Saturday, December 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 31, 2017

This former A- list singer/former television actress/sometime theatre actress was supposed to do a tribute to her idol for television but is so messed up right now from pills and drugs she would have sounded awful.

Brandy/Whitney Houston

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 24, 2018

A little revisionist history. This original actress yachter turned royal actually did want to continue acting after marriage but her husband wouldn't allow it. He knew she would cheat on him because she was not happy in the life she was being forced to live.

Grace Kelly/Prince Rainier Of Monaco

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 24, 2018

Don't believe the hype. These two royals are anything but bff. The alliterate one doesn't even want to try any longer to get along because the foreign one knows whats up and has been whispering in the ear of the husband of the alliterate one. So, the move out.

Meghan Markle/Kate Middleton/Prince Harry

Blind Item #8

It is pretty funny that this former escort turned actress turned celebrity turned reality star doesn't even share the same bedroom as the guy she calls her husband.

Blind Item #7

Actually everyone in the family is worried about the drug use of the celebrity offspring of the permanent A++ lister, but only because they are greedy jerks who want her to create a will so they get her money.

Blind Item #6

This alliterate bar star and one of her co-stars seemed to be in competition to see who could do the most coke.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born B+ list actress from a soon to be ending hit pay cable show might want to pay closer attention to her celebrity boyfriend. There is a porn star who says she has unprotected sex with him at least once a week. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 24, 2018

I don't know what the record label or anyone else who gave money to this project expected. The A- list serially cheating always wasted rapper with the reality star girlfriend was unable to do a good job of directing a music video. Huh, who would have thunk it.

Travis Scott/Kylie Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 24, 2018

Once again, this three named actress continues to amaze with her ability to make her own demands look like it is someone else causing all the issues in getting a third installment of a movie made. Does anyone really think that trashed actress is indispensable to a third film? You don't think they could find a niece or something and write the other person out? It is all about the money demands of the three named actress.

Sarah Jessica Parker/Kim Cattrall

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 24, 2018

If you go on the show of this A+ list talk show host, she will call and ask for special PR favors when needed. It is part of the deal you make when you agree to go on the show. No one who could ever be a possible detractor or in conflict with one of her positions is allowed to be a guest.


Blind Items Revealed #1

November 24, 2018

This married to the wrong person foreign born A- list actor who is on a soon to be ending hit pay cable show got a little too close to a yachter and now she is trying to blackmail him.

Kit Harrington

Blind Item #4

I wish this MTV star would just come out. No one believes his excuses any longer and that guy he imported from West Hollywood has basically moved next door to him. That guy talks and talks. 

Blind Item #3

This A+ list NBA athlete who is probably saying bye bye to this team after this season has a very very very long term girlfriend. He is also cheating with a groupie who travels to every road game with him. Well, meets him in the city. 

Blind Item #2 - Mr. X

This fake feud between the blogger and the A list singer turned actress is into its 18th years and people are bored. Plus, it just gives them an excuse to go after other celebrities/singers using the guise of the feud and blaming it on the other.

Blind Item #1

This one named north of the border talks a lot of talk but when it comes down to it, she is a bully and only interested in herself and what she can get from anyone who comes into her life. Makes the whole dating the rich narcissist thing understandable when it appeared to go against everything in her life. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Blind Item #14

This Academy Award winning/nominated director who will do some award season damage this year too is already cheating on his fairly new wife.

Blind Item #13

This magician tried to stiff two Russian escorts in a hotel outside the country. Then their pimp made a visit. A gun was produced. Our magician paid, plus interest for the trouble.

Blind Item #12

This former naked celebrity turned host turned actress turned celebrity turned host and her A- list dual threat celebrity/actor husband are on the outs. 

Blind Item #11

For once it wasn't Pete Davidson who was a wasted SNL cast member. This long time star on the show could barely talk because he was so wasted during an interview. They couldn't even air it because it was so bad.

Blind Item #10

I wonder if these two A listers (A & B) would still be best friends if A knew that B had sex with A's stepdaughter. 

Blind Item #9

Probably a B+ list actor. Dual threat, but you mainly see him on television. At this point in his long career, he mainly is doing voice work for shows. If you saw him, you would know him, but probably wouldn't know his name. He has some A+ listers who consider him to be their best friend. He also is getting a reputation around town as someone who drinks and then gropes and gets away with it because of who his friends are.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 18, 2017

Guess this A-/B+ list dual threat actress wants to get back into the football game. Not in the way she spent the past several years though. Recently she got this New England player alone and hooked up with him which she is hoping will move out the one year wonder he was dating. Funny how the one year wonder has done the same kind of work as our actress has done in the past.

Olivia Munn/Danny Amendola/Olivia Culpo

Four For Friday - Bad Band Behavior

Beginning Monday will be Reader Photos time. Each weekday I will post your photo in Random Photos leading up to Reveal Day on January 1st. If you want your photo posted here, then email it to

So, every so often I like to do a Bad Band Behavior post and as usual, these are ones I have personally witnessed.

#1 - This foreign born one named singer who should have stayed with that band we all love and hate him for leaving as well as for many other things once got angry at a venue manager and urinated all over his dressing room. It was an astonishing amount of urine and he got it everywhere. There is nothing that could probably have been saved furniture wise.

#2 - This brotherly duo who are still celebrities but, unlike two other groups that burst on the scene at the same time are not making music people want to listen to, used to have a game they played on tour. Breast Bingo. They had faceless pictures of all kinds of breasts on these poster sized bingo cards. They then would get fans to flash or let the band/crew members take photos. Whoever got matching breasts would then make a mark. The vote to allow the match had to be a majority. Sometimes the games would last one night and sometimes they would take a week.

#3 - The lead singer of this ska group which should have been two words even though they made it one and was the inspiration for probably the most famous ska band of all time which all of you know, used to carry a huge, thick, heavy wood walking stick/cane thing. One time a fan got up on stage and he took that walking stick/cane thing and jut started wailing on the guy for no reason. Just beating the crap out of him. I think people were so in shock that it took a good 30 seconds of blows before someone jumped in and stopped him.

#4 - This one named former A list heavy metal band who had their prime in the 90's were an actual metal band. Nothing that said hair metal. They were closer to death metal. Long before NXIVM did the branding thing, these guys were doing it. If they had sex with a groupie they would always want to brand her so other bands would know she had already been with someone from this band. They had a fairly successful rate. About half of the women said yes.

Your Turn

A movie/book/television show that most closely resembles your life.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 13, 2017

Of course the widow is up to no good. Of course she wants to spin the tale so it looks like she is the only one seeking answers. The proposed documentary is a chance to spin the narrative away from the greedy person she is who only wants fame and her deceased husband's fortune to someone who cares. No one buys it, but she thinks they do. Oh, and for those who saw the death certificate, don't worry. The address thing happens all the time like that. You don't want to make it easy for people to know the home address and come over all the time.

Vicky Karayiannis

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

October 11, 2017

Nothing is going to happen until this Teen Mom significant other puts the Teen Mom in the hospital. Even then she would probably take him back. The only help would be separation and for them both to be clean. Oh, and drug tests shmug tests. Prescriptions for her are her day to day. Crazy amounts of pills.

Jenelle Evans/UBT

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 13, 2017

She can spin all she likes, but this former singer turned reality star turned host/singer turned sometime singer celebrity from a celebrity family had a drug overdose. So, don't believe what she is spinning.

Tamar Braxton

Blind Item #8

It is interesting that this A list rapper is going to perform where she is in a couple of months considering how many secret videos her husband has of him having sex with a variety of women.

Blind Item #7

 Our favorite CEO has barely visited his factory lately.  He was there on the holiday itself, because his kids were with their mother.  His manic behavior, drug use, and BS talking have been even higher than usual for the past week or so.  Like always, there is a reason for this.  A major network TV show that you ALL know is scheduled to focus a very unflattering light in his direction.  When I watch his interview, I am already wondering if the makeup artists will be able to cover up his obvious coke bloat

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

October 10, 2017

One person who won't be calling out Harvey is this foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor who is still A list and normally puffy from booze. He and Harvey went looking for women all the time together.

Russell Crowe

Blind Item #6

Apparently the alliterate royal is going full on diva and lucky for us complains to her friends that she doesn't get enough respect and that she only wants to go to the fun events. She is convinced everyone of the staff hates her. They probably do. It wouldn't shock me if they end up moving to a different country for a couple of years. She is going to ask. She would love to live in Canada for a few years. 

Blind Item #5

Speaking of married and cheating, this B list mostly television actress is alliterate and still lives off the money she was paid by this married man to keep their affair quiet when she was his nanny. Hey, she also got a television show out of it too.

Blind Item #4

There is actually some question as to whether this former network reality star turned a different network reality star got secretly married to his network reality star girlfriend. In any event, they are still together which probably makes things awkward when he is cheating on her with a contestant on his new show.

Blind Item #3

With as wasted as she was, I don't think it was lost on any one in attendance that this A-/B+ celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister might pull a River Phoenix.

Blind Item #2

Even though it will only last long enough for her to find someone who can help her career, I do worry for the health of this former A- list superhero because our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer loves to party. Our former superhero needs to stay as far away from that as possible although drunk dialing the A list ex would maybe spark something.

Blind Item #1

I don't think that accusing the person who bearded for you as a favor really likes to be accused of cheating but that is what this A list reality star from multiple shows on the same cable channel is doing. He better be careful or she might take him to court and that whole charade will end.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Blind Item #14

If you are in the Baltimore, MD area and are thinking about signing up your child with a talent agency, there is one out there you might want to skip. That is of course, you don't mind seeing a picture of your child next to a picture of an escort who is also an "actress." Yes, see this agency got the bright idea they could hide their escorts in plain sight with this little gimmick and be seemingly legit.

Their big downfall is they didn't change the name from when they went from the escort agency to the talent agency. They just initialized the former name. Plus, they didn't change the phone number or the address. 

Blind Item #13

This foreign born A list singer apparently got too rough with a male escort he hired for the evening. The thing is, he compounded his trouble by threatening him if he tried to tell anyone or violate the NDA he signed. It was not until our singer's friend stepped in that things calmed and some money exchanged hands and the escort went on his way.

Blind Item #12

Ahhh, it has been awhile since I trashed this Ryan Seacrest wannabe/serial cheater. Once again, he decided that his wife was trying to get too much fame of her own so he made her stay out of several endorsement photos which she was asked to do with him. Such a tool.

Blind Item #11

This A+/A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee spent his Thanksgiving Eve doing lines of coke at a club.

Blind Item #10

After so many starts and stops because of her past substance abuse issues and networks saying it was not the right time, this former A list "singer"/reality star got another shot at a reality show and bombed. Her actor/offspring husband has his own thing going so doesn't really care, but the wife is crushed. 

Blind Item #9

This A-/B+ list mostly television actor was on a now defunct long running cable show and is now in a reboot of a city kind of show. Anyway, he is in danger of being fired because he won't stop trying to sign up people for the cult he belongs to.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 10, 2017

The foreign born former A list boy bander wasn't willing to leave his drugs for that long, but his on again/off again celebrity/model managed to extricate herself for a few hours to attend a life event.

Zayn Malik/Gigi Hadid/Bella's birthday

Today's Blind Items - Kidnapped

Earlier this month, I had a chance to sit down with a retired road manager to a permanent foreign based A++ list group which seemingly will never end touring despite what have seemed like endless proclamations that this one will be the last and then next one is the last. Whatever. If you can sell out stadiums, then keep on keeping on. We talked a lot and I got many many blinds to last for years, but one that I was most interested in asking him, he did confirm. I had always heard rumors, but I wondered hat happened after. So, there were two women who were best friends who came to a show by this group. They were already one of the biggest groups on the planet. This is many decades ago. The two women told the band they had each just dumped their boyfriends to go on this trip to see the band who were playing in a European country. The two women were from a differing European country. Anyway, the women hooked up with a couple different band members and the next morning they set out to do some sightseeing before they went back to their country and their lives and jobs. The thing is though, the band members wanted them to stay and wouldn't let them leave. The first day it was kind of funny and the women agreed. By the second day it had grown troublesome and then finally at day four or five, they were basically forced to stay and had someone watching them 24/7. They were kept away from phones which would have been the only way to communicate. They had their passports taken. They basically became forced sex slaves for this band and whoever the band decided the women should sleep with. This went on for almost two months. When the band finished their European tour they were headed home for a break before heading out on the next leg. What to do with the two women? Apparently one of the road managers was made responsible for them and he took them to his house where he kept them for about three days. One night when he was trying to have a threesome with them, they ganged up on him and got away. Naked. When I asked this (different) road manager about the aftermath he said the band fired the road manager which is how he got hired but that no one ever heard from the two women. No police came. No one knows what happened to them. Not one peep ever. I said that I found that kind of odd. He agreed and he thinks the band fired him not for letting them go, but maybe that he disposed of them in a permanent way and that the threesome and escaping story is just a story.

Your Turn

If you had the choice would you do a ski vacation or beach vacation or stay home and sleep?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 22, 2018

I know they want some ratings but what is the point of having a televised wedding between this A list reality star with a lucrative side gig and her never ending cheating boyfriend. It will end in divorce. Eventually one of the handful of women he sleeps with each week will break an NDA or get pregnant. The whole thing will come down like a house of cards which of course would make yet another season of the show.

Kylie Jenner/Travis Scott

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 22, 2018

This former tweener turned A- list adult singer is an ongoing feud with this former A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list adult singer. Apparently, despite their long time friendship she has been calling out his fake relationship because she knows the truth. He then started arguing what she does, is exactly the same and things have not been the same since.

Demi Lovato/Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 21, 2018

Kneepads did a kiss butt piece on the A- list star of this biopic and has one ready to go for the director too. Money talks and also the head of the ultimate parent organization is best friends with the protector of the director.

Rami Malek/Bryan Singer/David Geffen

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor is married to someone higher on the list. He has a collection of child porn that he thought he was sharing with a fellow collector, but turned out to be someone who has told the FBI, who are now investigating.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- mostly movie comic actress was convinced a recent outing with her similarly listed husband was a precursor to a divorce announcement. She knows about the long time mistress.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 21, 2018

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress from a very hit show which is ending has had a disastrous movie career when she has been given the chance to be a lead. She did land a boyfriend. The thing is though, she didn't tell her long time boyfriend about the new one. When he did find out, they split.

Natalie Dormer

Blind Item #6

This former A/A- list mostly television actress who had a run on a couple of hit network shows is selling off everything she owns because no one will hire her and her get rich quick schemes have burned through most of her cash. If she wasn't so controversial, maybe the former reality star could get a job.

Blind Item #5

What would have been unthinkable a few years ago is being talked about at this cable network. The end of the show that has seemingly gone on forever starring people that seem to go on forever.

Blind Item #4

Because murder has no statute of limitations, police have reopened an investigation into these murders from over two decades ago. Every single one of you and your parents and grandparents knows about these murders. Apparently there was an accomplice.

Blind Item #3

You know how Jada Pinkett Smith used to never have end an interview without talking about her wonderful sex life with Will and how we never believed it. This foreign born closeted A+ list mostly movie actor is doing the same thing when talking about his wife.

Blind Item #2

She is fading into irrelevance as she continues on the yachting circuit, but this controversial one season wonder from that family of network of shows did manage to turn her one season stint into multiple seasons. She is also lying about being all natural.

Blind Item #1

This former A list mostly television actor who walked away from a hit show which is still on the air several years later is cheating on his long suffering wife again. Hopefully this one doesn't kill herself like an earlier mistress did.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Blind Item #14

I really thought she was clean. Turns out she is using meth again in a big way. I am speaking of this former tween actress from back in the day to not a whole lot until her old show was rebooted. Usually when she starts up with meth again she either gets pregnant or married.

Blind Item #13

Usually this one named closeted permanent A list singer goes to a hotel when he is going to hook up with another guy. He feels like he can control the situation more. Apparently though, he found a guy he likes and took the chance a couple of nights ago and invited him to his house in LA. Hopefully there was lots of protection involved.

Blind Item #12

This soon to be A+ list mostly movie actor/superhero is married, but it hasn't stopped that Instagram model from tagging along with him on his press tour.

Blind Item #11

OK, this royalty took the whole play for pay to a whole new level not even Meghan Markle could imagine. Not only did he drop about $4M in cash and gifts in the less than two years he dated his now wife, he also gave her family $5M as a wedding gift. Considering his first wife lives in fear for her life, good luck with that marriage.

Blind Item #10

Our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer not only got a dress for free to wear, she got them to pay her $25K to wear it. She can wear whatever she wants to wear, but my question is who is financing all of this? There is no consistent income stream from sales of the line because of all the negative publicity. It was not exactly making huge bucks before and had to be subsidized. Maybe they think this award season is their last shot.

Blind Item #9

Apparently this former A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show turned not getting a lot of roles turned A- lister again with another hit show which is ending soon is being groomed to take over the leadership of that cult you all know. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 21, 2018

The convicted child molester has been telling people in jail that he has a plan in place to skip out of the country if he is granted bail. His country of choice is Cuba. He says his plan is to play a show in Miami and and be on a plane and out of the country before anyone can catch him.


Today's Blind Items - The Settlement

Was she a big named actress? No, but she never really had a chance to hit it big. She was starting out and she landed a huge part right out of the gate. Not big, but in a very big movie. That is the kind of credit that looks great when you are going into castings. At the time she was beginning her acting career, she also was dating this permanent A list musician/songwriter. Even back then, which is a couple decades ago he was still permanent A list. He has been in and out of the news the past year or so. Our permanent A lister has always had a temper and has always exhibited behavior that is violent when drunk, and specifically towards women. In other words, this is not a guy you want to date or be with. The thing is though, when you are who he is and are in the permanent A list group he was in and out of, women don't see or hear that. They should. It was more difficult to hear about it back then because of a lack of social media and what not. Anyway, our actress was dating him and he had too much to drink at a party. He shouldn't have been walking, let alone driving. Our actress was in the passenger seat when our singer totaled the car. The actress nearly died at the scene and then again at the hospital. She was permanently disfigured from the accident. Our actor never faced any charges. None of this ever made the news. The actress never worked again and, in return for a very very large settlement is not allowed to discuss the events of the night or her relationship with the singer/songwriter/musician. He is also not allowed to discuss it, but I really wish a reporter would at least give it a shot. He ruined the life of someone and has never had to answer for it. 

Your Turn

Which one was your first phone?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 21, 2018

He paid her the first time he had sex with her. He broke up with his long time girlfriend to be with her and is continuing to pay her, this time by the month. Now, they are headed to a guy who says he "owns her rights," and our A list rapper is going to buy her out permanently. This is a classic example of someone hitting the big time by yachting.

Post Malone

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 21, 2018

That foreign born fighting A list athlete is always cheating on his significant other. One of those other women got pregnant and the athlete is trying to block her/remove her from social media so no one discovers it.

Conor McGregor

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 21, 2018

I don't know who the father of the baby is, but it sure isn't this former A- list tweener turned slow moving train wreck of an adult.

Aaron Carter

Blind Item #8

Apparently the rash of cancellations of A list singers is stemming from that fact the uppers they take to get through a tour have been contaminated with something that is giving them awful infections in their throat and lungs. One thing it has shown is who is getting their questionably legal drugs from the same source.

Blind Item #7

This former Housewife may indeed return. However, she thinks the show needs her more than they actually do. She wants a raise from the last time she is on. If the producers do take her back, it will be at half the salary she previously made. She won't take that. She needs it desperately but won't take it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 21, 2018

This alliterate talk show host needs rehab. The holiday break would be perfect but she wants to spend time with her family. Therefore, we are probably looking at a substitute host situation again.

Wendy Williams

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly television actor has proven time and time again that if you hire him, you will regret it. Producers keep doing it anyway and then seem shocked when they are on the receiving end of an almost daily berating about things they could be doing better. The actor will scream at anyone and is miserable to work with. 

Blind Item #5

After the backlash this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor received for supporting this sexual assaulter who is a co-star, there is no way the sexual assaulter will be in a third installment of a superhero movie. The studio will eat the contract. 

Blind Item #4

What is not mentioned in the real estate listing but an inspection found before a buyer backed out during escrow is that this house and property has nearly 1,000 cameras installed by its previous owner. It also has several rooms which have reinforced doors which are being touted as part of a panic room type thing. Nope. They are meant to keep people in rather than keeping people out.

Blind Item #3

This three named actor who will always be associated with an A+ list creation of his was featured in an article for a monthly magazine. The reporter wanted to call it Ego Ego Ego but the editor and powers that be killed that idea and made it a puff piece rather than what it started out as.

Blind Item #2

Apparently this three named actress and us have differing ideas of what is a beautiful script. I don't think many of us think the idea of a step mom and her underage teen step son having sex or implying it, sounds all that beautiful. Perhaps it is best the on again/off again sequel isn't getting made.

Blind Item #1

This married permanent A list singer who hasn't had a hit in decades doesn't seem the type but he is definitely exploring all of the various offerings on board the mogul's yacht.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Blind Item #14

Apparently this former A list mostly movie actress from a franchise who has dropped to A-/B+ list got into a knockdown drag out fight with her significant other and our actress bruised the significant other to the point they had to take off work for a week.

Blind Item #13

She didn't know it, but after losing a bet, this former A list superhero who doesn't act any longer let two friends watch him have sex with his girlfriend. She thought they were recording it, but it was actually live.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list mostly movie actor is still A+ list right now and is still paying this foreign born reality star from a very popular UK show a monthly retainer to fly here to the States whenever he wants to be with her. Lately she has been staying at his place in LA almost full-time.

Blind Item #11

This celebrity offspring is one of the least known members of this family, but does have the best name. Anyway, he has been carrying a gun with him and his ex knows and has been taking precautions.

Blind Item #10

I'm sure the significant other of the man this former stripper turned naked celebrity turned multiple reality star turned now celebrity again after a show cancellation is falling in love with would be shocked to know she is being cheated on.

Blind Item #9

It is not so much the fact that this A- list actress who was on a now defunct long running network television show did the whole fake date thing with her husband, it is that he told a friend that he was being paid to be there and had no idea he would be even going until her PR people called him and said he needed to be there.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 20, 2018

The foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee does realize she is dating a serial cheater disguised as an actor right? I mean, he will literally hit on any woman who shows the slightest interest in him. I hope she doesn't think he can be faithful for longer than a few days at a time.

Naomi Watts/Billy Crudup

Today's Blind Items - Money Money Money

Along the Gulf Coast in all the little beach towns there are hundreds upon hundreds of pseudo big box stores that sell all kinds of beachwear and beach items to the general public. Are they needed? Sure. Are there about 30-40 times too many for what is necessary? Yes. The thing is though, there are purportedly three different companies that run these stores. The truth is there is only one shell company that runs them all. A shell company that uses these companies to launder money. There is so much product in each of these stores and only a fraction of it is ever sold because there are far too many of them for the number of consumers. They don't care though and keep building more and more because they are money laundering machines. So, you might be asking, why do I care? Well, because one of the founders of it is a very famous manager of talent that all of you know. That manager has one very big client and one lesser known client all of you know who are very very close to the manager. Both of those clients launder their money through this front. As this became more known, more celebrities wanted in on it which necessitated building more and more of these stores to the point there is almost no room to put them in the towns any longer so now they are building them "in anticipation of people moving there." So, yeah, they are building them where no one even lives. Porn companies wanted in on it so the manager brought them in on it, especially because he is an investor in at least two dozen porn companies which his two most famous clients know nothing about. Apparently things have become a little dicey over the past few months because some drug money has moved their way in and they would like to take over the nearly thousand stores but don't want to pay a fair rate and are making threats against the manager and the talent.

Your Turn

As you get older, do you have less deja vu?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 20, 2018

Dating for this former A+ list mostly movie comic actor who got his start on television is hitting up a private, members only website and ordering a woman to come to his place for a few hours.

Jim Carrey

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 20, 2018

How long has it been since you heard this former almost A- list mostly movie actress walking out of a store with something that doesn't belong to her. It used to be an everyday thing back in the day. Apparently it happened this weekend, but she says it is all a misunderstanding and that the owners didn't call the police. She just forgot to take out a pair of earrings she tried on before walking out of the store.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 20, 2018

I don't know why this foreign born alliterate A- list dual threat actress would be surprised at being accused of harassment. When one sends hundreds of texts a day and makes a couple dozen phone calls, that sounds a lot like harassment. The thing is though, it is really starting to make producers and studio nervous about the interviews our actress is going to have to undertake as part of her new role.

Ruby Rose/Jessica Origliasso

Blind Item #8

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is going through some rough patches the past few years attended an out of country bachelor party where none of the strippers or "entertainment" was anywhere near legal age here in the US.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born three named actress who is an A-/B+ list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee who has stopped taking her meds. When she does that, thing spiral out of control in a hurry. Her family confronted her this weekend and she threatened them before taking off.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 20, 2018

This A- list rapper/author/composer is posting photos to his social media of clearly underage girls in sexual positions with “i love ______” written on their hands and feet. People are supporting it and asking for the names of the girls.

Lil B

Blind Item #6

This foreign born former A- list singer turned permanent A- list celebrity is convinced her permanent A list celebrity husband is cheating on her. He is, but she can't seem to catch him and is desperately trying. It is one of the reasons she didn't accept a recent gig.

Blind Item #5

With the money going out way more than the money coming in, this A/A- list rapper needs every penny of income she can find so doesn't like people bad mouthing her decision to try and make money the same way as Instagram models.

Blind Item #4

This foreign born former A- list singer turned mainly reality judge/coke abuser seems to be revising her past. She thinks an old relationship was a fairy tale gone wrong. She threatened to kill her permanent A list ex multiple times and when she got pregnant had said before she feared for her own life. 

Blind Item #3

This former MTV star has gun targets that are actually pictures of black men.

Blind Item #2

This A- list mostly movie comic actress put out the word she would be in the yachting capitol and thought she might get a nibble or some interest. She got none. She went into the whole thing thinking she might nab a boyfriend or husband, but no one was interested.

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. Just like all of the other items in that vault, the collection of sex tapes featuring this now deceased permanent A list celebrity are still around and not going anywhere.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Blind Item #14

This A list singer who used to do some acting as a tween/teen might not knowingly be milking a life event for press coverage, but her manager sure is and sends out pitches every day to tabloids and magazines and reporters trying to tie the two together.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor is married. Apparently his wedding vows did not keep him from having a one night stand with a co-star while doing press outside the country.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list singer who had his best days a few decades ago still fronts the band that made him famous. He says he was intentionally poisoned by someone posing as a caterer who left immediately after administering it in some food.

Blind Item #11

Almost too obscure to make it into the blinds, but this former B- list reality star who was on an ensemble show featuring the former yachter turned stay at home apologist for her skeevy rich serial cheating boyfriend who has a celebrity offspring decided to take back her serial cheating husband. I'm not sure why she did, but she should know he is still cheating on her.

Blind Item #10

After reading the interview with this foreign born A list singer, I think he came across as a guy who wants to come out of the closet, but doesn't know how because his team wants him to do one thing and his heart is telling him another. He just is not good with beards and doesn't know what to do so it all looks fake. His team needs to realize that.

Blind Item #9

Almost a year ago, I told you about the foreign born one named singer who roamed around the A list for a bit hooking up with the then attached music producer. She denied it and said it just wasn't true. Well, if it wasn't true then why does the former A- list writer/actress still hate the one named singer. Yeah, thought so. 

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month - A Himmmm Blind Item

October 9, 2017

This blind is classic Himmmm. I thought I would leave it in situ so to speak just leaving the names blank and providing a brief clue about each.

Did you also know that _________________ (former child actress turned A lister turned doesn't act any longer) grandfather (actor) was given a s**t-ton of stock from Jack Warner as part of his profit-sharing deal in the late 1920s? It makes those family feuds they had and still have make much more sense now. And when ________________ (silent film actress) and the grandfather split up, SHE got the shares. And through ALL the sell-offs, mergers, buyouts, etc. those shares were NEVER sold! Jack Warner – who apparently f**ked the lovely silent film actress - had them converted to Seven Arts stock; then the family lawyers had them converted to Kinney National stock (aka Steve Ross' Mafia family); then those stocks were split and converted into Warner Communications stock.  The silent film actress was actually the third largest shareholder in Warner's back when Jack ripped off his brothers. And after the former A lister was legally emancipated her lawyers got control of those shares, which were split and given par value through the Time-Warner deals, AOL deals, etc.

Today, the former A lister is the majority owner of two shell companies that control those minority limited partnership shares and the voting stock power. Yet, she's not even involved in her production company having any deals at WB. Seems odd. So other people are proxies for her and her company. Proxies also representing other families. It's quite an amazing maze.  Oh yeah, those smart lawyers for the silent film actress and later for the former A lister? A legal legend named Sidney Korshak. Google him. Quite the legend himself. He greased the wheels for the mob in Hollywood.

Drew Barrymore/John Barrymore/Dolores Costello

Today's Blind Items - Government Cooperation

Many decades ago there was a famous UFO author/researcher/filmmaker who also remarkably enough also was the creator of a long lasting children's show that is still referenced today. He wrote it and wrote the music and was quite the polar opposite from his UFO passion. Apparently someone in the government was a fan of the show and when he realized what the creator's main passion was decided to help him out. He gave the creator access to all of the government UFO files and film footage in order to film a documentary. At some point, a higher up found out what was going on but decided it would cause more of a stink to stop everything, so they let it proceed - with one caveat. The film footage the government was going to allow him to use and which he had seen was not going to be allowed in the movie. It basically killed any chance the documentary would be a success because the whole premise of it was leading up to the footage which apparently was jaw dropping.

Fast forward a decade and the creator reconnects with a movie producer. This producer has done some things, but is mainly known for being the sibling of a permanent A++ list director who at the time was an A+ list director but still fairly new to the business. The UFO guy and the A+ list director had worked on a film together a few years earlier where our UFO guy told some tales, but the director really didn't believe it all. Anyway, the UFO guy and the producer reconnect and start working on a movie that was so cheap it shared a set with a movie that featured the exact same plot line with different actors filmed a few years earlier. The thing is though, the UFO guy told the producer the same stories he had told the director a few years earlier. This time though, he dropped a bombshell. He had made a copy of the film the government gave him to use. He had taken a film camera and secretly filmed the scene when it was showing on a screen from a projector manned by a military officer.

Our UFO guys shows the footage to the producer who then gets her sibling to view it. The director decides he is going to use the footage in a new movie he is set to make. The government finds out about the footage and cuts a deal with the director. They will give him access to things he can use in all his films whether it is money or technology or ideas the government is working on. He can see the prototypes and incorporate them into his movies. It is why he has always focused on science and the future and aliens and the paranormal in addition to family fare. Apparently as part of the deal, he does have a copy of that footage. A clear copy.

Your Turn

Are you buying/have you bought anything online today?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 19, 2018

The confrontational stance taken by this former tweener turned A- list adult singer shows me she i not quite right yet after her near death experience and I'm not convinced she is clean.

Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 19, 2018

Now that one rapist is off the street, the next step is to get this celebrity serial rapist off the street. I have written about him about before and he hasn't slowed down at all. The thing is that now he has the support of the foreign born A+ list singer/rapper/former actor who also supported Tekashi and also enjoys underage women. Our serial rapist is also being given support by the former A+ list rapper who also supported Tekashi and thinks of the serial rapist as a best friend and protege. Women everywhere have complained and called him out by name when it comes to rape, but the people mentioned above tell women he is OK and then they end up getting raped too.

Ian Connor/Drake/Kanye West

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 19, 2018

This former A/A- list mostly television actress who loves to sing can't get work. Apparently she made the wrong people mad and was already basically blacklisted by her former boss after she said some things when he wouldn't hire her for a big series.

Lea Michele

Blind Item #8

This former A- list mostly television actress from a hit movie franchise and multiple hit network television shows did a recent endorsement kind of shoot but was dying laughing. She was supposed to find things on a store shelf and then randomly be photographed with them. The thing is though, the store didn't like any of the items so went to a different store and bought items for the shoot.

Blind Item #7

A few months ago, prior to the release of this movie I told you about a fake relationship between two co-stars in this biopic. Apparently the actress in this wants out as her real boyfriend is getting upset and she even started posting photos of the two together. Our actor's people though are really pressing hard to keep the showmance going throw award season.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 19, 2018

One person not sweating the feds investigation into some rappers is this directionally challenged one. He knows that the people he works with have paid off the right people so he never has to panic about anything.

French Montana

Blind Item #6

Apparently this married A/A- list mostly movie actor ALL of you know used the stem of a wine bottle with a fan he was hooking up with in a hotel he met at an event. The stem broke and they had to rush to an emergency room.

Blind Item #5

These parents started off well with making sure their A-/B+ list offspring stayed away from possible predators, but they have really started to slack off and the offspring has been seen at dinners and at parties with men double and triple her age.

Blind Item #4

Apparently an executive was fired from this very very very large company for making sure this former commercial model turned reality star/yachter was hired. Yes, there had been a casting couch. No, he wasn't fired for the casting couch action but because no one knew who the actress was after being told a big star was headlining the event.

Blind Item #3

This permanent A list mostly movie actress didn't want to do another installment of a hit show but was persuaded after a big time effort. Apparently the experience was even worse the second time around, so I am not sure what it would take to ever get a third installment. 

Blind Item #2

This closeted permanent A list mostly movie actor tried to hit on this foreign born closeted permanent A list athlete from a corner of the sports world but the athlete was having none of it because he feared they would be caught.

Blind Item #1

This B- list host/reality star was always being busted cheating but his partner kept forgiving him. He shouldn't have because the host dumped him for someone younger. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Anniversary Month

October 6, 2017

She swears she never slept with Harvey. I have known her about as long as any actress of any significance. I believe her. She has never been A+ list but has been A. Very tall. Oscar nominee/winner. I have written about her a lot. She said that Harvey had nude scenes of her spliced together and also other actresses. He would sit in his office and watch them on a loop and then have sex with actresses while the loop of the actresses played in the background.

Uma Thurman

Blind Items Revealed #6 - Anniversary Month

October 6, 2017

You would go out with someone too if you were being paid almost 10K a week by an organization to stay by his side 24/7 and not let him leave the group. Heck, the someone in question here writes a check every week which just about covers the salary and brings in hundreds of people more all willing to give a ton of money.

Justin Bieber/Madison Beer

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 5, 2017

This once not so nice A- list singer is a mess of pills and booze she combines every day. She needs therapy but for some reason the people close to her think it will hurt her career if anyone finds out. So, they just enable her which is going to eventually destroy her.

Ariana Grande

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor may never be able to fully recover from taking that book turned franchise. He certainly hates that he was a part of it. Anyway, he is hooking up with someone other than his wife and told the mistress he wants a fresh start in everything.

Blind Item #7

This troubled celebrity offspring who has been used and abused since her early teens because of her hands off parents who lived their own lives recently had another abortion. Apparently it is her third or fourth. 

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who has lost some shine over the past year or so, also directs. She was in her element this week with the married cabinet member she sees every time she flies to this country.

Blind Item #5

Always interesting when a celebrity offspring in a family of offspring ALL of you know including your grandparents if you go by last name anyway, is calling out the foreign born former A+ list tweener for his love of 14 and 15 year old girls and how he tried to get the offspring to join in with him for the sex. It wouldn't shock me if the offspring has receipts too. If you read the site, then you know I wrote about the same thing about five years ago, but the former tweener would have them come to wherever he was living. No one will do anything about it. 

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 3, 2017

This B+ list model/wannabe actress with the impossible name loves to say she has a long time boyfriend but she was sucking face with some random European guy the other day and you could tell it was just a preliminary round.

Emily Ratajkowski (and then she cheated on him with her current husband)

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

October 1, 2017

This former naked celebrity turned brief reality star turned stay at home wife is already spending nights at her significant other's house. She sometimes did the same thing when her husband was alive. It has been the same guy for years and years.

Crystal Harris Hefner

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 1, 2017

I'm not sure how she did it, but this former A- list mostly movie actress who had a franchise in movies and now has that garbage television one snagged a paying customer after a gig last week. Apparently he was a long time fan. He might be reconsidering after she dropped $20K on his credit card at a jewelry store a couple of days ago.

Tara Reid (and he did dump her when he got the bill)

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 18, 2018

Usually by now, the scary low demand ticket sales begin to rise for this permanent A list "singer." It isn't happening though. The casino will make sure not to have her look bad and will make sure every show is sold out, but they won't do it again for another run so this might be it for the residency.

Britney Spears

Blind Item #4

The former one year wonder turned hopeful reality star after her casting couch debut is taking her favorite threesome partner/actress and spending time with men other than the significant other of the actress.

Blind Item #3

Out of the public eye, this minor celebrity with the spy/possible killer? wife is afraid what will happen to him. My guess is he will be fine, but that the time he is away will be used for planning on how to remove him permanently. 

Blind Item #2

The wheels move slowly in the weekly tabloid world. The times, they are changing for this alliterate former actress turned A+ list celebrity. They are sending out trial balloons through some of their outlets that are challenging the official timeline of when she split with one guy and started dating her current husband. Within the next few months they will accuse her of cheating. Will they ever accuse her of getting paid to date her current husband? They probably won't go that far.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A+/A list rapper needs some funding for a new music video or two and doesn't want to pay her half. So, she is doing a little yachting out of the country that will pay for the videos and more.