is now doing adult work because it is the only way she can afford to pay for the therapy sessions she attends multiple times each week.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like your photo included, email it to

One part today.

Amanda Bynes now has paps trailing her. There is something afoot.
Cardi B heading into court this morning.
Ariana Grande got a big award from Billboard last night.
Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber doing a Vogue shoot. Does anyone else think the dress makes Hailey look pregnant?
Jennifer Aniston is Elle.
Lea Michele took some time for a hot tub break on her European tour.
Nicole Scherzinger at an Art Basel event in Miami.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4

Blind Item #13

This former MTV star recently got busted telling three guys they were the father of her unborn baby. First, there was no baby, and second, she picked three guys who know each other. When they confronted her with lawyers, she backed down.

Blind Item #12

Hey, I mean she once did perform actual sex during a movie that wasn't porn so I guess it shouldn't shock that she is getting photos taken for some yachting. That A- list career seems a long while back now.

Blind Item #11

She doesn't want children. I don't care what her publicist's talking points are or what kind of throwaway line she utters, this permanent A list mostly television actress from an iconic show is not having kids. She does however enjoy being on magazine covers and the news it generates. She knows it does. Stop. 

Blind Item #10

And you thought Propecia was just for men. It turns out this A list female singer who has a newsworthy 2018 also takes it. Her hair may be permanently damaged though.

Blind Item #9

Close is a relative term, but this A/A- list mostly movie actress with the huge movie coming out still does share a drug dealer with the celebrity CEO. It is how she keeps tabs on him. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 30, 2018

Our favorite CEO has barely visited his factory lately.  He was there on the holiday itself, because his kids were with their mother.  His manic behavior, drug use, and BS talking have been even higher than usual for the past week or so.  Like always, there is a reason for this.  A major network TV show that you ALL know is scheduled to focus a very unflattering light in his direction.  When I watch his interview, I am already wondering if the makeup artists will be able to cover up his obvious coke bloat.

Elon Musk/60 Minutes

Four For Friday - Paying For It

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has a secret. No, not the one where he cheated on his long suffering wife with a large number of women who seemingly decreased in age each year. The wife was finally kicked to the curb for one of them. So, not, not that secret. Instead, he has a much bigger one that happened way back in the day when he was just getting that big break. That one movie people still quote today. On the set for that movie were multiple tweens and young teens. Our actor would invite them out and then over to his new friend's house. The friend is a foreign born former A list mostly movie director who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee. There, the two of them would get the tweens and teens wasted and have sex with them before giving them cab fare home. Our A list director was busted for one of those teens. The reason the director was at the home of someone else was because our actor was using the director's house for a little orgy of tweens and teens. Our director felt he would never have been busted if he had been at his own home with the girl surrounded by others her age. Our actor agreed and has been sending money to the director and has paid for almost of all the legal bills for the director over the last four decades. Not Jack Nicholson.

Your Turn

Real Christmas tree or artificial? 

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 30, 2018

Apparently the alliterate royal is going full on diva and lucky for us complains to her friends that she doesn't get enough respect and that she only wants to go to the fun events. She is convinced everyone of the staff hates her. They probably do. It wouldn't shock me if they end up moving to a different country for a couple of years. She is going to ask. She would love to live in Canada for a few years.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 30, 2018

There is actually some question as to whether this former network reality star turned a different network reality star got secretly married to his network reality star girlfriend. In any event, they are still together which probably makes things awkward when he is cheating on her with a contestant on his new show.

Derek Hough

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 30, 2018

With as wasted as she was, I don't think it was lost on any one in attendance that this A-/B+ celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister might pull a River Phoenix.

Paris Jackson at the Viper Room

Blind Item #8

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has done a lot worse to actresses than of what he is being accused. Back in his prime if you were an actress who wanted a speaking role in his movie chances were good you would miss out on that role unless you slept with him. I have already written about his jungle exploits and the things he did in that country to women.

Blind Item #7

This married permanent A+ list athlete is retired now. He sure does have a lot of production meetings. So, why are they always held in that apartment he pays for in Orange County?

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 30, 2018

Even though it will only last long enough for her to find someone who can help her career, I do worry for the health of this former A- list superhero because our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer loves to party. Our former superhero needs to stay as far away from that as possible although drunk dialing the A list ex would maybe spark something.

Andrew Garfield/Rita Ora

Blind Item #6

It is the holiday season so this A list couple consisting of an A list actor and his foreign born celebrity wife have to at least seem like they are interested in their children. It is about the only time of year. 

Blind Item #5

The reason for production delays on the tour of this A- list rapper with the reality star girlfriend is he parties way too hard and is never sober enough to go on stage on time. His crew does the same thing. It is a mess.

Blind Item #4 - Kindness

Another big Walmart layaway payoff. This time on the opposite side of the country from LA. It was done by this A+ list producer/writer/actor who churns out comedy movies and television shows and is known for doing nice things for others.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the hype this now former A list talk show/host is leaking through her people to the media about how she is somehow learning about all this now. She knew. It was the bargain she made with herself for success.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of yachters this A+ list athlete who has an interesting statistic going on this season has hired a yachter to be his beard. It always happens about this time of the year.

Blind Item #1

This one named former singer isn't in that yachting headquarters for herself, but for several others she is bringing over for a very large fee which says is for her matchmaking service.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Blind Item #14

It must be some kind of tradition between them, but once again, this A list mostly movie actor hooked up with his wife in a restroom during the after party of a premiere. They do rotate the city though, so you never know which one it will be. They aren't shy about talking about it either.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like your photo included, email it to - There are just 15 days left of Random Photos for this time around.

One part today

Emily Blunt doing the Mary Poppins thing and will be definitely doing the award season thing for it too.
"No, I wouldn't be interested in a stress test or a free copy of Dianetics."
Once a month, Scott Disick slides into Kourtney Kardashian's DM's if you know what I mean.
Kerry Washington looks super happy. Must have just seen Tony.
Leonardo DiCaprio goes incognito at Art Basel.
Miley Cyrus is in London y'all.
Will you just look at the affection and passion shown by these so in love newlyweds.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4

Blind Item #13

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee did something I have never heard her do. She bailed on a couple of press gigs for her new movie because the reviews have been so bad.

Blind Item #12

This former A- list teen actor who really is more singer than actor was on a very hit tween show which skewed older, but that is not the location of what happened to him. He says he was abused on the set of a movie where he worked, but did not receive credit. It was that A+ list director who seems to have a pattern of this.

Blind Item #11

If she has been in something that can be nominated, this foreign born A list actress will always get nominated for a Golden Globe. Over the years, she has put in the effort so to speak with the voters.

Blind Item #10

This A- list actor/singer has been sending naked pics of his foreign born A- list actress ex to her. The thing is though, she didn't know the pictures were being taken of her. The guy is so strange.

Blind Item #9

This A list mostly television actress is a celebrity offspring. She also stars on a long running hit network show. Apparently, the person who is claimed to be her father, actually isn't. The actual father is a foreign born C lister who has been in the business for well over 50 years.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 29, 2018

What would have been unthinkable a few years ago is being talked about at this cable network. The end of the show that has seemingly gone on forever starring people that seem to go on forever.

The Walking Dead

Today's Blind Items - Twisted

I love when I hear something and I think to myself that is really good. The kind of gossip that is something you can grab. Something solid. This was a popular show not all that long ago. It seems like long ago, but it was a big hit for this almost network. It also had one of the most twisted messed up relationships ever that led to a near death. This actress was probably B+ list coming into the show. This actor reached A- list while on the show but has steadily declined. He is already fairly dark. When you combine him with this actress things escalated quickly. It was not too long before they were doing drugs together. I am not talking about coke. I am talking about heroin. Straight into their veins. Other times they would have this dark brooding sex and would often bring in some teen they would find or their drug dealer would send over. They knew whatever woman they brought wouldn't say anything because they wouldn't want to jeopardize their heroin supply. That was a recipe for some brutal sexual encounters. On set, the two brought a dark energy and people tended to shy away from them. Especially with our actress there was no socializing with any other cast members. She found them to be fake and hypocritical and full of themselves. She always wanted real. She wanted to feel. She wanted to bleed. Well, she almost died. She had a very bad overdose and it was only blind luck that she didn't die. She spent a long time getting better and the whole thing made her realize that she wanted to experience different things, so she walked away and forced the producers hand to get what she wanted.

Your Turn

Office party hookup. Have you ever?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 29, 2018

Because murder has no statute of limitations, police have reopened an investigation into these murders from over two decades ago. Every single one of you and your parents and grandparents knows about these murders. Apparently there was an accomplice.

OJ Simpson

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 28, 2018

OK, this royalty took the whole play for pay to a whole new level not even Meghan Markle could imagine. Not only did he drop about $4M in cash and gifts in the less than two years he dated his now wife, he also gave her family $5M as a wedding gift. Considering his first wife lives in fear for her life, good luck with that marriage.

Malaysia's King Muhammad V of Kelantan

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 28, 2018

Our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer not only got a dress for free to wear, she got them to pay her $25K to wear it. She can wear whatever she wants to wear, but my question is who is financing all of this? There is no consistent income stream from sales of the line because of all the negative publicity. It was not exactly making huge bucks before and had to be subsidized. Maybe they think this award season is their last shot.

Rita Ora/Marchesa

Blind Item #8

The more this Housewife talks about her sobriety, the more you know she is drinking. 

Blind Item #7

This permanent A/A- list singer is not really that great of an actual singer despite what she does for a living on and off stage, and that is the reason her boyfriend is giving for excluding her from a musical special he is hosting/coordinating.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 3, 2018

One is an A- list mostly movie actress from a former franchise all of you know. The other actress is A-/B+, but who all of you know. The picture has been cropped to hide some identifying information on the jacket. There were two shots of tequila behind them and an arm around the waist. Silverlake in February. Amber Heard is not one of them.

Cropped (original blind)


Kristen Stewart/Chloe Grace Moretz

Blind Item #6

Apparently this permanent A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar nominee/winner and an Emmy nominee/winner is spending $250K of her own money to try and get another Oscar nomination/win.

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly television actor from a hit network show has reached this high on the list previously with a different hit network show, but on the same network. Apparently he has been doing press with a stripper in tow who entertains him while waiting to do interviews.

Blind Item #4

This permanent A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee hired a male escort while out of the country. Apparently he had no idea who she was.

Blind Item #3

Long time no hear from, but some things never change for this rapper with a love of the letter Z. He is cheating on his singer wife with a college student.

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is in even worse financial shape than previously imagined. He took out loans using what he thought would be the payment for the next installment of a franchise. When that fell through, the bank forced him to sell property and personal items to pay off the loan. 

Blind Item #1

Apparently, this A list singer/wannabe A- list mostly movie actor/frequent talk show guest is meh about trying to save his marriage.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Blind Item #14

She has been a mainstay on a pay cable hit show for years. Meanwhile, her husband has been having an affair with another man for the past three years.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like your photo included, email it to

One part today

Diane Kruger is back attending fashion show again. Yesterday it was Chanel in NYC.
Demi Lovato giving herself an excuse to hang out with MMA guys who treat her like crap.
Gigi Hadid is in Milan for a modeling gig.
Amber Heard out promoting Aquaman.
Ben Affleck is the definition of grumpy as he hangs out with Jennifer Garner.
Kate Middleton out visiting troops and having a good time.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Ariel Winter doing the rare solo outing last night.

Blind Item #13

This former A list celebrity with a very unique look is nowhere near where she used to be on the list. She used to be A list and now is probably B-/C+ list. Older men still love her though and she makes a ton of money charging by the night.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A++ list singer got into an argument in the grocery store about 35 cents. It lasted about five minutes before the store backed down. I mean she goes there just about every day she is in town, so give her a break. She said the store changed containers to a heavier material so they could charge more for food to go that is sold by the pound.

Blind Item #11

At an event last night, Orange was not really saying much about the relationship with her husband. It sounded like to everyone who heard the comments that the marriage was over.

Blind Item #10

This thirsty socialite turned reality star is hopefully on a break with her boyfriend because he got another woman pregnant. This will probably break our reality star's heart.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born permanent A list celebrity is pitching a reality show. Her last one was a disaster. She wants the show though to keep her philandering husband at home more often.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 28, 2018

This A- list mostly television actor has proven time and time again that if you hire him, you will regret it. Producers keep doing it anyway and then seem shocked when they are on the receiving end of an almost daily berating about things they could be doing better. The actor will scream at anyone and is miserable to work with.

George Eads

Today's Blind Items - Everyone Forgets

Everyone remembers this permanent A list celebrity who did a turn in reality late in life as some type of gregarious larger than life celebrity. He was that, but people forget that he also tried to sell a magazine a few decades ago that sexualized tweens and teens. It didn't last long, but not because there was not demand. It is because people were afraid to carry the magazine in stores because of how it depicted these tweens and teens.

People also forget how he anonymously wrote a review in the magazine that made him famous giving a rave review to a book. In that review he said, "Last year, the Puritan press generated a national burst of pious outrage over child pornography, the abuse of minors at the hands of callous X-rated film makers, pimps and worse. Behind the campaign was the notion that children need to be protected from all forms of sexuality until they reach an age when they can fully appreciate the subtle nuances of guilt and shame that make sex such a bummer for many adults."

It is also a book that glorifies incest and suggests that babies as young as six months are ready for sex. It also says that incest should be embraced and not rejected in society. That if you start very early with your female children they can grow into "notably erotic young women."

Your Turn

How many elementary school teacher names can you recall?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 28, 2018

After the backlash this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor received for supporting this sexual assaulter who is a co-star, there is no way the sexual assaulter will be in a third installment of a superhero movie. The studio will eat the contract.

Ryan Reynolds/TJ Miller/Deadpool 3

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 28, 2018

This three named actor who will always be associated with an A+ list creation of his was featured in an article for a monthly magazine. The reporter wanted to call it Ego Ego Ego but the editor and powers that be killed that idea and made it a puff piece rather than what it started out as.

Lin Manuel Miranda

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 28, 2018

Apparently this three named actress and us have differing ideas of what is a beautiful script. I don't think many of us think the idea of a step mom and her underage teen step son having sex or implying it, sounds all that beautiful. Perhaps it is best the on again/off again sequel isn't getting made.

Sarah Jessica Parker/Sex And The City 3

Blind Item #8

This extremely rich person is cult leader adjacent. She and her husband are shipping out all of their "household staff," back to their country of origin. I'm sure the parents of the teens will be glad to see them again.

Blind Item #7

Much to the chagrin of this one season wonder who does have a good side gig, he was not invited to the reunion of this permanent A list athlete and his parents this past week.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 27, 2018

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is going through some rough patches the past few years attended an out of country bachelor party where none of the strippers or "entertainment" was anywhere near legal age here in the US.

Johnny Depp

Blind Item #6

I don't think they have permanently split, but I do know this MTV star and her former MTV star significant other have each hooked up with someone in the past few weeks. 

Blind Item #5

This former tweener turned A- list singer/multiple rehab attendee doesn't care that she wasn't invited to a life event. She knows it is all crap which is why she stopped following him on social media. She didn't need the constant reminders of the crappery. Don't forget she was all up in this middle of all this when it first started. She knows all.

Blind Item #4

This former stripper turned model turned celebrity turned yachter turned reality star turned celebrity seems to be upset with the one named multiple father having A- list rapper for a double standard when it comes to how many people each has been with. She is also upset that he slept with her one night and then ghosted her.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the hype. I'm not saying this former A+ list singer wouldn't d some yachting with billionaires if money was tight, but money isn't tight at all for her. 

Blind Item #2

Two writers on this talk show hosted by an A+ list host asked for a raise. The host fired them and brought in two new writers at scale. Pretty much the way the host treats every writer on the show.

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer's initial gut reaction was correct. It was family who took some items not belonging to them. They sold the items for drug money.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Blind Item #14

Apparently this foreign born old permanent A- list mostly movie actor who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee was caught up in a child molesting scandal that has rocked his country the past several years. Someone in the government there decided it would be a good idea if the story just finally died and bringing his name into it would make it worse. So, it was decided that no charges would be brought because the known instances of molesting occurred several decades ago.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like your photo included, email it to

One part today.

Demi Moore bringing home the leftovers from dinner last night.
If I had strings hanging down all night like that touching me, it would drive me insane.
Margot Robbie has that I had too much to drink but can't let any of the paps know it kind of look about her.
Sophie Turner has transformed Joe Jonas into a taller Peter Dinklage.
Priyanka with a pose straight out of the Nicole Kidman book of poses.
Penelope Cruz at JFK yesterday.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4 (I made an exception to my you have to be in the photo with the dogs rule because the dogs are super cute and technically you can see half of the reader).
With Jill Zarin coming back (and like you couldn't see that from six thousand miles away last season), Harry Dubin has a chance to hook up with his 5th RHONY cast member. Here is literally sucking the face of Ramona Singer.

Blind Item #13

Apparently professional reality stars were brought in to the upcoming former almost A- list mostly movie actress' new reality show because our actress was wasted half the time and so much stuff that could not be used.

Blind Item #12

He might be married, but this one named rapper was making some serious moves to get this foreign born A list singer to hook up with him while his wife was across the country.

Blind Item #11

This makes a little twist which would be interesting to see play out in the script. Apparently in real life, this A- list mostly television actor who played an iconic role in a show and movie based on that show frequently hooked up with the actress from that show who has not done a great deal outside of that role, but is on good terms with everyone.

Blind Item #10

This actress/singer who is probably A- in both and is actually good at both says her recent A- list co-star has been getting a little more handsy during press events when she can't do anything but smile.

Blind Item #9

That concert event that started out her a few years ago that is basically just a money laundering vehicle has now managed to add another location with the help of the main beneficiaries to the laundering which is a permanent A+/A list couple.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 27, 2018

It is not so much the fact that this A- list actress who was on a now defunct long running network television show did the whole fake date thing with her husband, it is that he told a friend that he was being paid to be there and had no idea he would be even going until her PR people called him and said he needed to be there.

Kerry Washington

Today's Blind Items - They Like To Party

It is fairly rare that I write about this reality star. It has probably been years since I have. All of you know who the star is. You may never have watched the show, but I promise all of you know his name. I always knew he liked to party, but there are some stories coming out about him now that are just crazy. Once, his wife was trying to find him. Apparently our reality star was on a 48 hour drug and booze bender with some escorts. Our star passed out and the escorts stole everything they could. All of the drugs were gone as well as all of his cash and a watch the wife gave him. They also took his phone and extorted the reality star to purchase it back.

The fights the couple have are legendary and it is all because of the drinking and drugs and all of the women our star hooks up with. The fights were so intense that often production would have to shut down for a few days just because everyone in the family would be angry at each other after one of these bender/fights. It was not just yelling either which really caused havoc with production.

Your Turn

Best road trip you ever took.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 27, 2018

With the money going out way more than the money coming in, this A/A- list rapper needs every penny of income she can find so doesn't like people bad mouthing her decision to try and make money the same way as Instagram models.

Cardi B

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 27, 2018

This A- list mostly movie comic actress put out the word she would be in the yachting capitol and thought she might get a nibble or some interest. She got none. She went into the whole thing thinking she might nab a boyfriend or husband, but no one was interested.

Tiffany Haddish

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 27, 2018

Don't believe the hype. Just like all of the other items in that vault, the collection of sex tapes featuring this now deceased permanent A list celebrity are still around and not going anywhere.

Hugh Hefner sex tapes being dumped at sea

Blind Item #8

For his birthday, the wife of this former A+ list mostly television actor who was A+ list for well over a decade because of that iconic role got him a male stripper/masseuse who umm worked out all the kinks. This wife, unlike his other more famous ex wife embraces the male loving side of the actor.

Blind Item #7

When this former A+ list tweener actress/singer, who has grown less popular as she has aged made a song which had a unique title to make it appear as if they were swearing, but not really. Anyway, both our former tweener and the producer wanted the directionally challenged rapper to appear on the song. He agreed as long as he got to sleep with the sister of the producer. Our rapper is on the song, so he got hat he wanted.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 26, 2018

This A list singer who used to do some acting as a tween/teen might not knowingly be milking a life event for press coverage, but her manager sure is and sends out pitches every day to tabloids and magazines and reporters trying to tie the two together.

Ariana Grande/Mac Miller

Blind Item #6

This former A- list singer turned celebrity/reality star/actress who sounds European is writing a book which will name names about all the men in recording studios who forced her to have sex when she was 15 or 16 and are still big names in the music industry.

Blind Item #5

The foreign born former singer turn drug addicted television host doesn't realize her group is a gimmick and people already got the reboot of the gimmick a few years back. No one wants to see them and it has nothing to do with ether the non singing one is there or not. Sorry you are so desperate for cash. You should cancel the tour because it is going to look bad with half filled arenas. The thing is though, you don't care as long as you get paid.

Blind Item #4

The alliterate celebrity who used to be an actress would love nothing more than to come to the States for the rest of her pregnancy. I told you before she was really pushing for a move to Canada and away from everything and she is telling friends there that she is hopeful she can move there. She sees no reason to stay overseas.

Blind Item #3

This former A- list model who also took a turn as the model of the day with Leo doesn't care about anything going on in life except for the yachting gig she is trying to turn into marriage.

Blind Item #2

I will say one thing. This A/A- list rapper who is a serial cheater despite what he might say when the person holding the puppet strings tells him what to say is not usually dumb enough to do something on a balcony. The momager called in every favor to every tabloid on and offline and what she should do is find a guy who won't cheat.

Blind Item #1

This fresh out of rehab former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress better watch herself. Yes, it is a relationship for some PR, but the guy is bad news and she needs to protect herself, both physically and emotionally.

Monday, December 03, 2018

Blind Item #14

You know, that permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor was complaining about how much his wife spent which is one reason they got divorced. So, I'm confused why the barely legal teen he is dating was using his credit card like crazy this weekend shopping up a storm. 

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

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One part today.

Busy Phillips wins the most unique look for running errands during the day award.
Faith Hill brought her daughter to the Versace show.
I'm guessing Judd Hirsch just made a joke about his wooden baton. Anne Hathaway does love a good wooden baton story.
I'm pretty sure someone should turn this Joason Momoa photo into a meme. The look on the two people surrounding him is screaming for this to be a meme.
Well, now I know what happened to the curtains at Julia Roberts' New Mexico house. I knew she didn't throw them away.
Malin Akerman giving marriage another shot, this time with Jack Donnelly who is not actually filming a Bob Geldof bopic. He just likes admires Bob's hair.
Nick Jonas with the Ghostbusters outfit he didn't get to wear at Halloween because he was too busy planning a wedding. Odds they ever consummate it?
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